
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What in the world Rock.

    What in the world is this rock? Basalt like but black shiny shards throughout. Found on a beach in Maine. 5”Lx3.5”Wx1.25”D
  2. Odd shaped silver found on beach

    Hey all. I'm new here! Firstly, I found this on a remote beach on a perimeter island (loc: gulf of mex). It looks like it's been tumbled pretty good for a long time; some pitting as well. I can tell it's definitely a cast. At first I thought it was a crucifix, or maybe a weird demented ash tray...
  3. Saving the lives of Loons

    Went to a local freshwater beach/boat launch/hangout on this dreary day up here in Maine. Never detected it before, it just kind of popped into my head this afternoon. I figured there wouldn't be as many people there when the sun wasn't shining. I was right, just a couple fisherman. This place...
  4. Old heavy iron spike SW Florida

    Very heavy iron spike found today in SW Florida where the Gulf of Mexico meets 10,000 islands. Thoughts? The inside is square (it is broken) so it appears to be hand made.
  5. Best hunt of the year!

    Yesterday I spent 5 hours metal detecting at a beach. I found 13oz of lead, some modern coins, and a coins line of wheat pennies! There are 14 wheat pennies total and one has a mint error!
  6. Two Months, Two Morgans

    At the end of March, I was detecting a beach which had a lot of activity during the late 1800s into the 1940s. Many great coins have been found there by others over the years, but this was my first time swinging there. I was walking around, dealing with highly mineralized sand and a blanket of...
  7. Beach mystery find need help ! Coin , badge? Silver , pewter?

    Found this in the seaweed wash up area of the beach, with historic significance in the northeast. Resembles designs found on reales or other old coins although i am stumped and have no idea what this is. Rings up 54-60 on my AT max and as jewelry/coins on my minelab. There is some coral or sand...
  8. Mystery find please any insight will help

    Found on the beach with historical significance in the sand by the water line where the seaweed washes up. There is some coral or sand build up on it. While using a toothbrush i was able to reveal a silver color on both front and back. The designs here look similiar to what would be found on a...
  9. Blessings and Peace

    Blessings and Peace

    whats in the sand
  10. ✅ SOLVED Beach Find : Looks like some sort of religious charm..?

    Hi, I went out to the beach this morning to test out a new detector( simplex+ ) and found this tiny little charm near the beach volleyball courts in the first few minutes. Can anyone ID it.? It is only about a half inch in diameter and appears to be religious but not sure what religion. I don't...
  11. Went back out to the Treasure Coast and found something...

    I drove back up to the treasure coast on Thursday, stayed the night, and metal detected over 10 miles of beach between the two days. I found most of the same, rusted fragments of metal and random junk like fishing lures and even a portion of a dresser drawer a foot deep in the sand, but I did...
  12. Bell of some sort

    I?m an avid sea glass hunter but today I found this small bell on the beach in New Jersey. Would love to know what type of bell this is. Looks old to me. Metal and rusted. Looks handmade in my opinion. It?s 1 1/8? inch across base and around 1 1/2? height including the portion to hold. It feels...
  13. Found this on uk beach today could someone help me work out what it is please

    Hi found some unusual rocks on the beach today in the rocks on the shallow water. I have brought them home and smashed the smallest ones due to wondering what the inside is like they are some type of metal all the way through
  14. ✅ SOLVED Old Coin or Junk?

    Hello, Newbie here, I was wondering if anyone had any opinions or advice on this object. It was found in the sand by the beach in Sargent, TX. My dad thinks he sees a faint cross on it and thinks it could be an old Spanish coin. I can't really tell. It is very worn and corroded but it does look...
  15. ✅ SOLVED Small skeleton key found on treasure coast beach

    Small skeleton key found on treasure coast beach [SOLVED] Toy key My dad found this on the beach, im not sure what it's made of (cast aluminum, pewter?) But curious how old it might be! especially considering the ship wrecks in the area, though I dont think it's related. I cant really...
  16. 1715 Fleet Detecting Discussion

    Hello, I'm new to the forum but have used it before as a guest. I was supposed to be in Vero Beach earlier this week for some diving and detecting but US-Canada borders have been closed and will likely remain for couple more months. I've been fortunate enough to amass a good sized collection of...
  17. Found while metal detecting one of the Treasure Coast Beaches.

    I am new to the fossil world. I found this yesterday while metal detecting a Florida Treasure Coast beach. I appreciate any knowledge and/or opinions. Thank you
  18. First time beach hunting

    Will be in Corpus Christi for the week. Here’s me. Took this yesterday. It was Very Windy that day. Finds after 3 hours of swingin’ down the beach v x2 clad quarters x2 clad dimes 79 copper cent = 71¢ Solid copper bracelet with painted pattern. x36 Soda can tabs (More than in photo)...
  19. Found while metal detecting one of the Treasure Coaast Beaches.

    Found this on a Florida Beach. I am new to the fossil world. I Found this yesterday while metal detecting a Florida Treasure Coast beach. I think I know the basic answer, but always value more knowledgeable information. Thanks
  20. Wierd rock or fossil

    I Found this on the beach in halfmoon Bay, California and I dont seem to find anything online as to what it is...Any Ideas. ??
  21. Help identify this duel mineral specimen please!

    I have found this on a beach in the west of England. Seams to be quartz invades in something??
  22. New member from to this site and Metal Detecting

    Hello all, I’m new to this world. But have always been interested.. After some research into what equipment beginners, intermediate and advanced users use and recommend. I settled on and purchased the Garrett AT Pro. I didn’t want to get something really cheap and get turned off from the whole...
  23. Suggestions as to beach scoops

    Just getting into detecting in the Gulf and on the beach and I'm looking for suggestions with pros/cons for long handled scoops. I'd prefer one that can be used while standing. Any info would be appreciated.
  24. Trying to find out if this is a clay pipe piece

    I’m trying to find out if this is a clay pipe piece..I found it on the beach in Petersburg, Alaska and I am pretty sure it’s part of a pipe...I just have no clue what it’s made of or how old it might be...any info would be awesome!!
  25. Odd Metal Find Needs Identified

    Odd 1715 Beach Find Needs Identified Found this small piece on the low tide line near the treasure coast. Look familiar to anyone? Very old, highly corroded.
  26. Enjoying my daughters Day off from school... detecting!

    So my daughters school had "Take your child to work day" for work experience, I figured my daughter knows about my work... We went to PLAY instead!! lol Thanks, new member here. Hope to post some finds shortly!
  27. Detecting a Park in Oakland Maine

  28. Looking for help from Treasure Coast hunters

    I am headed to the east coast of Florida next week to visit relatives and there happens to be a storm currently forecast to impact the Treasure Coast at the same time I will be there. I have some basic information on the 1715 fleet wrecks and where to go, but looking for guidance and advice...
  29. Two different unknown metal pieces found on Florida beach.

    Went to a Treasure Coast beach yesterday here in Florida. Besides the assorted bottle caps and a not waterproof Samsung Galaxy S10e under 5 inches of compacted sand at the water line, I found the two larger metal pieces also in the wet sand and have no idea about these two items. The pieces in...
  30. ✅ SOLVED Found on beach in Cancun Mexico

    My friend just found this on the beach in Cancun Mexico with his ATPro any ideas on what it could be? A reliquary relic pendant?
  31. Offseason RI Beach Access

    Would really like to hunt some of the RI beaches from now until Memorial Day, both in & out of the water. Was in South Kingstown yesterday at the Penguin Hunt sponsored by Awesome Relics New England and had a great time. I noticed police patroling the parking lot during the hunt and the gates...
  32. Found this stone on Hawaiian beach

    Went shell searching on the north shore of Oahu with my girlfriend and her mother who have lived on the island all their lives and we found a stone which neither of them can identify.
  33. Half Ounce GOLD COIN

    You heard right, April 22, 2018 I found a nice little 14K Gold ring, my buddy Dave however found a killer 17 gram 22K Gold Coin (1976 Canadian Commemorative Coin). We both use Whites TDI S/L. It was about 5-6 inches down, a little beat up from rocks but a keep for sure.
  34. Rock found on beach

    Hello! I don't know much about rocks, but I was walking along the beach yesterday morning and found this really pretty rock. Does anyone know what type of rock this is? Thanks!
  35. First real beach Hunt, and A Ring to boot!

    This is my first real beach hunter ( I say Real because The last one I was out 30 Minutes and got Rained out!)
  36. Stealth 720i Sand Scoop Question

    Well, I'm finally upgrading from my piddly short handled hand scoop to something much better. I'm getting ready to purchase a Stealth 720i, but there is a scoop option I need help with. In the past, the holes have been 1/2", but now you can have the option of 1/4" holes in the bottom and the...
  37. Gold teeth in the low tide

    I found this 23 gram 15k beast this summer in Vancouver. :hello2: So happy to find it. Turns out there is a lot of Paladium in it too but only paid out for gold content unfortunately.
  38. Native American hand tools/ artifacts or just cool rocks?

    Howdy, I’m new member on this site, but long time lurker I love archeology, history, artifacts and apparently rocks ;-) I am hoping you can help me prove to my husband and kids that these rocks are actual artifacts and not just random rocks. They usually make fun of me when I proudly pull...
  39. Brass ship spike/nail? Found on Beach 0.3 Nautical Miles Downstream from Sloop Wreck

    Yesterday, I posted a thread here called a Few Whatsits and Two Bullets from Beach near Coast Guard. One of the items I asked for help identifying in particular now stands out after I read one of the responses I received: Icewing told me this may be a broken old brass ship's spike or...
  40. A Few Whats-its and Two Bullets From Metal Detecting a Beach near Coast Guard Station

    I went to a public beach near a Coast Guard station 10 minutes down the road to metal detect there with my Garrett Ace 250 again... I found 7 different lead fishing weights/sinkers, a modern quarter and a 1959 memorial penny, some trash, and the stuff pictured below My dad believes these are...
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