Looking for tips....RINGS

Gold rings have come up for me in almost
every point.

Detector type dosn't matter.

I Found a Shallow Large 10K Class ring with Full Disc once.

Most 10 K's I Found were in the Tab rage.

14 & 18 K engagement rings have come
up all the way down to Foil range.

size & Content Varies way too much, to
tell anyone there is something to look for or Ignore

Either dig everything Or Do what you do &
hope for the best.

Perhaps Location should be the first Thought


I've had rings come up anywhere from pulltab to penny and everything in between.

Just dig everything and you will find rings.

gold beeps

Yes ! you will never know as a signal that your beep, no matter what sound, will be gold, I found a 10k gold nugget ring, about three feet from the waters edge while searching for coins, close to the water edge , I just happend to make a full 360 circle and b~e~e~p I could not believe it was a perfect circle popping out of the sand ~unbelievable :


On the F2, just disc out the first segment (iron). Rings will show up in all other segments depending on size of band, karat content, overall size, etc. Most smaller gold rings will ID as foil up to penney range.

If you keep digging you will find rings. Unfortunatley, you have to dig quite a bit of trash for every gold ring you find. You may dig 500 pieces of foil and pulltabs for every gold ring you find. There is just no way of getting around this challenge no matter what kind of machine you have. The good news is that some gold rings come up as coins on the meter. I had a mens 24K gold wedding band come up as a 50 cent piece on my Teknetics meter, all the surprises out there keep us going!

I've had very good luck hitting boulevards next to the sidewalk in parks and other areas. The first foot or two from the sidewalk tends to "suck in" many rings and other valuables. If you live in an area where it snows then you can scan farther back as the snow will be shoveled in thee winter and anything of value will tend to settle a bit farther out. The other edge near the curb shouldn't be overlooked either as people tend to drop many items getting in and out of thier cars parked there. Good luck!

Round up, borrow, buy, (don't steal) as many gold rings you can. Thin, fat, 10K, 14K, any. Find out (and record) where your detector displays them. Sideways, on edge, at a 45 degree angle, get to know them well! ..............Then dig everything. TTC

Another piece of info.......a broken ring will sound bad. A broken wire ring will have a weak, scratchy sound because the break in the band will disrupt the electromagnetic field that the coil is trying to form in the object. Those smaller wire gauge rings will usually be the only ones with a break.........IF there is a break, of course. Not ALL of them will be broken, but just keep this bit in mind.

if you want gold DIG THE TRASH or get a ctx 3030 hahaha

just kidding because I still dig trash but not as much by a long shot

just kidding because I still dig trash but not as much by a long shot

What I have found in parks and trashy areas is they are beat hard by other detector's. I like to do a surface scan only, in tot lots and open areas between trees. I sometimes eye ball finds before I see them. I don't dig, I cover a lot of ground. A good pin pointer and a small digger makes for fast recovery. Parks accumulate a lot of trash, I have to have a good silver signal to stop and dig. I also run with little or no discrimination, in high gain, and low power. I use my large coil, and deal with the noise. I am careful to grid and not get too carried away with swing speed. Again, open areas is where I find most of the jewelry, and I find a lot of fake jewelry under the play stations.

I found my first gold ring with the F2. I agree with the above comments. I think it is best to concentrate on location more than ID. As been said gold comes up all over the spectrum. But you can increase your odds by hunting in places where they are more likely to be lost. Basically places that have a lot of traffic. Parks, sports fields, swimming holes. When I find jewelry, I ask myself why was it lost here?
I check the lost and founds. Not only to get leads on fresh drops, but also to try to see where people are going and what they are doing when they are losing stuff. Usually if I think about it I can find patterns where jewelry can be found.

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Focus on location. When are rings lost? During activity or putting hands into and out of pockets. Watch a crowd exiting an event. They are often fumbling for keys in their pockets about 60 feet from the car up until the car.

Also gloves can remove a ring. In winter weather what outdoor activities are people doing and where are they doing them? Sledding hills and the top and bottom are good places. Parking lots can be good locations. If you get lots of snow rings can be found in large snow piles in parking lots. No detector required just searching the edges when it is melting.

Focus on the locations that force people to do the actions we are seeking. Lots of hand movement and activity are the culprits of loosing rings.

I have found many gold rings I have the AT PRO there are many great detectors out there but for me Ive noticed that for the most part not always that gold rings no matter the VDI will stay a solid VDI like if it says 42 and I go over it and at another angle the VDI wont vary more than 2 to 3 numbers. Pull tabs and foil the VDI will vary from 7 to 12 or more so solid signals are good. I lift the coil also the VDI stays solid where pull tabs and foil don't. Just my experience . I also hunt by trees ALOT.

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