
Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
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OK, there falling from the sky. If it was a sickness, they wouldn't have died all at once in the same area. I have never seen a bird fly into anything except a glass window or an extremely fast moving object like my car or an aeroplane.
So what does that leave? A possible shift in the earth's magnetic field? A super secret death ray sat. of some country that has gone berserk? Possible toxic chemical accidentally released? Possible laser ground based weapons reflected by a sat. reflector. It's a secret, but this has happened before during secret star war testing. OK lets hear your theories!

too many, but, some country that has gone berserk ?

Definately Not "foreign".

Killing a few Thousand birds Dosn't hurt us.
they would use it on us.

They would test it on Birds in their own country where
they are safer.

Personally I think the Birds knew about the shift of the balance of power in Washington and decided to off themselves............ :wink: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Ok Ok I know we aren't supposed to post political things here, but I am TOTALLY being sarcastic.

I agree with Jeff. I think if it were a foreign power, they would have opened up on some citizens of the good Ol U.S. to let those in power know what they could do......

The article that I read stated "multiple blunt trauma to their vital organs" and "they died in midair, not upon impact with the ground."

I don't know if the info in the article is opinion or fact. There were tornados in the area recently that were very unseasonal and atmospheric pressure was pretty messed up. I don't know how or if the air pressure effects birds but I know it has a huge effect on fish. I'm just guessing but I believe it was weather related. Although a new terrorist death ray space weapon would get a lot more headlines.


savant365 said:
The article that I read stated "multiple blunt trauma to their vital organs" and "they died in midair, not upon impact with the ground."

Doesn't this mean that they died and then suffered the blunt trauma after death upon contact with the ground...?

No they were pretty specific that the birds died prior to making contact with the ground. Im sure they have ways of telling this stuff but don't ask me how they know.....

Aflockalypse ! :tongue3:

Seriously though.....

LeAnn White, a wildlife disease specialist at the U.S. Geological Survey, said bird kills occur more frequently than the public realizes. The USGS database contains at least 16 cases in the last 20 years of large numbers of blackbirds dying in contained areas.

The most likely explanation for what caused the birds to plunge from the Arkansas sky is sudden trauma. Roosting birds probably panicked at the sound of holiday fireworks, flew into a frenzy and then crashed into each other at high speeds, scientists say.

The above makes sense due to the evidence and witness testimony.
The birds were strewn over a mile area and some were still alive when they hit the ground and were seen flying into things. Redwing blackbirds have very poor night vision and if startled off the roost by the thousands at night could explain the injuries.


Ok, thanks. GG's explanation sounds plausible...otherwise I was thinking an acoustic weapon that could possibly inflict internal injuries.

Well doing some additional research I came across the articles below and included the links. Funny thing these articles are one above the other. Additional article about closing down the primary runway at Tampa international due to a magnetic shift, so they have to rename the runway, it changed the runway by one degree from 180 / 360 to 190 / 010. I have been in the Air Force for 24 years as a flight engineer and this is the first time I have heard of them having to change runway designations due to magnetic shift. Also have also noticed additional articles of fish and bird deaths in other areas around the world same time period. We also had a large fish / sealife die off last week, but didn't see anything in the news. I live in the Tampa bay area, and I contributed the die off to the extreme cold temperatures we had the last few weeks. Now with all the news articles it makes me wonder???
Here are the titles and links: From
UFO strikes. A military death ray. Or the coming of Armageddon. Why ARE thousands of birds falling from the sky?
Shift in magnetic north pole affects... Tampa airport

Frankly, this story reeks, to me, of the sort of "unexplained phenomenon" that later turns out—with much less fanfare—to have an extremely mundane explanation. It's making headlines now, but I would be surprised if this is important to anyone within a few months (except a few conspiracy theorists, and the publishers of books about ostensibly unexplained phenomena).

It sounds cooler and neater and more mysterious than it probably, actually is,” said Gary Graves, a Smithsonian curator of birds, “and that’s from a professional viewpoint.” Graves has worked at the Smithsonian for 25 years, where he researches all things pertaining to birds.
When Graves first heard about the blackbird deaths, he didn’t think much of it. He still doesn’t. “The blackbirds are considered a nuisance, especially in the south where large winter roosts occur,” said Graves, who grew up in Little Rock. Blackbirds are protected under the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. But, in large numbers, they can be noisy, messy and destructive. When this occurs, roosts may be disrupted passively—using loud noises to scare the birds away—or directly. Depredation permits can be issued, allowing for a certain number of birds to be killed. But “semi-unexplained” bird kills, even in the thousands, are not infrequent in the world of ornithology. “There are hundreds of thousands to millions of birds in one roost,” said Graves, “So, percentage wise, a few thousand out of a few million is not much.”

The unusual thing, according to Graves, is not that thousands of blackbirds died, but rather where they were found. “If it had happened in some crop land outside of town and not in people’s yards, nobody would have noticed it in the first place,” he said.

But people did notice. And as the official investigation continues, so does the speculation. “People’s imaginations are running wild,” Graves said. Theories range from “the really sublimely ridiculous,” like flying saucers and top-secret government weapons, to slightly more feasible explanations, like: weather, fireworks, or “fracking, a strange thing where they pump high pressure air into the ground to crack rocks to release gas from natural gas formation.” But no one knows conclusively what happened.

I got that term off the internet It's not mine. :read2:

Anyway, now there seems to be way too many sudden animal deaths than what can be attributed to the official explanations.
The fact that the magnetic pole is moving toward Russia at an increasing rate, to me is reason for some concern.

I'm surprised there has not been more in the media about it. Pole reversal will create much more havoc than we are easily going to be able to cope with. Especially with the perfect storm of the other predicted natural events that we have no control over that are due to coincide within the next couple of years.


I Still wonder about the Preasure on the
earth every time they sent a Shuttle up.

Perhaps instead of Admitting they twisted the earth

They just decided to stop sending them from here

Maybe the birds hit the Debt Ceiling before Congress had a chance to raise it . :wink:

I love the latest explanation being put out by the media.

"These types of events happen all the time, just in areas where no one sees them or finds the carcasses." "this is nothing to be concerned about"

I wondered if they ate a bunch of berries off some trees or bushes that poisoned them some way or something
else that they ate from a particular area. Just a thought.


They could be old birds (covered under Obama care)

Hello Everyone! I haven't posted a while because I have gotten back into building plastic models to relieve my stress of life!

Well, here is my conclusions on the bird/fish deaths;

10. The fish and birds all got a hold of Uncle Johns liquor cabinet and got a hold of his moonshine.
9. The fish/birds were out minding their own business and all of a sudden got scared and had heart attacks.
8. The fish/ birds decided that the end was near and commited suicide.
7. The fish/birds thought it would be a good time to start excercising and concentrate on being more healthy and over did it.
6. The fish/birds swam/flew into a severe thunderstorm and drowned.
5. The fish/birds lost all motor skills and swam/crashed into each other.
4. The fish/birds thought they would play dead as a joke.
3. The fish/birds had massive trauma because the water/oxygen went off grid for a while due to magnetic change.
2. The fish/birds spirits were taken by aliens.
and the number 1 reason the fish birds had their demise!

The elderly fish/birds were rejected by Obamas new health care system and thier medications to keep them alive were not covered under the new bill!

Sorry, I just had to make a David Letterman type joke about it. I know it isn't funny!

I think that there has something to do with something biblical towards the end is near. I can't think of where it is exactly, but there is a mention of disease and famine amongst animals and humans, unless, Uncle Stupid and his Nazi clan across the sea, decide to test out some new potent stuff all at the same time.

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