Obama Executive Orders on Guns Would Spark Mass Resistance


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May 11, 2005
Northern California
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All Treasure Hunting
Link.........you should have been at the pier when the ships were carrying this lot across the ocean. You could have convinced them all just to stay put. You could ask what their problem was, why didn't they just stay there and appreciate what their "government" was letting them have? Lord knows that not ALL of them left, most stayed. What most don't understand is it is a RIGHT to have guns here. These folks started a new nation with it's OWN rights. These people died for these rights. Why didn't they just appreciate what they already had here and let the "government" tell them what their rights were? WHY? Who cares if I have 5,000 guns? How many can I use at the same time? Would I be a one man army capable of using them all at the same time? If they try taking away our guns with an executive order it will NEVER work. Nobody pays any real attention to the orders that already exist out there concerning all kinds of subjects. The government prints out their own reports that APPEAR to show adherance but, there really isn't. It's all a big sham. If it is as easy as an executive order to take away guns then it is equally as easy to restore gun rights (or anything else they try taking away) by simply replacing the "executive". If you don't turn in your guns or other freedoms in the first round or two, when the next "executive" arrives you'll be good to go. :) I wish I hadn't lost all my guns, ammo and reloading equipment in that boating accident years ago.
These people take care of our countries problems by throwing more free food and medical care to the masses, instead of creating jobs they extend unemployment, instead of balancing a budget they raise taxes, instead of investigating the causes of the deep-seeded racial problems in this country they drink beer at the whitehouse and, instead of looking into the causes and control of mental illness and how to control the sick, they look at just taking away guns from honest citizens. They want guns in the private schools their kids attend but that is unheard of for ours. kum-bye-yah or however you spell that. Let's all just smoke our legalized dope and melt into submissiveness.

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Hero Member
Nov 13, 2009
Evans Colorado
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AT Max
Maybe he wants us to not give them up then he can get some storm troopers from another country to come in and try to take them from us


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Sep 13, 2011
Southeast Arkansas
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Link.........you should have been at the pier when the ships were carrying this lot across the ocean. You could have convinced them all just to stay put. You could ask what their problem was, why didn't they just stay there and appreciate what their "government" was letting them have? Lord knows that not ALL of them left, most stayed. What most don't understand is it is a RIGHT to have guns here. These folks started a new nation with it's OWN rights. These people died for these rights. Why didn't they just appreciate what they already had here and let the "government" tell them what their rights were? WHY? Who cares if I have 5,000 guns? How many can I use at the same time? Would I be a one man army capable of using them all at the same time? If they try taking away our guns with an executive order it will NEVER work. Nobody pays any real attention to the orders that already exist out there concerning all kinds of subjects. The government prints out their own reports that APPEAR to show adherance but, there really isn't. It's all a big sham. If it is as easy as an executive order to take away guns then it is equally as easy to restore gun rights (or anything else they try taking away) by simply replacing the "executive". If you don't turn in your guns or other freedoms in the first round or two, when the next "executive" arrives you'll be good to go. :) I wish I hadn't lost all my guns, ammo and reloading equipment in that boating accident years ago.
These people take care of our countries problems by throwing more free food and medical care to the masses, instead of creating jobs they extend unemployment, instead of balancing a budget they raise taxes, instead of investigating the causes of the deep-seeded racial problems in this country they drink beer at the whitehouse and, instead of looking into the causes and control of mental illness and how to control the sick, they look at just taking away guns from honest citizens. They want guns in the private schools their kids attend but that is unheard of for ours. kum-bye-yah or however you spell that. Let's all just smoke our legalized dope and melt into submissiveness.

Why else would dope become legalized? Makes me think of the crack spider video . . .


Red James Cash
Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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Maybe he wants us to not give them up then he can get some storm troopers from another country to come in and try to take them from us

Hate to tell you frank1960,theyre already here.

Terry Soloman

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Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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When are people going to understand, our forefathers did not write the 2nd amendment so they could hunt, everyone hunted for their food then, there was no walmart, they did not write it so they could target shoot, gun power and lead was expensive, they wrote it incase we ever had leaders who wanted to rule us through tyranny, it was put there sorely for our personal protection and to protect the rights guaranteed to us in the constitution from those who would want to take them away..... Our forefathers left more than enough writtings behind to explain why the 2nd amendment was put there......The 2nd amendment is what guarantees the other rights will always be there....

"A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
- George Washington

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

I have been to other countries, my wife is from a poor country, her family is poor I know what poor looks like, I appreciate what we have here and that ALSO includes our rights and freedoms guaranteed to us in our Constitution...
I came from a poor country . We had 2 rooms and 2 paths . One to the spring and 1 to the outhouse . One stove and a fireplace . Worked our way out of that to some semblance of comfort because we were willing to work . That country is still called Appalachia by the media that continues to try to portray us as ignorant hillbillies .

Red James Cash
Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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I wouldnt worry about what the scum says truckin.I would rather be the lowest of the low than the bought and paid for scum main stream garbage.


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Jul 27, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Sure, no doubt. But respectfully, in the big picture it's still only a very small portion of the public, and much of what's being posted is the same as negative press. Petitions, a measly 25'000 signatures, if 50 of them were presented all at once it's still only representing a very, very tiny fraction. Heck, we have many individual cities with larger populations then that, the total of those 25 petitions not even enough to sway the vote in most states. So in the big picture, it's still just small potatoes.

My friend you are so wrong, there are many millions of us that are angry and fed up......It is not rep vs dem, it is not lib vs con, it is much more than that. Too many people think it is just politics when it goes so much deeper than that....The election was a farce and we know it. Even with the vote buying and election fraud, it still was almost 50/50, so half the country hated the man that won. Unfortunately I am afraid the other side is going to ignore it till it is too late........ King George thought it was only a few disgruntled colonists and ignored the complaints till it was too late also...........

I have voted in every election since 1968, in 44 years I have never been this discusted with the direction of this country or the leader if you can call him that. I have been on the losing sides before and it was no big deal because it was just politics, it is not that now, it is so much more than politics, it is Constitution being ignored to even run, it is arragance, it is rule by decree, it is the heck with the Constitution and Bill of rights I will rule the way I want....

I have not seen this much anger and discust in the direction of this country in my life and that includes Viet Nam, Watergate and everything since.......It only needs a spark to ignite something terrible...


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
Mid Coast Maine
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That igniting spark is very, very near. To people that think this is a very low percentage of the population: try turning off the mainstream media and just walk through stores like Walmart, Home Depot ect. and listen to conversations going on around you, look online at many different forums, and last but not least just go look at the shelves where all that ammo was once for sale but is long since sold out. Just go check Cabellas, Cheaperthandirt.com , Basspro.com and many others.......open your eyes.


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2008
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Bounty Hunter Landstar
I agree with you , TH . I have voted for the same number of years as you have . The entire situation is a very fragile vessel right now . Easily burst by the slightest amount of pressure at any point .

Red James Cash
Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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Thats one of the politicians problems,they think everybody is a brainwashed idiot,thats the truth of it too.They think everybody is going to feed right out of their hand.Hey its no problem,the public is just a bunch of freaking idiots,i think theyre going to soon find out different.

Red James Cash
Aug 20, 2009
New Hampshire
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Garret Master hunter Cx Plus
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In fact i pictured it quite a while ago,a million man march standing in front of the white house house with shouldered rifles.What are they going to do except change their depends.


Sr. Member
Dec 21, 2012
WA State
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"American exceptionalism".....are you serious with that??? I don't even know where to begin about how wrong that is. I HOPE someday we are like the rest of the world and have one shared goal in mind(except the religious killing junk). It's us segregating ourselves here and constantly thinking we are top dog and blah blah blah that is going to further ruin us. Clear the gunsmoke from your eyes dieselram94.
The word guilty was not mentioned in my post. We should feel thankful and blessed. Please visit a 3rd world country already so you can understand what humanity is and also that people outside of America are our brothers and sisters as well.
Do I see America as different? Yes I do. Does that mean we are better? Not at all.
Please take a few minutes out of your days to start reflecting on others in seperate countries, and in our country as well. Maybe then will you smile a little brighter, tip a little larger, hold a few more doors for folks because you'll finally realize that we have it SO GOOD here.
I can almost guarantee that if we went to some other country and complained about some iPhone app or that our T.V channels aren't HD enough we'd get or butts handed to us. Have you ever wore the same clothes for a week? I doubt it. Open up your mind. Can you imagine how you'd feel going to some 3rd world country and giving a family some clothes? Tears, hugs, smiles, friendship, brotherhood.
It is called American exceptionalism for a reason........we are not and will not be like the rest of the world. If anyone is feeling guilty about having to much, I am always accepting donations!:tongue3: I need a lift kit and new wheels and tires for my Wrangler! :laughing7:


Sr. Member
Dec 21, 2012
WA State
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Garrett AT Pro + ProPointer
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I actually agree with a lot of what you are saying. We do have the Right to have guns here yes, but to extent and amount that we have I think is waaaaay too much. Personally I wish we never would have killed millions of Natives when we first arrived. We got our Rights by ending millions of others.
Sorry to hear about that boating accident, that sucks!!! Sounds like it was a fun party on that barge before it sailed to the bottom of the lake/ocean.
Link.........you should have been at the pier when the ships were carrying this lot across the ocean. You could have convinced them all just to stay put. You could ask what their problem was, why didn't they just stay there and appreciate what their "government" was letting them have? Lord knows that not ALL of them left, most stayed. What most don't understand is it is a RIGHT to have guns here. These folks started a new nation with it's OWN rights. These people died for these rights. Why didn't they just appreciate what they already had here and let the "government" tell them what their rights were? WHY? Who cares if I have 5,000 guns? How many can I use at the same time? Would I be a one man army capable of using them all at the same time? If they try taking away our guns with an executive order it will NEVER work. Nobody pays any real attention to the orders that already exist out there concerning all kinds of subjects. The government prints out their own reports that APPEAR to show adherance but, there really isn't. It's all a big sham. If it is as easy as an executive order to take away guns then it is equally as easy to restore gun rights (or anything else they try taking away) by simply replacing the "executive". If you don't turn in your guns or other freedoms in the first round or two, when the next "executive" arrives you'll be good to go. :) I wish I hadn't lost all my guns, ammo and reloading equipment in that boating accident years ago.
These people take care of our countries problems by throwing more free food and medical care to the masses, instead of creating jobs they extend unemployment, instead of balancing a budget they raise taxes, instead of investigating the causes of the deep-seeded racial problems in this country they drink beer at the whitehouse and, instead of looking into the causes and control of mental illness and how to control the sick, they look at just taking away guns from honest citizens. They want guns in the private schools their kids attend but that is unheard of for ours. kum-bye-yah or however you spell that. Let's all just smoke our legalized dope and melt into submissiveness.


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
Mid Coast Maine
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Xterra 705, Tesoro Sand Shark, Garrett Pro Pointer (mine). Fisher F2 my son's
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
"American exceptionalism".....are you serious with that??? I don't even know where to begin about how wrong that is. I HOPE someday we are like the rest of the world and have one shared goal in mind(except the religious killing junk). It's us segregating ourselves here and constantly thinking we are top dog and blah blah blah that is going to further ruin us. Clear the gunsmoke from your eyes dieselram94.
The word guilty was not mentioned in my post. We should feel thankful and blessed. Please visit a 3rd world country already so you can understand what humanity is and also that people outside of America are our brothers and sisters as well.
Do I see America as different? Yes I do. Does that mean we are better? Not at all.
Please take a few minutes out of your days to start reflecting on others in seperate countries, and in our country as well. Maybe then will you smile a little brighter, tip a little larger, hold a few more doors for folks because you'll finally realize that we have it SO GOOD here.
I can almost guarantee that if we went to some other country and complained about some iPhone app or that our T.V channels aren't HD enough we'd get or butts handed to us. Have you ever wore the same clothes for a week? I doubt it. Open up your mind. Can you imagine how you'd feel going to some 3rd world country and giving a family some clothes? Tears, hugs, smiles, friendship, brotherhood.
Wow are you wrong. I hope we are never like the rest of the world. You are suggesting loosing rights and that is un-American period. We can own as many guns as we want. Do you think if we didn't own guns or as many guns we would be more like the rest of the world? Well your right, we would have a govt. Just as bad as there's and all our other rights would be gone. We couldn't even have this conversation. The world is NOT fair. That is a socialist Utopia. I can see you feel guilty and you have a right to feel how you want to. But you have no right to tell the rest of us how to feel or live. You don't know me and have no idea what I have been through. I certainly know what being dirt poor looks like first hand do you? Or do you feel guilty just cause you have visited somewhere and seen it. Well after being very poor in the past I can tell you it is only my buisness how I live now. I am sick of people like yourself trying to take this country down a few notches to match the rest of the world, as I said the world is not fair. Complain about iphone app. Well I don't own one and it wouldn't matter if I did this is America and we can strive to have things like that. If you don't like that I bet some other socialist country would be glad to have you........as they need all the followers they can get.


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
Mid Coast Maine
Detector(s) used
Xterra 705, Tesoro Sand Shark, Garrett Pro Pointer (mine). Fisher F2 my son's
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
"American exceptionalism".....are you serious with that??? I don't even know where to begin about how wrong that is. I HOPE someday we are like the rest of the world and have one shared goal in mind(except the religious killing junk). It's us segregating ourselves here and constantly thinking we are top dog and blah blah blah that is going to further ruin us. Clear the gunsmoke from your eyes dieselram94.
The word guilty was not mentioned in my post. We should feel thankful and blessed. Please visit a 3rd world country already so you can understand what humanity is and also that people outside of America are our brothers and sisters as well.
Do I see America as different? Yes I do. Does that mean we are better? Not at all.
Please take a few minutes out of your days to start reflecting on others in seperate countries, and in our country as well. Maybe then will you smile a little brighter, tip a little larger, hold a few more doors for folks because you'll finally realize that we have it SO GOOD here.
I can almost guarantee that if we went to some other country and complained about some iPhone app or that our T.V channels aren't HD enough we'd get or butts handed to us. Have you ever wore the same clothes for a week? I doubt it. Open up your mind. Can you imagine how you'd feel going to some 3rd world country and giving a family some clothes? Tears, hugs, smiles, friendship, brotherhood.
Guilty was not mentioned in your post but your post is dripping with guilt. I also don't think you realize Americans are the most generous people the world has ever known. We are NOT a bunch of selfish pieces of garbage as you implied with your iphone and HD channel comment. Again if you feel that you live to good my jeep is still waiting for that lift kit and new rims and tires. Lol! We ain't as bad a people as you think.


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Jul 27, 2006
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Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Link, I agree it was wrong about the American indians, but it was also a different time... How do you think one tribe got the hunting grounds of anotehr tribe, it was through killing them. Indians committed mass murder on their enemies all the time, it was a way of life....

Who is the first country to send aid to a country after a natural disaster, USA is. You sound like we ignore the rest of the world which is false. As I said I have been to 3rd world countries, I know how they live, but that does not mean we need to be ashamed of the the way we live, only appreciate what we have. We can not financially support the world..... Just because I have a big screen tv and 3 cars does not make or anyone else a bad person...

I have no clue where your coming from about going to another country and complaining about our IPhone or hd channels, what the heck does that have to do with the topic of people wanting to take away our rights to own guns as guaranteed to us in our constitution? NOTHING....Thread is talking about some politicians wanting to strip the 2nd amendment from the Bill of Rights. It has absolutely nothing to do with a 3rd world country not having IPhones and HD TV channels....

Why is it so hard for some people to understand, that the 2nd amendment is there to guarantee the other rights in the Bill Of Rights will always be there. The 2nd amendment was put there to guarantee the American people would always be able to resist tyranny if it ever rose up in our government.

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