I feel like Im the only woman on here. Helloooo

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Since nobody answered you I will chime in. :hello: There is Mumszie, Bootybay, Lorrain, and a few more that I can't bring to mind right now. They hang out in the Beach and Shallow water section mostly.

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

There are many women on here, and they post some great finds and interesting stories too, One is even stationed in Alaska! Just let your fingers do the walking and you will find them on the forums!

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

And me :hello:

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Sorry, Feline Peachy.<G> Should have included Red of Chug and Red too.

Think posters' avatars are a pretty good indication, too.

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Although it may seem like it, your not the only one, :) here's the stats- Male to Female Ratio: 10.2:1 :thumbsup:

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Piqua has some indian and 18th century history. There's gotta be some relics waiting to be found near the river and creeks.

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

I'm here. Like a bad river, baby. I'm all over town, I mean t-net.

But I'm in s florida, and burning a cow, I'll check bnack in good luck on some buddies in your neck of the woods,
Wanna come to florida? I smell that cow, gotta run

Uh oh, now I see you a dog, woman! LOL! :laughing7:
You house trained and get along with cats? :tongue3:

You can still come to florida, hehehehehehe


Piqua's history goes back to the early 1700's. Lots of relics and stuff laying around but the government says "no can touch". OhioDeb

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Me too!

Just a few who pop up in my mind...Mental Granny, Nana40, Noodle, Gypsy Heart, Minime, Roswellborn, Mona Lisa, Cynangyl, Angie, Bramblefind, Sandcreek, Unicorn, Mamabear, Lady Digger, Vibes, Cntrydncer1, Tee ;D

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

don't feel lonely sis, there are plenty of us women on TN. & the men aint got nothin on us, ceptin maybe numbers!

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Hi Deb! I'm here...been here for 4 years! and I'm a Deb too!

Re: Piqua

OhioDeb said:
Piqua's history goes back to the early 1700's. Lots of relics and stuff laying around but the government says "no can touch". OhioDeb

You need to find a place near the historic areas that is either public or private. A place I hunt is two miles from Ohio's only Revolutionary fort. It is public land near a dam. The land is used for hunting and near a river where a well know crossing place was. The finds are far and few between, but they are out there.


Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

Under Community on t- net tool bar there is a line listed , Who's on line click that any time of day or night and you can see who is on line and click their name and its interactive goes to their profile..

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

I dont post very often but I'm a female who hangs around here. And I'm a dog person too. ;D

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

So see, it's not an "old man hobby" like my ex-wife use to tell me, I knew she was wrong.

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

We may be in the minority, but we are here! I'm in the Dallas area.

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

An easy way to find all the women here is to go to MUG Shots and look for the posts with about 4000 views or higher. Those will be the women.


An easy way would be to click on the View column and bring the highest view numbers to the top of the list. You will see that a majority of them are the women who are on TNet.

You might even post your own picture and check back to see how high your view count is..... ;D

Ray S ECenFL

Re: I feel like I'm the only woman on here. Helloooo

That is funny Ray...you mean we have treasurenet stalkers??? lol

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