Hi! Im new!


Jr. Member
Aug 24, 2015
Central Georgia, USA
Detector(s) used
My 6th sense. No seriously. I just use my intuition.
My dad has the metal detector. No clue what brand it is. You think he's gonna let me play around with it? NOPE.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi! I'm new!

Okay, first off. Love this site! You guys are great and super helpful!
I'm a dowser. I find cool stuff just by intuition... It's just what to do with it afterwards... Cleaning it up and panning and sifting and... Learning tips and tricks to aid me in that. I have my rock tumbler set up- finally. It didn't come with grit. It's a 3lb tumbler. I put my first set of rocks in 3 days ago. I took some soil samples to make my own grit because... well... why not? It's cheaper than buying it. If you can find it in your back yard and make it why buy bags of it elsewhere? I am currently in middle Georgia. I am in red clay central! It's yucky and obnoxious.

When I was pouring out the soil samples and washing it away to get to the grit... the stuff that got poured out that woudn't wash away... was black sand... and shiny flecks of gold... I didn't even dig that deep. I think the red clay catches most of the gold here. Nuggets aren't the common find... We have flakes trapped in clay. I find them in every sample I pull.

I was kind of shocked. It wasn't even what I was looking for, really.
So then I went online and searched for how to get the red clay to separate from the sediment. It was so helpful that I joined the site. It worked like a charm.

I love to hunt for crystals and gemstones. Because they make pretty pendants and jewelry. Its just taking my finds and getting them to that point. Or even figuring out what it is I'm finding. I kind of get "Stuck" and wind up giving up.
I dunno why I love to play in dirt in my free time. i just do. The first thing I wanted to be when I was little was an archaeologist. I still get those urges to dig.

I am also a dancer and a choreographer. I live by a lake.
I feel like there is tons of cool stuff here waiting to be discovered! :hello2:

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Welcome - People on TN are very knowledgeable and helpful.......ask away and join in the conversations. I'm sure you will have some good info for us also!!

Welcome Aboard! Take a look at Sub-Forums: Georgia for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your state.

Welcome from Augusta, GA.

Welcome to this dance, I love to play in the dirt too and wanted to be an archeologist when younger. Now I just play in the dirt.

Hello everyone! :hello:
So nice to meet you all!

Welcome to the forum.

Thank you for sharing your story, you lead a very interesting life.

welcome to TNet..we are looking forward to seeing some finds now! lol

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