Legend vs Realitiy

Am I the only person here who see's natural rock formations untouched by the human hand?

No, but you have to smoke the Peace pipe to see how they looked like about 12000 years ago.

the church wall is what they call a free standing wall , there is no supporting natural formation for it to be a natural structure .. if you look close you will see it is two rows of stone stacked side by side and covered by a thick mortar ,,thus it is a type of adobe .. some less educated in construction may childishly believe it maybe a natural event in nature but they would show a lack of skill and education in pueblo design and development ...

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Am I the only person here who see's natural rock formations untouched by the human hand?

I am no expert obviously. Here are cliff ruins at Mancos Canyon.
Zuni-Pueblo-Indians-Cliff Ruins-Mancos Canyon..jpg

This is Bowman's photo.
IMG_0007 (1).jpg

Not sure how close he got to look for evidence. One would expect pottery shards, tools, whatever. Anyone who has been out there is far more qualified than me and I'm not gonna argue with them about natural and un natural.
There should be some evidence of human activity before getting too excited.

Bowman, you run across any caves in that area? Can't remember if you mentioned it.
You getting your knees replaced or some other knee surgery?

sorry ,a peace pipe is not used for that reason .it is used with white sage to scare away evil spirits . so I hope you find some peace in the wisdom of the real world ...

. why do you think they called it " the seven caves ...? "

sorry ,a peace pipe is not used for that reason .it is used with white sage to scare away evil spirits . so I hope you find some peace in the wisdom of the real world ...
White sage is / was never smoked in a peace pipe, where do you come up with this stuff?

White sage is / was never smoked in a peace pipe, where do you come up with this stuff?

Not endorsing what BB has claimed here for his site, but the ingredients of what was smoked in peace pipes varied by the tribe and even by the clan. This article includes the mention of white sage used in the mix of the Calumet pipe.
INDIAN CALUMET: The Pipe of Peace

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

now I want to go smoke some white sage. lol

you don't inhale it ,it for purification and yes it taste nasty but it works good for what it is used for ...some one has been watching to much TV ...you can burn white sage and force evil spirits out of a house ...but TV has given many the wrong idea of how it works and why ...when they gather ,they start by cleaning the spirit and adding all to the shadow world ...by blowing the sage smoke out into the space that fills the room and holds the spirits with in it ...this dose not happen often most of the time it dose happen a chef has called a gathering for a set reason and you must be called to the gathering or you will never know it even took place ...

The New Agers got hold of white sage and selling white sage smudge sticks on Amazon. Then people complaining their house smelled burnt :D

it is my theory that most often things that are lost to us are right in plain sight , but for few logical reason we fail to see them .. they destroyed and no one had mapped them out before they were destroyed ..I some cases we fail to see what is rare because we have nothing to compare it to because nothing is like it ..it dose not mean it is not there it only is seen as something else . a city become a odd group of rocks . a city vanishes over night but in fact has gone no where and being destroy dose not change where it was ... in many cases we have some many descriptions of the past of a object we fail to focus on any one description because in our minds we have been feed a group of details that range will beyond the true nature of the object in question ... in some cases it is as simple as one word Razed .. to destroy completely to the ground ...to make something un seen or to vanish out of sight ....it is not gone and many will think it is but in reality it is in the same place it always was .. it may not look the same but that dose not mean it no longer exist ..its state of existence has changed from what it was to what it is now ... this just means we need to look closer ,keep a open mind and widen the search for the details of what it was vs what it could be now . the hardest thing a person can do is face the past and look into the future for things he can not see now ...if we trust only our eyes and ears we fail to under stand the mind and what it is capable of ...I can not teach you how to under stand things beyond your own level ,I need not even try to for this is not in your hands ... my research is what I am doing and if your do not believe in what I show you that is totally up to you , but it dose not change my under standing or the fact of what I see and know as the truth ...I have been there I know what I have seen and what is there and what is not ... I felt the reason why this city was lost was a the odd fact this site has water year round in a hot and dry rocky area . but with water they used more mortar then at most other sites and that was the soul reason why this site had strong houses and looked much like the normal rock of the area . the Mortar was made from the local resources . this alone made it look like the surrounding area , those who wanted to make this city vanish did not just want it gone they wanted to crush the tribes in the area destroy any sign it was ever there and kill and destroy the future of the people that lived their ,to make them give up the wealth they may have , even if they had nothing ... some times you just have to look down from above and see what is really right in front of you ...God willing you will be wise enough to see the reality for what it truly is ...!

sorry ,a peace pipe is not used for that reason .it is used with white sage to scare away evil spirits . so I hope you find some peace in the wisdom of the real world ...

I remember a movie with Jackie Chan chasing a treasure in the SW USA . He smoked the peace pipe with a native tribe and woke up the next day in a teepee being married to Chief's daughter.

I am no expert obviously. Here are cliff ruins at Mancos Canyon.
View attachment 1754256

This is Bowman's photo.
View attachment 1754257

Not sure how close he got to look for evidence. One would expect pottery shards, tools, whatever. Anyone who has been out there is far more qualified than me and I'm not gonna argue with them about natural and un natural.
There should be some evidence of human activity before getting too excited.

Agreed HP - I could take hundreds of photos of the mountains out there that look exactly like the photos posted earlier, none of which are anything more than the work of mother nature. To claim windows, doors, footers, a convent, a church, a fruit orchard, 50-60 structures, etc... and display those photos as concrete proof is to use his own words "childish." As you stated, there should be ample evidence of habitation, stonework, etc... on the ground in the area.

Agreed HP - I could take hundreds of photos of the mountains out there that look exactly like the photos posted earlier, none of which are anything more than the work of mother nature. To claim windows, doors, footers, a convent, a church, a fruit orchard, 50-60 structures, etc... and display those photos as concrete proof is to use his own words "childish." As you stated, there should be ample evidence of habitation, stonework, etc... on the ground in the area.

seems to be alot of claims being made on here with no proof lately:dontknow:

Agreed HP - I could take hundreds of photos of the mountains out there that look exactly like the photos posted earlier, none of which are anything more than the work of mother nature. To claim windows, doors, footers, a convent, a church, a fruit orchard, 50-60 structures, etc... and display those photos as concrete proof is to use his own words "childish." As you stated, there should be ample evidence of habitation, stonework, etc... on the ground in the area.

I'm just a level one Armchair LDM hunter :D Any of you guys could post photos and make claims and for all I know the pictures might be from Mars.
But unless you are a kid like the one who fell or was maybe pushed not long ago, no one is gonna rush into the mountains based on any claims. Sure, occasionally some otherwise rational people will,along with tenderfoots. If I had the funds I probably would be tempted to go out there. The LDM does grab at you. But I hope I would put some thought into it.
I think I made a mistake- I wrote a few posts back Bowman might have called thread Spiritual vs. Reality. Something like that. But it seems Bowman is writing of spiritual alongside reality. He says he is a shaman and I have no problems with that,or the things he sees.
Don't have time myself to practice Indian spiritual ways.
But Bowman has got me thinking about a lot of things, and researching. So I am taking the proveable stuff which I can look at and learning a lot.
He is right about heightened awareness. I can relate that to hunting, being in the woods.
I think we humans are capable of so much more, and so many of us are just going thru life, working or not, lusting for shiny things,full of envy. Oh well. Just spewing words here ;)

seems to be alot of claims being made on here with no proof lately:dontknow:

Maybe people could label theories or speculation as such. You are right. The entire forum is riddled with claims, and some have nothing do with any sort of treasure.
I'm curious, since your posts are usually worthwhile, have you ever had odd experiences in the Superstition Mountains?

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