Is map dowsing a hoax?


Silver Member
Nov 14, 2011
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All Treasure Hunting
Time for a reality check on this forum. It has been overrun by some people claiming to be map dowsers. The thought has occurred to me that some people are trying to give dowsing and locating a bad name. Like the saying goes, "Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give all the others a bad name."

I'm not saying map dowsing can't possibly work, but I am saying it is so inaccurate. I know some people swear it works. One guy told me he had his dad hide a target and then he map dowsed it. Sorry but that is not even map dowsing. That is more like mental telepathy or mind reading someone emotionally close to you. Another guy has his wife hide a target then he "dowses" it. Same thing. This is false feedback. If you don't get real feedback every time, every day, there is no way anyone can claim they are a map dowser. Sam Lobo Wolfe said the odds are something like one in ten thousand that any map dowser is going to locate anything except mineral pockets.

I say if they are not charging money for their service ...

Rock on :icon_thumright:

If it does work, and I'm not saying it doesn't, wouldn't all the buried treasures be found by now?

I have witnessed dowsing with L rods and sticks, for under ground utilities and water, and have seen it work. In the field there are magnetic fields, or other tangible forces at work, but where is the "signal" coming from on a piece of paper.

I'll be skeptical until I see it work.

I tested this theory on another forum last year,I had some photos of a property that my home currently sits on now,A so called dowser claimed there was a valuable object in one location an as time went on others claimed there was valuables there but in seperate locations in the photo,Claiming anywhere from 1-6 feet down,The thing is,My house sits on about 15 feet of fill dirt,Placed there by my brother and i. In my personal opinion,I think map dowsing is bogus. Physically dowsing for water is a different ballgame all together. I dont put much faith in map dowsing or Call me now Mrs Cleo type of stuff,But thats just one mans opinion.

HH John

Again, I am not saying map dowsing can't possibly work. But if you recall the govt Stargate Remote Viewing program, they had top people, some of the most gifted people in the nation and tons of feedback and they still gave up on it. Do you ever hear of any one these people out there finding stuff for people? I sure haven't. That's why i question if this whole thing here is not some kind of skeptic hoax. An attempt to discredit any dowsing or locators.

In any endeavor there are as many fakes and hoaxers, as there are legitimate people doing the same type of exercise. Especially where any money or other monatery value is concerned, it will draw the unscrupulous ones in like flies to a honey jar. It happened when the gold rushes started, when gambling was legalized and when metal detectors become avaliable to citizens. It also rears its ugly head whenever there are anything of value at stake. I have been a dowser, and yes, a map dowser for many years, and in that time I have seen many come and go claiming to be the all knowing authority on the subject. While I do not claim to be that either, I also do not charge for my services and do not claim that my dowsing is 100% correct. Ther is no 100%, no matter what you are using. A metal detector is only about 50-60%, there are just too many variables, buried or lost over the last 400 years in the ground. Good Luck. rockhound

There's a lot of respected map dowsers on this forum and I do have a lot of respect for them. These guys are the pro's, not everyone can do it plus they will take the time do dowse your maps for you and they ask for nothing in return. They take a lot of time out of their lives to dowse your maps and answer your questions for you. If you don't like it or you want no part of it or just can't believe it then just don't come to this forum. They guys here don't need to be continually hammered by your negative posts because it's one of the reasons dowsing doesn't work for you. Negativity reflects on everyone, it brings down the good and takes away from peoples mental capabilities. It doesn't do anyone any good to continually hammer on their abilities, you're just killing everything around you with this frame of mind so go buy some flowers and get happy or just get drunk and beat your wife instead, at least she gets paid for it right.

If it does work, and I'm not saying it doesn't, wouldn't all the buried treasures be found by now?

I have witnessed dowsing with L rods and sticks, for under ground utilities and water, and have seen it work. In the field there are magnetic fields, or other tangible forces at work, but where is the "signal" coming from on a piece of paper.

I'll be skeptical until I see it work.

Do you know how many Treasures there are in the world ?

I don't either

but "all" of them would be a task :laughing7:

Having worked with several dowsers over the last 30 years, I have a pretty good idea if it works or not. Dowsers are affected by the same false signals that LRLs are. I have stuck a probe in a target exactly where it was supposed to be. I have also found nothing in a LOT of spots. Bottom line,,, some are on point some are not. If I was to explain why water dowsing works so well, the cat would be out of the bag. So, I'll just leave it at that.

Having worked with several dowsers over the last 30 years, I have a pretty good idea if it works or not. Dowsers are affected by the same false signals that LRLs are. I have stuck a probe in a target exactly where it was supposed to be. I have also found nothing in a LOT of spots. Bottom line,,, some are on point some are not. If I was to explain why water dowsing works so well, the cat would be out of the bag. So, I'll just leave it at that.

Do not let that cat out. If people understood how dowsing worked, it would be Armageddon. Do not torture the masses with knowledge.I am sure we could not handle it.:tongue3:


jeff of pa To prove a point about any dowsing everyone needs to see the dowsers----dowse a map and a treasure hunter take that location and find a treasure. To randomly dowse maps for people without any results is just that----IT DON"T WORK. What everyone wants to see is results--------THERE HAVE ZERO.

Someone post a map of a known treasures whereabouts--------a treasure hunter excavate the site-------THEN WE WILL SEE IF MAP DOWSING OR DOWSING ITSELF ACTUALLY WORKS.

How about a map of the Town of Montvale, Virginia-------the Beale Treasure is there somewhere-----DOWSE A MAP AND FIND IT?

How about a map of Phoenicia, NY --------Dutch Shultz strong box is buried there worth $9 Million Dollars today--------DOWSE A MAP AND FIND IT? YOU CAN'T AND YOU KNOW IT.


supposed treasures . for one I don't believe the Beale Treasure exists.
doesn't mean it doesn't , but if I'm right nothing will find a scam.
I have no idea on the Dutch Shultz strong box, but again, what if it doesn't exist anymore,
or never did ?

I'm open minded enough to say I may be wrong,
and I'm also open minded enough to believe there may be something to map dowsing.

Your right it takes proof to convince everyone, but
if the dowsers are happy with their results, why should thery care :dontknow:
it's not a Business it's a technique

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I am sure the two doubting stooges a couple of posts above are highly successful treasure hunters. I have seen amazing things done by map dowsers, does that mean I dug up treasures? You could have the best metal detector and GPR in the world handed to you with Great Great Grandpa the Pirate's treasure map with an X marks the spot and that does not guarantee you will dig up treasure. See signature below.

There are T-Net members that seem to consider themselves the judge and jury of all things treasure related. They repeatedly refer to things that they know nothing about as hoaxes and fraud. I am sure they have done no real testing of their own and have never dealt one-on-one with a serious dowser of any type. They constantly use the argument that they have not seen proof of treasures found by dowsing because no one has posted the treasure finds on T-Net. First off if they were to read thru the old dowsing posts you can find people that claim they were led to what they were looking for. The other thing is it would not be hard to google up a few pictures of pirate chests or pots-of-gold, post them on here and then claim you found them by dowsing. Pictures and words on the internet no longer have much value and are certainly no longer a means of proving anything other than people are gullible.

There is a T-Net dowser that has taken on the challenge from another member to prove he can map dowse. I have been asked to be a part of the process. If he is successful and proves it would that make believers out of the doubting Thomases of T-Net? I doubt that, they would just claim it is all another hoax.

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I posted a few few aerial photos and asked for help dowsing them. The first map that I started working through has been 100% accurate. I am nowhere near finished with the map, however so far here are the results:

1. I went directly to the first area circled as having items near the surface. I ran the MD through the area and dug up 4 items.
2. Because time was short and it was dark I didn't try to find the next circled areas, but opted to search the area surrounding the first circle. (none of this area was marked by the dowser as having anything there). I got absolutely no hits in this area.
3. As a comparison of area, the unmarked area I searched was roughly 8-10xs the size of the circled area that had 4 items, and was totally surrounding the circled area. Again..not one hit on the MD (not even for nails, pulltabs or foil)
4. This weekend I searched a second circle that was marked by the dowser and found 2 items. I searched the unmarked area surrounding the circle and had no hits whatsoever on the MD in the unmarked area. (The unmarked section I checked this weekend was approximately 4-5 times larger than the marked area.)

So, it's not definitive proof, however these early results certainly indicate an early positive correlation between the dowser's work and the presence of items. I have several other maps I will be working through in the future that have also been dowsed so I will keep everyone up to date on how it goes. But for now, the map dowser is 100% accurate on both where to look, and where NOT to look.

Time for more reality check.

What we have here is a classic case of "kill the messenger". One guy even made the subtle hint that I beat my wife! Don't dare question anyone because that is disrespectful. Another said I am making claims. I guess that's all good and fine with you guys. Dowsing is finding the truth. What I am seeing here is excuses and attacks and yes, claims. You guys are losing even more credibility. You should read the about how skeptics work. Then go look in the mirror. But your head is so far buried in the sand you probably won't see much more than the soles of your shoes and your rear end.

And I still question whether this whole thing here is a skeptic hoax to discredit dowsing and locators. EVERYTHING I am seeing is exactly how the skeptics operate.

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Signal_Line, I just posted my experiences with dowsing above. Based on my limited experiences with it, all appears to be working out exactly as the dowser said it would. It's early, and perhaps not entirely scientific, but the results look promising so far.

Time for more reality check.

What we have here is a classic case of "kill the messenger". One guy even made the subtle hint that I beat my wife! Don't dare question anyone because that is disrespectful. Another said I am making claims. I guess that's all good and fine with you guys. Dowsing is finding the truth. What I am seeing here is excuses and attacks and yes, claims. You guys are losing even more credibility. You should read the about how skeptics work. Then go look in the mirror. But your head is so far buried in the sand you probably won't see much more than the soles of your shoes and your rear end.

Please point out where someone suggests you beat your wife.

if they did,
They just lost their right to post in this thread.

but i can't find it

I posted a few few aerial photos and asked for help dowsing them. The first map that I started working through has been 100% accurate. I am nowhere near finished with the map, however so far here are the results:

1. I went directly to the first area circled as having items near the surface. I ran the MD through the area and dug up 4 items.
2. Because time was short and it was dark I didn't try to find the next circled areas, but opted to search the area surrounding the first circle. (none of this area was marked by the dowser as having anything there). I got absolutely no hits in this area.
3. As a comparison of area, the unmarked area I searched was roughly 8-10xs the size of the circled area that had 4 items, and was totally surrounding the circled area. Again..not one hit on the MD (not even for nails, pulltabs or foil)
4. This weekend I searched a second circle that was marked by the dowser and found 2 items. I searched the unmarked area surrounding the circle and had no hits whatsoever on the MD in the unmarked area. (The unmarked section I checked this weekend was approximately 4-5 times larger than the marked area.)

So, it's not definitive proof, however these early results certainly indicate an early positive correlation between the dowser's work and the presence of items. I have several other maps I will be working through in the future that have also been dowsed so I will keep everyone up to date on how it goes. But for now, the map dowser is 100% accurate on both where to look, and where NOT to look.

Here another thing why a lot of things are not found, a circle are a dot can be a hundred yards off,at 3,000 feet on a aerial map,just because a dowser said it there don't mean it not.i only found one way that i can get within 15 feet,on a spot,and that take a lot of paper and ink,not done on a computer screen. so walk a mile in a dowser shoe's before you judge when you post a picture to be dowsed,when they mark it,run the spot down a 1,000 feet and see if they still have it,and if they do ,run down more,tell you allmost lose the picture, your recover will be a lot better.

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