Gold Fever on Discovery previously stated ...very little to no knowledge of the Gold Rush...or its legacy. Just weird ignorant self-serving theory. Formed by reading books written by Grad students who never set foot in the places they claim to be experts about . And if they were on a dig it was for two weeks during a summer class. No where near as important and factual as first hand accounts and evidence. Like the kind that prospectors and relic hunters have to study if they hope to be successful. Yes, people have tried to catch a buzz all the way back to great grandpa Ugg. However, if all we wanted to do was get blitzed and sit around, we would not have achieved all the amazing things that have got us where we are today. You pretty much inferred that all the Argonauts did was party and it just is not true. That is all Kuger and I was trying to set you straight on.

The Gold Rush started in Dahlonega and then the miners went west. This started in the early 1800's when the trail of tears started. They ran the Cherokee away to get free access to the gold. I live about 15 miles from one of the Forts that was a Cherokee concentration camp where thousands of Cherokee died. I live at the base of Sawnee mountain. The land I live on is Cherokee land or was Cherokee land.

I never said the Gold Rush started in the 1880's. The Alaskan Gold rush started in 1896. The gold rush did not end in California. I mentioned that cocaine hydrochloride was created in the 1880's but cocaine was being processed the traditional ways thousands of years ago until the hydrochloride version was created in the 1880's.

Aurum, why do you keep giving false information in such an educated manner? I asked "why didn't they start the show where the gold rush started, in Little Meadow Creek near Charlotte NC?" Then you come back saying the gold rush started in Dahlonega GA? So you are saying that the first rush was not in 1802 three years after Conrad Reed found the nugget? Read that story and further your education a little more Sir, with all due respect. From what I found gold was not discovered in Dahlonega until 1828 which led to a rush by late 1829.

Here is the first paragraph of the story from a site about Charlotte NC history, keep in mind it is a story but there are many facts to back it:
"In 1799, in nearby Cabarrus County, 12-year-old Conrad Reed found a 17-pound rock, which his family used as a doorstop. Three years later, a jeweler determined it was nearly solid gold, paying the family a paltry $3.50.The first verified gold find in the United States set off the nation's first gold rush. Many veins of gold were found in the area throughout the 19th and early 20th century, leading to the 1837 founding of the Charlotte Mint. North Carolina "led the nation in gold production until the California Gold Rush of 1848", although the volume mined in the Charlotte area was dwarfed by subsequent rushes."

This story says it was the first gold found on record in the US. Can anyone prove different? There is a lot more to the story and I can prove most is real because the Reed gold mine still exists today. Like Kuger ask, give information backing your false statements so we can have more to go on.

They should have started the show where the gold rush started, in North Carolina and showed how most of the miners moved out west with a one way ticket and only the clothes on there backs.

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Reminds me of the quote in the movie Blow
"I went in with a Bachelor of marijuana, came out with a Doctorate of cocaine." - Johhny Depp as George Jung

"I went into the forum with a Bachelor of gold prospecting, came out with a Doctorate of marijuana cultivation." - Cstyle00 from Treasurenet

I think the point of the diversion is that TV shows are not the best teachers. In fact, it may be these TV type shows are the worst type of media for our children to learn from.

I remember a few of my classmates that wrote papers that were derived from crib notes instead of reading the assignment. It was understood by me from the onset that the teacher had seen those same types of papers before. Of course a student's failing grade on the paper had a note about the crib notes being used.

This thread was important as seeming to be an off subject tangent into drugs. Sociology and the lack of truth was the crux of why this TV show was an exercise in BS futility to watch. If you are really a miner or a gold prospector you should object to this type of fraud vehemently.

The fun name I use here is a mix of Latin and urban slang. This means I know my history and, at the same time, I understand the human situation of today.

I watched a History channel show about the Bible last night. The crux of the show was to downplay the New Testament and the Torah or the Old Testament that Christians call the Bible. They kept saying that Jesus spoke in Greek, Aramaic, & Hebrew. Well that is not entirely true. Jesus spoke in Koine Greek and wrote in Koine Greek. Koine Greek is different than Classical Greek. This show was a sham in my opinion. I did go to Bible College and you have to understand certain aspects of Christianity in past history to be able to make a TV show about it today. This TV show failed miserably. I just watched it to try to find out something I didn't know. I only found out what idiots don't know. The Classical Greek versus the Koine Greek is a huge big deal.

I understand that most people reading this thread think there has been an effort to sidetrack this issue about this inane account of this Gold rush TV Show. This untruth was and is a big deal to me. It is a big deal because living in the place where the Gold rush originated is personal to me. It irks me to see BS being shown to our Children as truth. Our children are dumbed down enough these days. This was not a Children's show entirely. A mention of the dark side of the Gold rush would have made this show more believeable.

This rhetoric we exchanged here was a way to put this show into perspective. I only put my foot down when I saw this sham of a show because we are all prospectors here, even if we are just satisfied with hunting clad. We should never be lulled into a false sense that the history of our enjoyment of prospecting is based on sugar coated history that is purely some producer's BS to make a TV show.

If you want to believe this bunk, go for it. I have said this more than once. History is a passion of mine and I showed that with my input here. Some readers here learned a lot about how the sociology of human nature was not so pleasing during the gold rush. Then there were some that objected to the thought that these same miners were not the best salt of the Earth that man has ever created.

I just gave a broad view of history so that people that like to learn more about history know that even our forefathers were not Angels as depicted in this TV show. Even Thomas Jefferson was a pot farmer, a man whore/aldulterer with his slaves, and at the same time, was a great Christian that spent the last years of his life trying to make a better New Testament. This sociology of the way men were then and miners were during the Gold Rush didn't change just so we can have this sugar coated pansy minded view of Gold rush miners from their mining quest to Georgia, to California, and then to Alaska. The TV show Sucked.

If one person learned something new about our history here, I did what I was supposed to do. There were not tangents here, just history of our Sociology as our Sociology relates to the Gold rush..

Aurum, religious discussion is verboten here per the rules, but if it were allowed,
I do believe you and I could have a year long discussion/debate over Biblical

It would be little more than time wasted discussing a subject that has
been beat to death by scholars since the time of Christ, and in the end
nothing would change and neither of us would change their minds.

'Nuff said.

The fun name I use here is a mix of area code and nick name which clearly shows I am smartest guy on the planet.

The fun name I use here isn't even fun, showing that I'm the least creative guy on the forum ;-)

...well at least we both live in gold country :)

digga - suggest you change your user name to "Pontificator cum Laude" Then solicit the moderators of this forum to include a section on "Things I know that you don't" What a classical BORE you are.

You made a valid observation that the show did not depict that gold rush miners were not angels. Just couldn't stop there, huh?

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One seems old or broke????California Gold Rush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Here's a real good one. Notice the one above says Gold was discovered in the Sacramento Valley which is wrong...oops . I don't really see Mankind's Hedonism as being all that Hidden. Unfortunate when people embellish and or just plain fabricate History.

The point about my name here is fun and not on point, but fun.

I just found it interesting that a TV program, a documentary of sorts, showed a time in history that seemed to take a vacation from the Sociology of man that preceded the Gold rush until today. The demeanors of men and the times don't take a vacation, sociology of men and women only progresses and expands.

My point was simple. From the 1800's till the early 1900's, the sociology of man only got worse in the earlier times of the USA when it came to killing, being lawless, men having battles against their own brothers over slavery, (which was a correct ideologically leading to the Civil war in my opinion), but at the same time this era was an example of how man still has the mindset that is not of the angel variety that this idiotic TV show implied. Miners were certainly included in this killing for money/gold. For a TV show to show that miners were not whore mongers, killers, dope addicts, alcoholics, and devoid of any other debauchery during this 100+ year era of time, is akin to telling a lie.

A TV show not telling the whole truth is the same as telling a lie. Any Court or Judge will agree with that notion.

It worries me that children will not read to know when a TV show like this is not pervading truth or the whole truth. TV is a teaching tool to a degree but children now seem more likely to believe everything they see on TV and not doubt it. This is very worrisome to me.

As I pointed out, even our children's textbooks still teach that Marconi invented the radio. What other lies are in these textbooks? I see where we need to have some rewriting of textbooks and not have these errors that make our USA students learn doltish lies about our history. This is my only point about being so persistent on this one single thread that someone started. I worry about the future of our children learning lies from TV when a show is supposed to document an era in history correctly.

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The behavior you describe was in proportion to the general population a small percentage as it is today....spin it anyway you like but, you are completely out of touch with the subject you claim to be so versed in, and have yet to provide any proof other than your belief.

Aurum, why do you keep giving false information in such an educated manner? I asked "why didn't they start the show where the gold rush started, in Little Meadow Creek near Charlotte NC?" Then you come back saying the gold rush started in Dahlonega GA? So you are saying that the first rush was not in 1802 three years after Conrad Reed found the nugget? Read that story and further your education a little more Sir, with all due respect. From what I found gold was not discovered in Dahlonega until 1828 which led to a rush by late 1829.

Here is the first paragraph of the story from a site about Charlotte NC history, keep in mind it is a story but there are many facts to back it:
"In 1799, in nearby Cabarrus County, 12-year-old Conrad Reed found a 17-pound rock, which his family used as a doorstop. Three years later, a jeweler determined it was nearly solid gold, paying the family a paltry $3.50.The first verified gold find in the United States set off the nation's first gold rush. Many veins of gold were found in the area throughout the 19th and early 20th century, leading to the 1837 founding of the Charlotte Mint. North Carolina "led the nation in gold production until the California Gold Rush of 1848", although the volume mined in the Charlotte area was dwarfed by subsequent rushes."

This story says it was the first gold found on record in the US. Can anyone prove different? There is a lot more to the story and I can prove most is real because the Reed gold mine still exists today. Like Kuger ask, give information backing your false statements so we can have more to go on.

They should have started the show where the gold rush started, in North Carolina and showed how most of the miners moved out west with a one way ticket and only the clothes on there backs.

Completely avoided my post about where the gold rush started.

This thread started about the show 'Gold Fever' not 'Gold Rush', name is easy to mix up but two different shows. Just saying in case anyone misunderstood.

Geeze, there will always be those that will never research things for themselves. I suggest you research the things that I have said here for yourself before you cast doubt on what I have brought up. Thinking off the top of your head is not research.

The Gold Rush that started in Georgia was how I described it. You are right about your statement also. Carolina was not a place of significant gold for the real Gold rush to start up as it did. Georgia was where the real Gold Rush Started in earnest.

The GPAA is a joke of sorts in my opinion. I do appreciate their efforts to find lands for the fledgling prospector to get some experience and find a few pieces.... but that is about as far as it goes. This family is in it for the money and gold prospecting takes a backseat to what their real cash flow comes from. The loud mine is just a tourist trap with mercury in the water that you run through rented highbankers. The material that you run through the highbankers has been run through hundreds of times. The bedrock in the river that runs next to the loud mine is about 20 feet deep. You would kill yourself trying to dredge that deep with a conventional dredge. It is a given that the Massie family dredged this river thoroughly before letting the average prospector try their luck. So..... I know the difference between The Gold Fever Show and Gold rush.

I don't know what or how Kuger thinks. I can really care less.

I studied Botany and the history of plants and how they have been used over thousands of years. I am not going to write a paper or a thesis here to verify anything. What I know is like a library of facts that I have learned through my lifetime. It is idiocy to think that I would take the time to verify everything I said here in a simple prospecting forum. I gave instances that gave you a glimpse into what I know. That should be enough.

I suppose you still think Marconi invented the radio.

Completely avoided my post about where the gold rush started.

This thread started about the show 'Gold Fever' not 'Gold Rush', name is easy to mix up but two different shows. Just saying in case anyone misunderstood.

I was hoping a new hero would show up to save me from inaccurate tv shows.

You are wrong and don't even know how to present your incorrect facts.... There was not One American gold rush that started in one place and moved around. There were separate rushes that why it is a rush. The phrase itself implies the movement of something en mass....from one place to another. The first Gold Rush was North Carolina..N. Carolina was the Only gold producing state until Georgia rush. And even then led production Until the Biggest Rush to California. Which is Historically the largest mass exodus of people known..So to say" the Gold Rush started in Georgia" is just plain wrong. And yet another way that you have shown that you need to do your research and stop spouting things off the top of your head.Gold In North Carolina

My understanding is that the phrase we all know so well " there's gold in them there hills" was said by the mayor of Dahlonega Ga.

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