I found this scraper in central Montana while fossil hunting on private land. It's from local rock and not very fancy. I've found more modern tools and this looks cruder. It was well used the edge is warn fairly smooth but has nice serrations.
Looks a bit better in that view. Believe it or not some of the crudest pieces I find are late woodland to Mississippian period. Not old compared to Clovis.
If your item is a artifact the only thing I could see it being used for would be a chopping type of tool.
I see you have not posted for a while, but your item looks like a well used fleshing knife. Your area and further north towards the ''River'' are some good area's to hunt, and don't forget those hard-pan's.
It may have been used as a Tool, but it more than likely not Clovis related. The Clovis people produced very well made Tools and Points. Crudeness does not imply old. I find some of the crudest Tools on my Ft Ancient sites that are only a few hundred to 1000 years old.