How to successfully dowse

dowser 501

Full Member
Apr 26, 2006
To answer your question Buckleboy you have to be a historian. Long ago on another planet there lived a brilliant human who had a serious inferiority complex which marred his everyday performances.

He used to make excellent hand made dowsing tools although the empire by this time issued them to all and sundry as a legitimate tool of trade.

His frustration at not being able to dowse himself eventually caused him to mentally crack. Whilst spying on a neighboring planet and having time to spare, he began writing critical articles in the local "Daily Planet" decrying mental dowsing as abomination of the laws of phisics.

Quietly in the calm of the evenings he practiced dowsing till sweat poured off him in rivulets, and in fury he would pull out his handy satelite pocket computer and picking on all authors with a questing mind, he cast derision and sarcasms under an alias as the emperor would have had his head off in a flash, as by this time everyone knew that mental dowsing was legit.

In time his fixation became a real problem which affected his warped judgement
and he introduced and published articles under other aliases and retired into obscurity arguing with himself.
To this day no-one knows what happened to this clever maker of hand made dowsing tools, except when remarkably alike skeptics flock to a posting that dares to speak the truth , readers wonder whether the ghost of this famous skeptic is still existing even today in the form of many posters, even arguing with them, and sometimes agreeing with them to throw them off the trail that his ghost still exists.


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
author=SWR ]Heavy stuff. I think Max just outted Judy! :o
Do you really understand it swr?

Operational definitions are inherently difficult — arguably, even impossible — to apply to mental entities, because these latter are generally understood to be accessible only to the individual who experiences them and are therefore not independently verifiable."
Of course I can dowse! It's quite easy, just not very useful. - Carl

Tropical Tramp


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
For what it's worth...............(not much I know :D) I have never dowsed, I bet I could, but I've seen it done, very successfully. On several occasions.

I know a man who is currently in his early 90's. I'll try not to go into too much detail. He has lived off the land, let's say done it the old fashioned way all his life. The gentleman bought himself a saw mill on his 80 th Birthday, ran it daily, sawing lumber on your land (after he cut the trees) 7 days a week. From.... food from the land, to taming a wild animal, you don't buy it, you harvest it, it's there for the taking.

Elliott will walk on to your property find the right tree branch with a nice crotch to it, weigh it in his hands until he has the right feel. In a matter of minutes he will tell you where to dig the well. My Brother in law has apiece of property he was told would never perk, "you'll ever get through the ledge to get water". Elliot went up, dowsed the spot. The well drillers came, I can't remember how many feet they went down, they gave up, no water. The next morning there was a geyser shooting out of the whole and it needed to be capped quick. My Brother in-law still brags about the gallons per minute, absolutely unheard of around here. I have never seen him do anything but water, with "un-purchased" equipment. A stick and an imagination. I feel he could dowse other things, not sure.

No one person would call Elliott crazy or out of his mind. I never knew there were so many people interested one way or another in dowsing. I've known about it for 20 years and never thought anything about it. I never thought it was a mathematical equation, a get rich quick scam (sorry I mean that), or something just anyone could do. I witnessed a lost art, thats what I saw, thats how I felt when I saw it.

I rarely get involved in "controversial" posts. I have been watching and learning from you particular folks, and there a re very few that actually have put any real good point to the negative, it's not a mathematical equation or an equipment debate. Follow the ones who know how dowsing works, open your minds and enjoy.

Keep up the good work Real, good thing you have Judy as a backer your gonna need it ;).


Gold Member
Jan 21, 2005
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Tesoro Lobo Supertraq, (95%) Garrett Scorpion (5%)
SWR wrote: (I'll be nice here)...if you can understand the piffle, misquotes and assorted other BS they've been spewing..

That is "being nice"? Good luck and good hunting to you, hope you find the treasure that you seek.



Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
SWR said:
For what it's worth...............(not much I know :D) I have never dowsed, I bet I could, but I've seen it done, very successfully. On several occasions.

Wow!! You must have seen tons and tons of buried treasures unearthed if you've seen it done on several occasions!

Keep up the good work Real, good thing you have Judy as a backer your gonna need it ;).

(I'll be nice here)...if you can understand the piffle, misquotes and assorted other BS they've been spewing...then YOU are the one who gets the kudos...keep up the good work

Alrighty, I don't normally go there but..............I have read many of your "nice" posts, your'e so kind. Being nice........ maybe you should read the whole post and not just part of it. I stated that I have only seen him dowse WATER. Around here that can be considered a treasure if it's the only way a home can be built. When all the high tech drills and equipment can not find water, but a kind old man with a piece of cord wood can.............on several occasions yes.

Well I get the KUDOS, what I undestand and you do not..........It is a talent that a few special people have. It is not something that a closed minded individual could ever be taught. You will never mathmatically prove dowsing works, you will never prove dowsing in any scientific way. What I understand is you must have an inner abbility, an open mind, and the proper ATTITUDE.

There are alot of things in this world that some can do and some can not. Does that mean it is impossible to do, because you can do something and I can not?

Mr. O, Thanks (I think)


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
COUNTRY GIRL....Thanks for the comments....I do not think Dowsing is a special gift. I think most anyone can Dowse and some are better than others. Your right about ATTITUDE. A bad attitude will stop you from being successful in life....Art


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
aarthrj3811 said:
COUNTRY GIRL....Thanks for the comments....I do not think Dowsing is a special gift. I think most anyone can Dowse and some are better than others. Your right about ATTITUDE. A bad attitude will stop you from being successful in life....Art

Thanks Art, I agree not really a special gift, but a lost art that alot of Old Timers (no offense meant to you dowsers) posses. I think this generation could only handle it if it was attached to a video game. How did they find water to install a well way back when? Now it's all about high tech gadgets, not the simple way. A lost and forgotten art until I came to TN, glad to see there are still folks that can do it.


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey COUNTRY GIRL....I have showen around 500 high school kids how to locate underground utilities. Most were from locale FFA memberships. I believe that some day they will say...I tried those sticks and they worked. Between my wife and I we have 7 kids. Only one of them is intersted in Dowsing. He took his rods and his fishing pole and moved to Alaska. No, he's not rich. He would rather fish than work but he can make a living with the rods and still get to fish a lot...Art


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
The title of this thread is "How to successfully dowse" , so......may I ask a couple of questions, instead of debating the fact of works or doesn't?

What is the theory of HOW it works? Old wives tail.?.......The live wood missing it's source of food,. will seek it out" But other materials? Searching for and using diffrent materials?

I would rather fish than work also, always wanted to see Alaska! Nice. To be able to make a living doing something you were brought up around.........Your a good Man letting your kids follow their dreams as they do, and being proud the're doing it.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
=COUNTRY GIRL Keep up the good work Real, good thing you have Judy as a backer your gonna need it ;).
Thanks love, she is a wonder, beauty & brains in one elegant package. However she is basically neutral, but will hit upon unscientific or incorrect posts on either side. Unfortunately both sides are guilty of this.

You have been posting some very telling data, keep it up love. I have enjoyed them very much.

Tropical Tramp


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
Hmmmm if there are telluric currents running through the earth fromm 100 to 1000 amperes every 12 hours, then diffrent times of the day, different weather conditions, would have an effect on the results of what you are looking for. Hmmmmm

Well Real Love? This is your ball game, swing.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
=Oroblanco ]ouch! :'(

Hi ORO, for him it is extremely nice, his normal pattern. Don't take him seriously, I don't any more. He would probably tell you that the LDM doesn't exist. heheheh

Tropical Tramp

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hmmmm if there are telluric currents running through the earth from 100 to 1000 amperes every 12 hours, then diffrent times of the day, different weather conditions, would have an effect on the results of what you are looking for. Hmmmmm
Well Real Love? This is your ball game, swing.
H Gal, of course, we are all a composite of all of the energies and fields surrounding us. The Holistic Universe tends to explain the possibility of dowsing as well as the other para-normal phenomena.

Keep posting love, I enjoy your posts.

Tropical Tramp


Gold Member
Jan 21, 2005
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo Supertraq, (95%) Garrett Scorpion (5%)
Thanks for the tip Real de Tayopa - seems there is some bad blood here and I am not sure exactly why.

What is the theory of HOW it works? Old wives tail.?.......The live wood missing it's source of food,. will seek it out" But other materials? Searching for and using diffrent materials?

There are several theories - I like the electrical idea as it seems to make sense, to me. All things have an electrical charge (either positive or negative); moving water would put out an electrical field - a set of light conductors (like metal rods or a green stick - note it has to be green, which conducts electricity, and NOT an old dry piece of wood which is a very poor electrical conductor) would first be attracted to the electrical charge (and cross) then as they pick up the identical charge (whether positive or negative) they are repelled from each other and swing away - aligning with the direction of the flow of the electrical charge, which is identical with the flow of the water body.

Another idea is that it is "ideomotor response" that your muscles react in tiny movements that cause the rods or twig to cross and point to the water source, the muscles reacting subconsciously to your mind - in effect it is a sort of ESP power. I have a problem accepting this as I have success dowsing water lines and power lines but don't have any special ESP powers. ::)



Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
The "ideomotor response" instead of ESP could it be that the muscles are also reacting to the electrical charge when the two forces meet? If it was ESP you wouldn't really need the stick except for a prop?



The "ideomotor response" instead of ESP could it be that the muscles are also reacting to the electrical charge when the two forces meet? If it was ESP you wouldn't really need the stick except for a prop?

There are a few I've heard of that use no prop, and merely dowse with outstretched hands. The ideomotor response occurs whether or not the operator is holding a prop, so I suppose if a dowser is super-sensitive, why bother hold an L-rod. In general, I think the prop of an L-rod or pendulum is more for the audience's benefit than the dowser. ;)


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