Ft. Lauderdale beach today..Holy crap, bottle cap!


Jul 9, 2014
South Florida
Detector(s) used
Minelab Excalibur 2
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Hit the beach this morning just north of Las Olas in Ft. Lauderdale. Either this beach hasn't been MD'd for years, or our fellow MD'ers aren't picking up tabs and bottle caps!!! Naughty, Naughty:dontknow: Found about a thousand old and new bottle caps and enough pull tabs to fund Ronald McDonald house for a year!

Haha.. Did find a cheap metal hoop bracelet though.

Guys/Gals, please help keep our sport from becoming lost to bureaucracy... Only takes a second to pick them up.

Had a great time though!

More than likely they are nulling them out. Bad move imo, I dig all targets at the beach. I have removed thousands of bottle caps and pull tabs from south Florida beaches over the years. None recently though as I haven't been detecting this year. You think Ft. Laud. is bad you should try Dania beach, it's worse.

Unfortunately our beaches are full of crap.

I gotta agree. They're notching 'em out. Tisk, tisk.
Also, welcome.
As for metal detecting being a sport, well let's say maybe.
A recent thread on topic suggests mding is a hobby. ;)
Either way, well done pickin' up them pesky tabs n caps.
Peace ✌

I gotta agree. They're notching 'em out. Tisk, tisk.
Also, welcome.
As for metal detecting being a sport, well let's say maybe.
A recent thread on topic suggests mding is a hobby. ;)
Either way, well done pickin' up them pesky tabs n caps.
Peace ✌

Hobby or sport.. I'll agree to both. I tend to get a pretty good work out swinging the Excal. I used to MD with a XP Deus up north. Big difference in the weight compared to the Excal. even with the hip mount. Love it though!

More than likely they are nulling them out. Bad move imo, I dig all targets at the beach. I have removed thousands of bottle caps and pull tabs from south Florida beaches over the years. None recently though as I haven't been detecting this year. You think Ft. Laud. is bad you should try Dania beach, it's worse.

If you feel like hunting sometime send me a PM. As bad as the beaches here may seem, they are nothing like Galveston beaches. Hunted there last month and they were horrible. I think I read somewhere about lots of trash washing up on Galveston beaches from past hurricanes. TONS of pull-tabs and foil..

I hunt in the surf because there is less trash.

I try not to dig bottle caps if I can help it but tabs you have to dig to get gold.

I try not to dig bottle caps if I can help it but tabs you have to dig to get gold.

Hey Fletch88,
I am still learning the tones of the Excal and getting pretty good at picking out the caps. Still drives me nuts to leave them in the ground though. I guess i'm a bit OCD about trash. LOL

Same offer to you bud.. If you're ever in need of a surf hunting buddy.. PM me. Would be happy to join!

OK. I have been pretty busy but Im going to try to get out one more time this month but I dont know when. I live in Hollywood every summer and late August I move out by Naples.

Hey Fletch88,
I am still learning the tones of the Excal and getting pretty good at picking out the caps. Still drives me nuts to leave them in the ground though. I guess i'm a bit OCD about trash. LOL

I hunt in the shallows. I use a Pulse Induction Unit so I have to dig every signal. I put everything in my pocket because I dont want to dig it again. I have found a few gold rings.

I'll tell you, I was at the south end of Ft. Lauderdale beach yesterday by the Yankee clipper. I was amazed by the sheer amount of beer cans that were buried there. I now feel as if the beach is made of beer cans covered by sand. No luck on any significant finds, even tried shallow water detecting in hopes of hitting less trash.

Here are some pics from one day in the surf. I find a lot of fishing stuff, cellphones, eyeglasses, bottle caps, poptops and canslaw pieces of aluminum but far less trash than on the beach.

surf finds2.jpgsurf finds.jpg

I dig it all.
And give the caps n tabs a better resting place... The trash can.

Up here, I usually get more trash at the beach than treasure. Some of the general public is too lazy to put their trash in the trash cans that the city has every 20 ft. So trash get replenished...daily.

I usually get more trash than treasure from the beaches I go to as well. I search in all metal to help find/remove the junk. Bottle caps galore. I wish I had a nickel for all the bottle caps I found.

S.C. beaches too are covered in bottle caps and pull tabs. I say if people are too lazy to walk to a trash can then they should stay home.

Light stuff like aluminum gets tossed around by the waves and can be readily found near the surface but heavy metals like gold sink deeper with time.

I have hunted some freshwater beaches up here that are solid bottle caps and tabs. I have personally observed that most other guys who detect simply toss the trash back into the hole or onto the ground. Unfortunately that's the type of person this hobby attracts.

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