jesuit #7

here's a couple photos that Stevesno. asked me to post for him.he will be able to tell you about them. Thanks for showing the photos steve.View attachment 906516View attachment 906517
Dog...Thankyou very much for posting for me. The photo on left (turtle) is self explanatory. A turtle with part of the body made into a 7. The 7 is pointing to the dig location. This dig location is verified in the second pic by the shadow wolf in the background. The wolf is also looking at the dig location. I am not sure what the court jester face on top is all about except maybe an eyecatcher. There are two other larger boulders nearby that have a large 7 on them. I will try and find these photos and have Dog post for me. As Mike stated it is all about context...the 7 can mean whatever the organization who layed down this trail intended. This was done by KGC...and it was not a camp location. I have found other 7's earlier on and assumed that it was also a I also assumed that the turtles head pointed to treasure. I was wrong on both counts. I have learned much and I continue to do so. I appreciate all of you sharing your experiences, that is why I share this.

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Yes...magnified on my cell phone which I took the pic with it is real obvious. Right above the wolf is a scary or funny face...depends on how you look at it.

Hey Springy,

I always obfuscate pics of the people I am with. Privacy issues ...

Yeah, I know, but I like the way you did it. It looks like one of those flat topped floppy hats that some of the ese's used to wear with their zoot suits.

No offense M,i/k;e <best I could do with obfuscation, Gollum , but you're going to have to do better than that to convince me those marks are Jesuit.

Only one mark? You should be able to find them all along your trail unless it's really short and they only needed to sleep once.

Speaking of context, try following the path of Christ, and the cult of heaven and middle earth, it might answer quite a few questions.

The fundamental principles of Old and New world civilizations: a comparative ... - Zelia Nuttall - Google Books id=X0ZRAAAAcAAJ&dq=hispania%20gold&pg=PA1#v=onepage&q=hispania%20gold&f=false <Note the elephant on the coins

I don't respond to PM's

new 131 (3).jpg

Hi Steve. I think I understand that you have already worked this site. So I hope a couple of questions might be ok. In the circle I marked #1 is what I call a type of chimney. How ever it can be a creek valley or other. Was this actually a chimney as in pozo or other. In The #2 circle that I have marked is a symbol that confuses me. Is that an upside down "2" or a "7" perhaps a stylized "z" Or may be a upside down Mercury symbol? The turtle being propped up on one side forming a type of hoyo. Did you find any other use for this except the shape of the hoyo?
I hope I am not being to much trouble. Many thanks


No offense M,i/k;e <best I could do with obfuscation, Gollum , but you're going to have to do better than that to convince me those marks are Jesuit. ...

All the 'treasure marks' are disguised - 'Jesuit' is one of the disguises. A lot of folks also confuse this stuff with 'Spanish' - another disguise. Most of the marks people are finding were created after the 1850's, IMO.

For believers in the missionaries' mining and treasure secrets in the American Southwest theme, it's interesting that they focus on the Jesuits when these brothers were actually late to the party. Tracing the moves of the Franciscans during the 16th and 17th centuries following the 'shame of Marcos' seems more interesting. Certainly more challenging.

View attachment 906913

Hi Steve. I think I understand that you have already worked this site. So I hope a couple of questions might be ok. In the circle I marked #1 is what I call a type of chimney. How ever it can be a creek valley or other. Was this actually a chimney as in pozo or other. In The #2 circle that I have marked is a symbol that confuses me. Is that an upside down "2" or a "7" perhaps a stylized "z" Or may be a upside down Mercury symbol? The turtle being propped up on one side forming a type of hoyo. Did you find any other use for this except the shape of the hoyo?
I hope I am not being to much trouble. Many thanks

Pinwheel...Number one is just an unusual rock formation. We have a lot of those here in the Ozarks. I belive number 2 is another 7. I had not noticed this before. There are a lot more signs around but I know what I am looking for so I get in and get out. I dont wish to sidetrack this thread on the Jesuit 7. According to PIcketts Field Notebook. The number 7 is the Jesuit symbol for gold. That is why I posted it here. The KGC took the Jesuit symbol for gold and used it in this layout....Springfield, I really enjoyed your book in fact I ordered two more for friends. If I was as articulate as you I might head in that direction...but I'm just a hillbilly and content to be so. I agree with your smokescreen theory...I have found this to be quite true involving a local legend...Steve

the seven (7) is a valuable sign if you would let the
'gold' idea go..only amateurs and guesses say the number 7 in the field means gold,
dog, you stated that the 7's you saw in the field had nothing to do with camps..ONLY because
you didnt look for the camp until you found it,,follow one of the points to the campsite..dont take some
WAG wild ass not some made up compass heading, or a presuposed heading, it is the EXACT WAY
THE 7 IS POINTING, MOSTLY THE BOTTOM OF THE 7..once you actually find the campsite, it takes a little
knowledge, read the t errain, sometimes some breastwork, no ss not that kind of breastwork...also you might find
a stone chair, or bed, what you will find once you are there, is the True trail to the goods. the Alpha will be there
decoded it will show you where the Omega know the drill from there I am sure..7's are a good sign,[soometimes the 7 is hidden to look like an "L" you just need to know what to do with them..don't think ah well they were just resting, ect, nope they were working on reorienting the trails, to the mine, to the tax quint, or to the nearest port where they could get home..
oro for the correctly informed,
dog the only way you can say the 7's were not a campsite, is you have the oro in your pocket~!

ps the only sentential s we have to worry about are the Masons.., no not you ordinary Mason, they are
kept out of the loop..its the "gran phubar" type, One showed up at my site a few years back, and disguised
him self as a gold panner-prospector and spent 3 summers nosing around my site of about 10 years at that time
this guy was a snake, he hired a guy with ordinance experience wrapped the pertinent marked boulders of the Alpha
with primer cord, and touched it off and blew the entire monument in to the river far below, 2-300 ton boulders lying upside down in the river, lost forever the meaning...the thank god, he died of a heart attack that day..justice is sometimes swift and merciful. of course by that time I had hundreds of photos of the monument, and was working on the omega which was 'bullet proof'-this one is in the top 3 for recovery... as it turns out -thru good deeds of my own...I own - half of the property it is sitting on,along with my partner of 20+ years. Take lots of pics
in case you have a snake show up at your site..oh they have the orginal maps of all t he places they worked on for all those decades hundreds of years ago, no other way explains his presence there at my site..also keep your pics and notes safe from a burglary, as they have those skills too..I know at least two people who were burgled Since I am retired ....I change my address and residence as often as possible..lots of cold and false trails layed back ups of data burned to disk and stored in a safety deposit box and original notebooks copied and stored in a safe are wise to do the same.
billie you kid too damn much....with your quote..
'use both readings like 60/240"
AS THE JESUITS WOULD NEVER EVER USE NUMBERS LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF THE DREADED NUMBER "6" IN THE IN"60" AND 240 ADDS UP TO "6" had no way of knowing this about them - so we get to see that you are all wet when it comes to knowing anything about the CODE ~! so cease and desist please from typing this garbage here, if you have to pretend, that you know something about the code keep it to the thread "cloud reading 101 and if that is not enough start your own thread "clown reading 101. nuff said~!
no oro for know nothings..

"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into ,

" The Twilight Zone."


Someone hasnt been reading my posts! I said very clearly that the seven is Spanish (not Jesuit).

I have shown this trail of monuments and markers before, so forgive me if you have already seen this:

That is the link to another thread just about that trail. The first pic of the initial boulder is gone, so when I get home, I will add it back in.

Best - Mike

Don't bother , I've seen it and I'm not impressed, even rambler can find funny shaped rocks.

If you want to impress me show me the inscription that is found on some rather large silver disks associated with a real cache site, it doesn't need to be a picture a copy of a hand drawing will be fine. < ask around i'm sure somebody has heard of them.

if you can't produce that then you can take your horse rock and go ride have nothing that is of any interest to me.

I have always wondered if the roman set of numerals was part of a jesuit way of marking things. Being the Jesuits were most likely the first to get over here, and just happen to be very knowledgeable, in like say mining skills. There is actual records on line that talk about commerce, and players in that. It would make sense to set up commerce, be it a governor, padre, or who ever was leading the captives. There is also some good reading on expiditions and there would have to be a way to mark the routes they were trying to establish. I also believe older workings like pit mines was re used by the Spanish for the minerals they contained. Knowing when a group of explorers always contained a certain number and type of skilled folks like map makers. It is a easy jump that Jesuits would be there to help. Now the argument of did jesuits own mines or not is always a distraction. It is for sure the groups they may have helped owned them and worked them. So the jesuits had some hand in them. If you accept this than you must accept the Jesuits used a 7. While there is many places and documents that can support this statement. There are absolutely none that can disprove this. So there is a active role by modern day Jesuits to misinform us or we cant believe anything we have read.

The 7 can be used in many ways, alone or with other signs. Not trusting what has been put out so far. I have taken the time to come to my own conclusions. The seven is a low priority sign that is more confirmation the spanish was here and no more.

From what I am reading on this forum, the Spanish seemed to only carve into rocks / boulders, etc? I posted a little earlier in this thread about a '7' I found. It is however on a tree. The area I am researching however was heavily Spanish and Mexican, I have not studied if the are had secessionist activity, doubtful, but who knows it still could be KGC, but the Spanish history in the area is real. I am finding MANY other markings, all on trees in this area, at first all screaming Spanish to me, now I dont know the more I research. Someone who works in the area has dated these carvings around early 1800s, says they are Spanish, but I dont know how he got that information, although he is an intelligent guy. So I suppose I need to show an image if I am going to talk about this.

Obviously we have a 'B' on our hands here, so any thoughts on a combination of B and 7 is welcome. The bottom marking looks like a 7 on its own, although an odd 7 with a "fat" base line or whatever it is called. This is on a dead tree, carvings are becoming warn. But the main carving seems like a B + 7 carving combination but I just cant make it out (what is next to the 'B'), with a DOT carving next to it.

- I was assuming this area was a camp, its next to a creek water supply, shady with big trees, and one of the first areas with carvings if one were to be walking East to West (which carvings seem to be leading me). I want to post some of the many other carvings on other trees in this area but lets stay on the 7.


  • 1_B_7.jpg
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Don't bother , I've seen it and I'm not impressed, even rambler can find funny shaped rocks.

If you want to impress me show me the inscription that is found on some rather large silver disks associated with a real cache site, it doesn't need to be a picture a copy of a hand drawing will be fine. < ask around i'm sure somebody has heard of them.

if you can't produce that then you can take your horse rock and go ride have nothing that is of any interest to me.

What the F is your problem? I have never been rude to you (unless you are one of the many douches that use a bunch of aliases).

SO BOB632, for being rude and insulting, you have won the:


Best - Mike


From what I am reading on this forum, the Spanish seemed to only carve into rocks / boulders, etc? I posted a little earlier in this thread about a '7' I found. It is however on a tree. The area I am researching however was heavily Spanish and Mexican, I have not studied if the are had secessionist activity, doubtful, but who knows it still could be KGC, but the Spanish history in the area is real. I am finding MANY other markings, all on trees in this area, at first all screaming Spanish to me, now I dont know the more I research. Someone who works in the area has dated these carvings around early 1800s, says they are Spanish, but I dont know how he got that information, although he is an intelligent guy. So I suppose I need to show an image if I am going to talk about this.

View attachment 911159

Obviously we have a 'B' on our hands here, so any thoughts on a combination of B and 7 is welcome. The bottom marking looks like a 7 on its own, although an odd 7 with a "fat" base line or whatever it is called. This is on a dead tree, carvings are becoming warn. But the main carving seems like a B + 7 carving combination but I just cant make it out (what is next to the 'B'), with a DOT carving next to it.

- I was assuming this area was a camp, its next to a creek water supply, shady with big trees, and one of the first areas with carvings if one were to be walking East to West (which carvings seem to be leading me). I want to post some of the many other carvings on other trees in this area but lets stay on the 7.

I have found several folks who are very knowledgeable of tree carvings and manipulations. I only studied long enough to get a primer. The use of older symbols has been duplicated it seems. You would need more information who was in the area and what time. Your picture shows age, I dont know the growth patterns, but that would be a good measurement of age.

Mike Gollum and others who have said the number 7 is a camp I believe are correct.

The letter B is believed to be two numbers, the 1 and 3. It also is two tombstones turned on its side. There is too many references to put them all here. I suspect its kgc markings. But it doesnt fit.

It is my belief that the # 7 can and does mean several meanings, dependes on the contex with its used 7 = a week, 7 = G, , trail,, what if they are upside down, backward,. I think that too many folks live in a box

It is my belief that the # 7 can and does mean several meanings, dependes on the contex with its used 7 = a week, 7 = G, , trail,, what if they are upside down, backward,. I think that too many folks live in a box

dsty you are so right. knowing when it is used in its different forms is the trick. I have found certain signs lead to the hole. 7 is not one of them. Im talking when you get in close.

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