Gold Help Please


Jr. Member
Jun 18, 2007
I was wondering if anyone can help me with a little bit of chemistry. I have some black sand, gold, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and mercury. Now the problem that I am having is that I am not quite sure about mixing my acids. I need some help with measurements. How much hydrochloric acid do I add to the nitric acid so that I can get the gold out of the mercury and the black sands. If anyone can help me that would be great. I can't believe that gold is up to $808.20 as of tomorrow. It is going up and it is going to keep going up. Give it about 2 years and gold should be up to about $300,000 and ounce. That is crazy. So everyone who is in to gold should start stalking up on it now. Thanks.

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for legal and liability reasons i wont comment to this request! other than dont mess with chemicals unless you really know what your doing and have a controlled enviroment area inwhich to work!


I also agree with the Majority above.
What you can't remove with a Magnet, Try to pan it out.

IF you absolutely feel you need to have it removed,
Check if a Local College will do it for you in their Chem class as
a Lesson for thier Students.

Please, Don't mess with Acids.


You have the makings for Aqua regina, unless you have a couple of hundred lbs, you are on the wrong track. The replies you have gotten are correct, specific gravity will work for your application.
Here is a side note. Unless you have very freshly distilled mercury, you never try to use it for gold blacksand removal. The mercury will ( sicken ) before you will have even 20% of your gold. There are so many factors involved. Coatings on the gold itself right up to your water quality and ph. If mercury must be used , it must be "charged" or in solution.

Here is a very hi-tech devise for your consideration. It is called a piece of ribbed 3" septic pipe or tube (poop tube) Here are some pics, you do not need to be this elaborate either, take a small length at least 24" in length, put on a slight incline ( you will have to judge this, trial and error ) and add water from a garden hose and use a catch bucket so you may re-run the material again if need.
You will find that this little apperatus is very efficent and effective and is very very cheap and can contend with some big dollar contraptions.( Effectivness will depend on tunning, More incline , less water, less incline, more will have to find the balance for your material.)

Just remember who tipped you off...This can also be used in the field if you classify your material to at least 1/8th" and use a recirc system.




In gold mining, it is not the cost of your equipment, it is what works and commonsense(knowledge of specific gravity). I know this type of recovery will work for you. If you still have a problem after trying this, do not hesitate to contact me for alternatives ;)


Heres How You Do It

Go to your local Home Depot or Lowes
Purchase these items.
· 1, 1x3"x 8' pine board.
· 1, 8' length or 4"dia corrugated plastice flexible drain pipe "not perforated".
· 1, small pack of flat head wood screws #10 in size.

Now go to Walmart into the Sporting goods dept and purchase a 12vlt boat bilge pump 750 model.
You now have all of the ingredients to build your Henry "Poop" Tube.
· Cut the 8' 1x3" pine board in half into 2, 4' peices. Use one peice save the other.
· Cut the 8' length of corrugated drain pipe into 2, 4' peices. Save one use the other.
· Now take the 4' of drain pipe you are using and split in to 2 halves, by splitting it length wise.
· Take one of the halves of the drain pipe and screw it onto the 1x3"x4' pine board.
· Put the screws into the bottom of the corrugated riffles, 1 every 6" will do nicely.
· Now take the other split half and set it on top of the one you screwed down onto the pine board and snap it in place.
· You can now use it in a creek or stream to work out your concentrates and fine flour Gold.
· You can add on the bilge pump with a stop valve and some garden hose and by using a
couple of 5 gallon buckets you can recycle your water and use the Henry Poop Tube at home.

· Remember to set up the elevation from top to bottom at 1" [one inch] per/linear foot of Henry "Poop" Tube.
· NOW...Adjust your water flow so the tube doesn't load up with blondes or blows out all of the material leaving the riffles empty.
· Using a scoop from those dry soap detergent boxes is perfect to feed the tube.
· Load the tube 1 [one] scoop at a time allowing it to clear before loading again.
· Look for all of the Free Gold and Snuffer it out every chance you get.
· Remember to classify your cons down to #20 mesh for use in the Poop Tube.
· Larger than #20 mesh you can pan out easily with either a 14" pan or 10" finishing pan.

Total cost to build one is less than $30 and total time to assemble one is less than 2 hours. < creeks. the in use to claims prospecting on out you with carry one second a build material enough have And>

I know some friends that would combine all the mercury containing gold into one concentration or (blob)
then put it into a cast iron frying pan over a campfire. When the proper temp is reached the mecury will vaporize, however the vapors are deadly....................

Disclaimer.......I am in noooo way condoning this method.

Good Day Ma'am

I use Mercury and nitric acid all the time (not by choice usually)most placer gold I find here in the mother lode country has mercury on it when I recover it and I use nitric acid to remove it.I use small amounts of mercury sometimes in my hardrock mining also,but you cannot be too careful and I do not reccomend it.Mercury does not mess around once in vapor form(nitric acid,retorted,or direct heat)and breathed just a small amount will KILL you!!!!Nitric acid and even worse Hydrchloric acid will burn you bad and damage your bones,nasty stuff.Get professionally done or proper training

You don't need any of those things. All you need is a potato. Cut a nice size potato in half. Then take a spoon and scoop out a hole about the size of a golfball. Use an old frying pan. Put the gold-mercury into the potato. Then place the potato with the hole side down on the pan. Turn on burner (or over open fire). Leave the pan on the burner for about 10 to 20 minutes. Then let everything cool down. The gold and mercury should now be seperated.

I have heard that one and tried it........not saying it doesnt work but it didnt work for me.It is really dangerous also(as said any time heating mercury is!!!!)Another thing is that gold that has had mercury on it,once removed will leave the gold with a dull grayish color to it,you have to put it in a plastic vial(glass may break)with salt,and vineager and shake it vigorously for some time(it takes a while)to clean the gold.It leaves the gold really shiny(I dont like that)

Cookie monster,

There are dozens of methods to use H20 and gravity for getting even the finest gold. Many already mentioned.

Angus MacGirk does sell a small scale leach plant for around $800.00. They recommend using a vent hood. All chemical treatments are very dangerous for the recreational prospector, especially newbies..

If you are intent on doing the chemical routine, plan on precautions. HazMat suit, comes to mind. Breathing mercury vaporized with nitric acid will make you goofier then most..

I had thought at one time, what the h&ll, I am a smart college educated person.. Right? Fact is nothing I can do with water is going to cause 3rd degree chemical burns. I don't have a chem lab in my garage.

I have about 250 lbs of black sand concentrates. I've ran most through the Blue Bowl. As Russ has said short of a serious lab. I value my health, life and property more then $20.00 worth of gold I may have missed with the gravity.

Try gravity 1st.

In the ICMJ there are people that will buy black sands and send proceeds based on the output.. Maybe consider that.

nebraskadad said:
Cookie monster,

There are dozens of methods to use H20 and gravity for getting even the finest gold. Many already mentioned.

Angus MacGirk does sell a small scale leach plant for around $800.00. They recommend using a vent hood. All chemical treatments are very dangerous for the recreational prospector, especially newbies..

If you are intent on doing the chemical routine, plan on precautions. HazMat suit, comes to mind. Breathing mercury vaporized with nitric acid will make you goofier then most..

I had thought at one time, what the h&ll, I am a smart college educated person.. Right? Fact is nothing I can do with water is going to cause 3rd degree chemical burns. I don't have a chem lab in my garage.

I have about 250 lbs of black sand concentrates. I've ran most through the Blue Bowl. As Russ has said short of a serious lab. I value my health, life and property more then $20.00 worth of gold I may have missed with the gravity.

Try gravity 1st.

In the ICMJ there are people that will buy black sands and send proceeds based on the output.. Maybe consider that.

and i guess if your going todo this you better check into what kind of a permit youll need to have for opoeration with these chemicals if your in close proxcimity to any one! if you have a accident or any problems and a ambulance or fire department is called, youll be cited up the ying yang if you dont have the proper permits or license for handeling HAZMATE MATERIALS!

Kuger, Yes death is part of that. Once your dead your dead. Don't pass go, don't recover any more nuggets.

kuger said:
nebraskadad said:
Cookie monster,

There are dozens of methods to use H20 and gravity for getting even the finest gold. Many already mentioned.

Angus MacGirk does sell a small scale leach plant for around $800.00. They recommend using a vent hood. All chemical treatments are very dangerous for the recreational prospector, especially newbies..

If you are intent on doing the chemical routine, plan on precautions. HazMat suit, comes to mind. Breathing mercury vaporized with nitric acid will make you goofier then most..

I had thought at one time, what the h&ll, I am a smart college educated person.. Right? Fact is nothing I can do with water is going to cause 3rd degree chemical burns. I don't have a chem lab in my garage.

I have about 250 lbs of black sand concentrates. I've ran most through the Blue Bowl. As Russ has said short of a serious lab. I value my health, life and property more then $20.00 worth of gold I may have missed with the gravity.

Try gravity 1st.

In the ICMJ there are people that will buy black sands and send proceeds based on the output.. Maybe consider that.

Nebraskadad,I meant to highlight just the "goofyier than most", part. ;)I deal with mercury all the time and have for years but it still scares the hell out of me! :)

Cute little gal in the picture.
All well and good.
Anyone can handle a few acid burns, not that I'd want to...

But the mercury is the real bad guy.
There is plenty good reason why the old prospectors were crazy as a loon.
retorting mercury with a potato set on a shovel in the campfire.
whiff of the fumes here and there over the years... get pretty crazy!

Never, ever retort mercury in your house!
My departed buddy said he figured thats how he lost all his teeth in 6weeks time...

My advice would be to cook the black sands (outside), pulverize them, run them through a blue bowl with a touch of borax in the water. You won't leave enough behind to buy a soda.


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