Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Morning St Jerome, You posted-->None of those 'duche bags' are going to find nothing but some old bottle caps and rusty boot nails. Maybe an old shell and some new ones
Fascinating use of words jerome, sheesh.

Incidently I didn't help elimininate the Nazis, just the Japanese, but I certainly don't expect the world to grovel at my feet. It was just something that I, and millions of others, like your grandfather, just had to do.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live , not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

HI DE, now about this ritual ?????? Can St Jerome demonstrate it for us? Just scientifically interested you understand.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live , not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
DE, you posted --> RD i exspect these things from the others .. not from you .. !

Sniff, I am actually a very secluded, Chaste, Saint. - not fanatical on the chaste part though, but, sigh.

As for the esoteric, paranormal factors, yes, from both personal experiences, and years of fascinating, intensive investigation.

Yesterday's paraormal is todays normal, todays paraormal is tomorrrows normal, and on.

Bb is strictly an aematur, native American,brujo, but he tries.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

" aematur"
go hug your mule !

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Ah ......... what a secret scientific sect? Why not a secret political sect? Why not a religious sect?

Ah ...... whay scientific ...........

What was going on in 1200 ..... there abouts ....... necessitating a ..... scientific ....... sect?

Especially in the areas of Southern Germany, Austria, and northern Italy. What was going on requiring a ..... scientific ...... sect.


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

you dont get it yet do you

they are after what i found .. the greatest biologic weapon ever known .. the sorce of the black death ,,

think about it the legend of the LDM
all the people that came in contack with the caves .. the crystall S02 caves i found .. the chicomoztoc secert cave systems .. the deep caves of crystall caves just like those of texas and mexico.. bacteria and viruses ..

you dont under stand whats going on .. they are after the sorce of the black death ..

the site was not lost .. everyone that came in contack with it was !

i am still working on this research .. but i am sure this is what is takeing place at the site ..

see i did not send cub there .....because i could be dieing from it my self ...! even the littlest dirrect contack .. is to much ...

gold treasure silver .. ya its there and thats where its going to stay ...

if i am correct the sorce is there and its 3 times more dangerous now then it was ..

thats what your little friends are after

they should just walk away .. in fact they should run !

see the chichimen were shaman from chicomoztoc and they had great magic ,, one demon was the black death ....they used it to protect the vault of Marry and Jesus ....

so why dont you just run right in there and tell me whats there ... if your not back in a hour .. i will wait for you ...lol maybe a few seconds !

be smart dont touch anything and dont breath the air or have any open skin showing .. walk like your dieing and do not move fast the dust could kill you ...

now the gold is right there .. i can show you that .. its with in reach ..

didnt you wonder why Waltz could not give good dirrection to a mine he had been to many times ....LOL


his age had nothing to do with it ...

every time he went to the mine the effects took hold of him .. the longer he stayed the more freaked out he got ..
maybe he was not trying to hide the mine at all

maybe he could not remember the details


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

HI BB, you posted -->they are after what i found .. the greatest biologic weapon ever known
Sheesh, you have fleas? stay away from my MULE !!

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HI BB, you posted -->they are after what i found .. the greatest biologic weapon ever known
Sheesh, you have fleas? stay away from my MULE !!

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Don Jose,

Let me know when bb comes up with the cure for cancer. This topic is getting a lot of IGNORE! work. I don't want to miss anything earth-shattering, so I am counting on you to clue me in. :help:

Take care,


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

HI Joe: you posted -->Let me know when bb comes up with the cure for cancer.

He is too late, I found that 7 years ago and cured myself, and some others, which is why I am still here to bug him.

Don Jose de La Mancha

"I exist to Live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Well sorry everyone for opening my big mouth. I really am just irritated with peoples overwelming influence at destroying historical data and disturbing historical sites all for their personal agenda. It dosent matter. I have made my fool. If I have offended anyone I apologize. Its been awhile and I forget Im not really alone even though I really am. I might of hit you but it isn't my best shot and I will try not to hit you again. They are only a bead on a strand of similar objects. The people that play the roles are not guilty to their souls. I appreciate you sharing this info. It is always very interesting. As for me and my life, I have little to do with you and appologize for any offence. I am immature sometimes and impulsive with my comment. Peace dude.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Hmmmmmmm ....
Ah .....

I guess St. Jerome is talking to us "girls" too and not just Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp.

So ..... Ah .... your forgiven.

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

daringEagle said:
Hmmmmmmm ....
Ah .....

I guess St. Jerome is talking to us "girls" too and not just Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp.

So ..... Ah .... your forgiven.

i am makeing plains to go on expedition 5 .

you should go read what i have posted on the site before you answer .....

i am a retireing and i am going to lay my cards on the table .. i have won the game .and its time to pick up my winnings and walk away ..


Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

leaving with the winings? not while I still have my 41 Remington derringer, Now I would like you to explain a few things, such as where did the fifth ace come from, and why you disagree with DE?

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to live, not live to exist"

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
leaving with the winings? not while I still have my 41 Remington derringer, Now I would like you to explain a few things, such as where did the fifth ace come from, and why you disagree with DE?

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to live, not live to exist"

you standing on the doorway of the most complex code everwritten by mankind

DE knows a lot of info yet it is not in its true place yet ..

i stated i know more about the LDM and the Peralta stones then any man alive ..

i just proved it and there are dozes of pages of complex code translations before the truth is layed out in full

thing beyond your world beyond your race ..

i will walk away with my photos and a sample of gold ore from the LDM .. and know the real tayopa Ma mine has been found , the other 4 are near by .. but i have things to do and my time is short here ..

i wish well ... :coffee2:

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
leaving with the winings? not while I still have my 41 Remington derringer, Now I would like you to explain a few things, such as where did the fifth ace come from, and why you disagree with DE?

Don Jose de La Mancha
"I exist to live, not live to exist"

to you my old friend .. you deserve an answer

as i see it .. it was like the old shell game .. 3 tayopa 's ... each with very close spelling in their names , and the confussion was plained .. you have one . wich one i am not there and i know very little about your site .. i can tell you something about the sites in genral trems ..

one site had the mines i have found , a very small twon and chruch that are all gone now and have been very well coverd over and any sign of them has vanished many years ago

one of the other sites had to have had a much larger town around it much like the drawings you showed of your site ..

the fact the church had so many records of brith and marriage gave it away .. the sorce of those records were from more then one location ..

the confussion . between the sites help keep them hidden and in fact played a roll in the site i am at being lost in confussion ..

if i am correct you are at one of the sites and you have a great find ... how knows what shell holds the treasure ....?

i know whats at my site and there is a lot more to search at my site .. i feel your site will be the same way .. the fact you jhave invested so much in time and money as i have i will not post the details you want on the open forum .. ...

but yes i can translate your data with what i have learn about the shell game and how it was designed and why it was made this way ..

you are a very lucky man RD

you hold 1/3 of the richest mines in the world

i would know i hold 1/3 my self ..

smile you old desert mule lover .. your dream is is in hand and i can conferm that for you ..

let me show you something you may not know ...


1525 missing 4 digit sequence

digits used 1,2,3,4,-,6,7,8
1,2,3,? a repete comfermation sequence

mathimatical correction 0525 level sequence 555 = a 666 conflect sequence code

the fact is the vatican has been tracking the movements from the start .. they had an idea where Sinclar went .. but they could not brake his code . they used their own code to hide the truth till the code could be broken .. the funny thing is they could not brake the templar code ...LOL ...LOL

IMHO Sinclar did in fact take the remains of Marry and Jesus to chicomoztoc .. where they were put in a vault and protected by the black death that was found by the shaman oif chicomoztoc .. . your lucky . with all the other things out there to worry about i got a black death to add to that list .. be careful old friend we dont not know how far this link between the site goes the black death could also be hidden at your site as well ..the 1362 and the 1847 are coded tarverse board readings the real dates of the stones are hidden to confuse and conseal the truth

1398 and 1646 but remember the vatican will stop at nothing and has been hot on the trail the whole time ..

as i under stand the game they would place great treasure befor the items they really wanted to protect.. your site may hold great treasures . if you locate them walk away why you can .. the trap may be unseen ...and the game has many players and many dirrections ...

if you want to live to enjoy your discovery .. locate it and get the hell out there .. leave the rest for others to do .. .. protect your self old friend the game is a foot ..

and yes .. i have broken both codes

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Ok then. 123. 3, Chicomoztoc, where black death and the numbers 1539 cross paths. Protected by whoever the black thing is. A man. Sacrificed for swollowing the sun. Wants to be free. If this means anything, what do you think. If you have an answer I will show you some trippy things. The artifacts are no longer the point of interest. The true history is fascinating. The treasure is the gift for releasing something that is bound somewhere. I never found anything. I was given pieces to a puzzle. what puzzles me?

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

St. Jerome said:
Ok then. 123. 3, Chicomoztoc, where black death and the numbers 1539 cross paths. Protected by whoever the black thing is. A man. Sacrificed for swollowing the sun. Wants to be free. If this means anything, what do you think. If you have an answer I will show you some trippy things. The artifacts are no longer the point of interest. The true history is fascinating. The treasure is the gift for releasing something that is bound somewhere. I never found anything. I was given pieces to a puzzle. what puzzles me?

some one sacrificed by hanging in the sun ..thats a hard one the iron spikes are still there ...lol

evil is a funny thing till the sun goes down ....

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Hey 'daringEagle' - whatever happened to you?
The buildup, Hoops and then the big revelation ...
What about Holy Stones Inc.?

I’d say it’s businessmen seeing a product (holy stones) and seeing a customer (Nazis, Masons, etc) and intending to make a profit from a business transaction. Nothing personal or racial in that part of it.

- and then utter silence ...
What's a guy supposed to believe?

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

I myself was enjoying this story about the powerful Holy Stones that lost their magic by the Burns curse. Conveniently found in the Superstitions where this type of stone is available. Maybe the informer is from Nigeria?

A highly polished stone used in a sex ritual? I have trouble enough picturing Don Jose with his mule, let alone Don Jose romancing the stone!

Homar P. Olivarez

Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:



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Re: Dutchman & government conspiracy Request

Hi Loke

What would you like to think?

coazon de oro

You say "Conveniently"

"Conveniently found in the Superstitions where this type of
stone is available."

"Holy Stones"

....... as in more than one?

Phil Reinhardt, Rick Gywnne, Ralph Henderson, Scott Kimbal, Ron Eagle, Alan Tree, Paul Zellimer, and the Johnson brothers

believe there is just one Holy Stone out in the Superstitions. It's called the Deity Stone.

The black/purple/white quartz stone that is ...... as you say .....
"available ...... in the Superstitions are the type of stone that can be turned into a holy stone just as iron can be turned into a magnet.
Just as the iron can be permanent magnet, these black/purple/white quartz stone become permanent holy stones.

But the REAL German Holy Stone that was brought over from northern Italy by way of Orkney Island is the Deity Stone.

I'm not mad or upset by your post coazon de oro, I just want to be sure we're on the same page as to how the story goes.
So please don't take offence, none was intended.

As to where I've been. Well ..... I'm sure Holy Stones Inc. interests lay in the far distant past. Back to at least the 1200s.
I'm hoop jumping trying to figure it out. Why a "scientific" sect as opposed to religious or political. Why a "secret" sect as
opposed to a regular organization like say the Elk lodge. What about that prophecy about an
assassination ..... doesn't it seem like "payback" to you? It does to me. And I had an associate speak to a couple of the guys on the list
who are hunting for the Deity Stone ...... of coursre they lie and said they never even heard of it.
Well .... why should they confirm the story and then have a bunch of competitors!

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