Please Help me ........i need your Help


Mar 17, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
hi friends,

this s Mikko from Finland, i need your help please ! i know many places where there s a gold treasures but the problem as i know is those treasure are about 4 meters deep underground !!

i have a Makro gold racer and i know it didnt go that deep, so i ask if there s some kind of non expensive detector or some kind kind of gold racer hacking coil can let me detect that deep ?? any solution please ??

thank you friends

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i mean by i know the place (The Area) the location in General !....

Right ! I didn't say you "knew the location of the well". I understand that you only know the general location. So , by your own definitions, you only need to find the location of the Well. Not the treasure. Since, as you've said, you already "know" the treasure is in the well. So who cares if you have a detector that detects a treasure to insane depths ? You only need to find the well. And I am telling you to do what bottle diggers do, when they want to find old outhouse pit shafts (which would be similar to well shafts) : GPR.

....can i get more informations about this GPR ?

"GPR" = "Ground Penetrating Radar". Google is your friend :)

Or, heck, save some money : If the well had lined walls (as most wells would have ?), you can maybe just use a bottle probe to find the anomaly. If you can clear the surface of the ground to reveal the top of an old well casings, then ....... there's your well. Eh ? But if you're not certain (or if it was wood-lined that has since disintegrated, etc...) then GPR.

Looking forward to seeing the pix of the treasure :)

Terry 100% right a hydra well drill better then any metal detector a hammer drill can be used up to 10' but i don't recommend any deeper without adding some type of support ....the member Greenboy big on P.I machines u might ask him some questions .... good luck and keep us updated

LRL are worthless scams ....p.i work 100% in finding metal ....the drill proves 100% with a simple test what type of metal u found

mikko2000 ...ive seen many DUTCH wells 6 meters to 15 meters deep... dug 300 to 350 years ago every one of them had rock lined walls...and all of them had water in them 10 to 30 feet deep some small in diameter and others very large in diameter ...if the area where this well is located hasn't changed over the years the water is going to be your biggest problem ...i know first hand ....try to figure out how deep the water was when in use ...ask around about the water table in that area or measure other old wells ....was that well used by a single farm , home , village , etc ...take your time because u be diving underwater to your treasure ...and good luck

if the garden is predominantly soil you may consider using a geological conductometer. This will not go deep, but it will show you voids and rocky structures to pinpoint the well.

I don't think finding the well would be hard ...i would get a pointed rod and look for the rock lined wall...wells were always near the house or barn or the center of the village ... all the wells i seen 100 to 350 years old had rock wall to the surface talking in NY ...maybe in finland i could be wrong with wells that could be older or shallow ....he going to need a water pump or a few water pumps depending how big that well was and its flow rate ....this ive seen first hand 100x...... a good tripod with a pulley and a strong bucket to remove the soil and rocks ...

mikko 2000 ,,, TWO warnings remember no treasure worth your life ...#1 never remove the rocks from the wall lining NEVER ....#2 run a air hose (old garden hose) the air can get bad real fast the hose could save your life u might even have to have a fan if your deep serious people have died in vaults and wells less then 10' feet down

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I am using one of the beast PI detectors depth wise i've ever seen, and i've seen a lot of them... it has 4m max. depth for a target forming at least 0,8m of diameter conture or at least 10 kg of mass. There is also a big difference if this is one chunk of metal or at least many small items in direct electric contact or if the target consist of small items scatered without a direct contact to each other. On the other hand, a helmet size object can be found on 2 -3m without a problem.
The deepest detector i'veever made in times of depth-fetish had 8m of depth for 1,7m of diameter target and a pile of lead acid batteries to power it.
If the target is not big enought it will be hard or next to impossible.
Check Russian military 2-coil sistem too, it is able to go as deep as 5m.

can you give me the detail please of the PI detectors you us ? names, info, prices !!!!

Terry 100% right a hydra well drill better then any metal detector a hammer drill can be used up to 10' but i don't recommend any deeper without adding some type of support ....the member Greenboy big on P.I machines u might ask him some questions .... good luck and keep us updated

is too hard to check by hydra well drill because we have to check all 50 meters garden and that s too expensive and not working either, i saw some videos about Black Hawk Metal Detector GR-100 but i am not sure did it wiork or no ? one man from australia have that detector and on youtube said it s really good !!!!!!

Check out this site "Easy Radar USA" for a brand of GPR. Guy that owns/builds these units it is Karl Harrer. He has sold a lot of them to the locals in the bottle digging / privy digging world.

can you give me the detail please of the PI detectors you us ? names, info, prices !!!!

Mikko-2000, why do you keep looking for/inquiring about detectors that are supposed to go to these insane depths ? Nothing is going to go that deep unless you have a volkswagon.

And why do you keep looking at various detector types, when you've said yourself that A) you know where treasure is, B) that you know it was hidden in a deep well, and C) you know the yard that this well was in.

I keep trying to tell you then: Just look for the WELL. Which would have had a neck that extended to the top. Right ? Of which GPR reveals different soil compactions of past shafts/disturbances. Once you've got the well's location, then presto: By your own account, a treasure is at the bottom. Thus simply dig out the well.

This is confusing some of us. Or .... perhaps you want to revise your opening post that ..... you don't really know if a treasure is there ?

Mikko-2000, why do you keep looking for/inquiring about detectors that are supposed to go to these insane depths ? Nothing is going to go that deep unless you have a volkswagon.

And why do you keep looking at various detector types, when you've said yourself that A) you know where treasure is, B) that you know it was hidden in a deep well, and C) you know the yard that this well was in.

I keep trying to tell you then: Just look for the WELL. Which would have had a neck that extended to the top. Right ? Of which GPR reveals different soil compactions of past shafts/disturbances. Once you've got the well's location, then presto: By your own account, a treasure is at the bottom. Thus simply dig out the well.

This is confusing some of us. Or .... perhaps you want to revise your opening post that ..... you don't really know if a treasure is there ?

hmmmm i will explain it like that and i hope u will understand me better! my grand mom house garden i hear there s a old well and in the well there s a treasure, i dont know exactley the location of the well in the garden as i dont know the are of the treasure ! i need a deep detector for getting the treasure target, the well is buried many many many years ago and no one knows the place of the well in the garden !! drill hol it will not work because i have to make a hole everywhere in the garden, hope know u understand what i mean !!

can you give me the detail please of the PI detectors you us ? names, info, prices !!!!

For deep seeking needs i am using the DBP2010 PI detector most of the time. It's an old analog design somwhere from the year 2000, considered as a clasic PI deep seeker, followed by many other designes you can find on the net, but none, in my oppinion, ever surpassed it in its range, stability and overall performance. The adjustable commands are pulse power, sensitivity, frequency of pulses, sampling delay and sampling window - width. I use large coil 1 x 1.2m with 4m max. depth reporting helmet size object at 2-3m, and a small oval coil 30x38cm, heaving max. at 2m and reporting 10cm diameter target at 1m. The depts are as stated in sand or dry soil, wet heavy soil takes 0,5m up to 1m in realy bad conditions off the large coil performance, and up to 0,5m from small one, but usually only 10-20cm.
The other thing with this detector is you will hardly be able to buy it, it is a DIY detector, no problem if you know basics of electronics, or else you'll need someone else to build it for you.
All the electronic parts may cost somwhere between 200-300 EUR, battery and box incl.
I can supply schematisc, documentation, PCB template and all the on-line help. I do have eached and tinned PCB for it, but i do not know where, i prommise i will look for it, but i can't promise i will find it, if you decide to take this way.
In the price range of 200 EUR you may find assembled prefabricated PI detector kit - motherboard - in the net under names such as xr71, Crazy Pulse etc.... This is an reincarnation claimed to be even deeper, but the "improvement" makes the machine unstabile if pushed to its max., thous beeing pretty much the same performer as the 2010. You will have to build the coil and tune it with the circuit by yourselfe, if you opt fot that. You may find other PIs on the same web page offering discrim. and digital processing - don't go for it, stay with the clasic if you want depth!
You can find other similar performers (though different designs) under the names Deep Pulse AR III (i don't like this one), Pulse Star II - good one, Delta pulse.... Some of them can be purchased new, with different coils - you will need 1m x 1m at least, prices are from 1000 EUR and more. In my oppinion they are not worth it. I would opt for a second hand one and i wouldn't pay much more than 400 EUR for a fully functional unit. In all abowe machines you may expect 5m max, if lucky.

There is another type of deep seeking detectors but PI - dual box machines, i will not bother with tech bacground, i will name only pros and cons. They use two quite small coils rather than large cumberson one, they need only a fraction of energy the PIs does to go as deep as 5m somethimes even more, they ignore small items and are cut out for targets larget than say a beer can. The con boiles down to one word: EMI. If there is no inhabited house closer than 50m, no power line closer than 300m and no power transformer closer than 500m, than yes, you can cosider one of these. I've seen two commecial ones still in production, one was VLF/two box convertible from a big name producer makeing awsome good VLFs i will not mention explicit. It's performance was bogus. The other was White's TM-800 - or something like that. Nice black box with two coils. In my oppinion very underdevelopped but still OK machine for a hoby sikeer. Once mechanical parts ware fixed and remade to be stiff enought to prevent coils from dancing on its own, some fairly good results ware demonstrated. Price- i thing around 1000EUR. The modern military equipment hovewer, is totaly at another level compared to previous two detectors, i don't know, however, if the price is at that level too. Type MG-1 metal detector in youtube.

And the last option i certanly encourage, if this is the only place you want to sweep, try to get someone with proper machine and expirience to do it for you, or if you can't trust, try to borrow one in a naighbourhood.

Hope i was of some help.

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Mikko2000 u have 2 routes in finding the well route is poking a rod in the ground looking for rocks that are in a circle pattern ...if u don't think that would work Green boy told u what device would ...Once u find the well u have 2 routes to go A P.I detector which will only tell u there metal down at the bottom Green boy knows the detectors and this type of hunt ...And my route a cheap hammer drill .. u know exactly what type of metal down there before u dig ....i don't know where u at the conditions if lots of rocks or mostly soil ....if its mostly dirt small stones i drill or just dig ...if the treasure was small objects like gold coins and i really believed the story and i was a young guy i just dig no drill or detector and save the money just lose some pounds ....remember at that depth it take a few pounds of coins to be a good target keep that in mine that well they could be spread out 3 feet to 6 feet on the bottom ....take your hunt one step at a time ....good luck in finding the well step #1 then u know the size of your hunt and depth ...then step #2 then u make your plan of attack on the target

after reading what Greenboy posted i want to add if that soil is reddish in color or there sandstone or the soil has black sand or if your near iron mining or the sea don't waste your time on VLF 2 box detectors ...pi only

TOM think that guy a green horn don't confuse him ...hes totally new ....Tom right just dig that the best way

...... i hear there s a old well and in the well there s a treasure, i dont know exactley the location of the well in the garden as i dont know the are of the treasure ! ....

Ok, in this quote above, it's clear that you DON'T know if a treasure is "in the well". Right ?

But wait: In your earlier posts, you *knew* there was treasure. And you *knew* it was "in the well". Right ? Here you go:

..... i know many places where there s a gold treasures ....

..... in the earth there s a old gold coins, silver, the target is a big normal coins ! the treasure is there from the war world 1 AND the target is in old Well and the Well is deep about 3-6 meters .....

Can you begin to see the hair-pulling frustration that evolves, for these certain "sure-fired bullet proof " treasures ? And so too is it easy for us skeptics to begin to look-askance at the stories of treasures, that reach legend status. As is shown here, it begins to become clear that ...... well .... first-person present-tense eye-witness (ie.: family) stories ....... upon scrutiny ...... might not be all that's in immediate appearances/statements/stories.

As shown here, from direct quotes. The above the quotes are perfect object lesson of this phenomenon. And the reason stories get questioned.

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