Help needed to identify rough stones and chips, thoughts please!


Sep 18, 2020
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all, I have little experience with gemstones and found these with a collection of jewellery at auction. Not the most exciting treasure hunt but an unexpected find still!

I understand its difficult to tell from photos but can anyone see anything that would indicate what they are? I assumed the chips were maybe garnets? DSC_4841.JPGDSC_4837.JPG

Any advice or information from the more knowledgeable will be much appreciated. Thank you :)

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This is what the backs look like, if that helps

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The hexagonal columnar crystal form pretty much unquestionably says they're rough rubies. Before you get too excited, from what I can see, there is nothing there which could be said to be gem quality, so the value is not high.

To give you an idea, I picked this one up (almost an inch across) from a rock&gem shop for under $5

R0116 - Ruby.jpg

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Thank you so much for your reply! I think you've cracked it, looks spot on! Any thoughts on the little chips? They vary from pink to grey and orange, some with dark lines running through them and others clear.

Pretty sure everything is rough rubies

Interesting! Thanks so much for the info ��

I tend to think the little ones may be garnets. They will NOT scratch one of the corundums, but the corundums will scratch the garnets.

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