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I took this picture in May. On the left is Rory my youngest dog, still barely a puppy at that time, and on the right is Steffon, my 10+ -year old big baby.
Monday night, I'd barely walked in the door from work and all three dogs were doing the Mom's Home Happy dance, well Stef didn't actually dance anymore, but he was standing there happily. Suddenly Stef fell over on his side and was gone. Yes, Stef was older. Yes, Stef had hypo-thyroidism and fat tumors for several years. Yes, I knew he was in the winter of his life. But I had no indication he was about to die immediately. All my other pets who died had presented signs that the end was near or that it was time to be put to sleep.
Through the week it hasn't been so bad with the hours spent to dig his grave, work and my other two dogs and one cat. But I find that I've been grieving hard today.
Though Stef was a 9-month old big puppy at the time I adopted him, he was a rescue who had been born on the street and rescued with his Mom and litter mates when he was just a few days old. I got him as a companion to my then only dog Violet as I was working long days at the time.
He wasn't a dominate dog, although he was the biggest dog of all the dogs I've had. He loved being an inside dog but he also loved chasing squirrels. He even caught one once...though Violet immediately took it from him and killed it. When I had to put Violet to sleep, he grieved.
He absolutely hated getting into vehicles, but once in, he enjoyed the ride, especially if that ride included a stop at McDonalds. When we'd go to the Vet's he'd walk all the way in happily, and then immediately want to leave once we got in the door.
He would dry off on command...a trick the folks at the kennel absolutely adored. He loved to sleep on my pillows, but would share when I went to bed. With his thyroid issues he just loved to have his back scratched...I called it scratchy-scratchy.
This summer when it got hot, one of my fans gave out. The new fan was more powerful...and Stef made it clear that he owned the spot right in front of this fan.
I buried him next to Miss Violet. Come spring I'll plant one or two rose bushes over his grave, just like I have over Violet's grave. I know they are with each other waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge.
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