If you are retired, what age did you retire at...

Ray, I hate to say this, but you really have it all wrong. I started thinking about retirement the same day I started working.. I guess I will still be thinking of retiring until the day I die. For me, retirement is just a thought and a dream... That's life ;D I think being able to afford being able to retire is the biggest obstacle.

I have lived by the following 2 phrases.

1- I was born with nothing, and still have most of it left
2- I'm so poor I can't pay attention.

Need I say more :dontknow:

I am be poorer than a dirt farmer, but I do have a great sense of humor :icon_thumleft:

I was forced retired (medically) at 49---I was planning on going out at 55 on full pension ( takes 20 years-of day for day seatime ---- at 8 months per year at sea ,that takes minimum of 30 years to do , if you can get a ship "perfectly" when you want to that is )

30 years of (2)- 4 month tours of duty per year , you work 7 days a week for 4 months straight ( 12 hours a day is a common workday -- it can be longer at times) with 2 months "off" then the other 4 months on again.---since you work 12 hours a day minimum during your 8 months on-- thats the same hours wize and wear and tear wize --as working 8 hours a day , 7 days a week , 365 days a year for 30 years straight without a day off. and thats just the "hours" worked -- thats not even taking the "working conditions" into account --the constant rocking and rolling (damages all your ankles /knees/ hip and lower back joints over time) -- storms and other hazards

my point of veiw is with economic things the way they are---- if you can retire and get to your money --do so as soon as possible

Three weeks of watching mind numbing Daytime Television and the Soap Operas, was enough for me.
Got shuffled out of the Aerospace Industry on a downturn years back.

Whatever you do, do not plan on just sitting there watching the world go by.

Most people do not have the luxury of stopping work all together; the main consideration overall will be the income you need to maintain your lifestyle you have become accustomed to, i.e. eating out and having a roof over your head and not being driven to the poor house by taxes. Little additions like taking a vacation, traveling in RV or camper and keeping your health up are really serious considerations.

Most important of all .. Medicare Health Insurance -- "supplemental coverage" and medical/medicine expenses will probably be your largest continuing expense. (along with taxes, house, income, and local/state -- that's why people move to Texas, Florida and Arizona) (Take Ginko Biloba, eat Broccoli, Asparagus, Chinese Stir Fry Veggies, Chef Salads and cut out sugar, sweeteners, flour, potatoes and pizza --- go read Atkins diet book -- diet is OK -- but read section on diabetes, sugar and junk food industry -- and you will begin to understand how we all got into the mess we are currently in)

Consider "Super-Good" part time jobs like storm chasers who do FEMA disaster recovery processing or Security Work. Basically an on demand industry which generates about half normal income in relaxed environment. Search FEMA Contractors -- PARRINSPECTIONS.COM -- Insurance Adjusting etc.
Couple Boat-Insurance Inspectors went to Florida after hurricane and set up shop for 6-months and made some serious money -- can be difficult at times though.

Went to a bunch of the stock market trading seminars advertised on TV -- some interesting information, but most were trying to sell you some kind of trading program for $1500 or so, and wanted people to invest life savings, in the $25,000 range up. "Investools" was one popular program that looked promising, but similar information is available in books, at much cheaper prices ($15 to $50), along with trading program/analysis sites on internet ($10 to $50 a month). This is another promising area, but takes lots of skill and practice to come up to speed.

Whatever you do, dump the pressure-cooker daily work world for good; those people who do, tend to live a lot longer. Translated into English -- those who did not get out of aerospace and stayed in a pressure cooker environment into their late 50's and 60's, are now dropping like flies from heart problems and stress.

Never know what you might run across treasure hunting, might just happen to run across a pirate treasure chest and retire to your own island. -- The real pirates dream .. own your own cruise ship dock.

You can retire anytime you want too, just figure out how to have more money coming in than you need for expenses. So far I have not been able to accomplish that; let me know if you do!

56 . Hadn't intended to . Feller stuck a knife in my chest and put me back together after doing 3 bypasses . Was fortunate enough to be debt free and owned my own home . We remain debt free at this point . Current economy and political situation are reasons for concern .

Retired at 54. Sat on my a$$ for a yr then got a job at an engineering co as a construction (City Utilities) for the next 14 yrs from April through October.....my favorite type of work.

Thanks for all of you who, so far, have replied. Give me a lot to think about.

I am a great believer in 'you are what you eat'. I also believe in ' everything in moderation'. Very rarely do I drink soft drinks of any king. Avoid excess sugar intake. It is almost impossible to avoid all sugar since it is hidden in a lot of processed foods and snacks.

I DO love a good NY pizza. In moderation of course. ;D

If you are having major weight problems and are serious about losing the excess, here is a phrase to think about. If God did not make it, do not eat it. Your health is the most important thing you have.

Thanks for the replies. :thumbsup:

Hello, Ray
I was a carpenter and enjoyed doing it and worked two and a half years past my 65th birthday. Then the following year the
contractor that I had worked for called and asked if I wanted to do a couple months work for him again even though he
still had 12 guys working for him yet, so I said "Sure." So it lasted about 3 months, but it was a good job and I enjoyed being
back at work for a bit. Also he was a friend and a great guy to work for and I had worked for him for 17 years before
retireing. We are still friends and still go to his shop to see him and the rest of the crew occasionally to say hello before they
head out to their various jobs for the day. I still enjoy woodworking as a hobby.

Retired from Civil Service on my 51st birthday in November 2008, and just retired from the Air Force reserves at the ripe ol age of 52 in June of this year with 34 years of service. Still working today as an overseas contractor, and should be done with work all together in another two years and at the age of 55.

retired at age 60 in 2003 after 43 years on the railroad,
now do a little woodworking, fishing and almost full
time metal detecting. Idaho Hunter

Retired at 49,havn't regretted it.Spend my time fishing,Mding,traveling and other activities.I'm 56 now and in this time I have had cancer and a stroke.I have been blessed with a recovery from both.My point is if you can do it don't wait because you never know what lifes going throw at you down the road.

Which time? Just kidding. I retired twice though, three times if you count Social Security. 21 1/2 years from the Police Department., at age 42 Ten years from the City as Code Enforcement Manager at age 59. (medical) Had a broken back from an injury. Social Security at age 62. But I'd rather be working than have this bad back to live with. Monty

due to medical reasons..54 is when I retired.

March 2011 if not sooner, that will give me 33 years Civil Service and makes me 55 years old, plan on staying in the Army National Guard for a couple more years for the extra money and retirement points, and keep my fingers crossed that I don't get deployed again.

I'm 53. Every 18 months I retire for 6 months. I think of it as taking retirement in installments. Have done this since I was 30.

Working for myself I can do this. If the world does not come to an end, I plan to build one last sailboat and retire for good at 55.

Old Town

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