Highest Number of Bank Accounts

I only have 1.

If any banks ask if I have an account, I just say no and walk out. It's no big deal to me.

Had 6 but closed three. I think that is all I need right now.

Also, I think there is a banking network where a bank can check and see if you have other banking accounts when you apply.

Anybody in the "business" that can confirm or deny that?

6 for me but I might open another one at TD bank since I use their "Penny Arcade" machine so much.

Well, if you have a bank's credit card issued by other non-banking institution that would be enough for you to buy coins from that bank even you don't have a checking account. I have several credit cards from different banks so I search these banks even I don't have checking account in these banks.

So to me the number of banks that I have a credit card account or checking account or both) is more than 10.

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