Producing Treasure Hunting Series - need candidates and advice.


Welcome to Treasure Net!!

How about starting with the name of your company, your bio (including media credits), your phone number, recent photo and the answer to "What's in it for me?" for the successful applicant who 'gets the part'.

Good luck with your new show, I am interested in seeing more treasure hunting shows on TV. Almost all finds are single small finds, finding the mother load is almost impossible. Now a nice size 1800's bottle dump or a 1800's outhouse dig can produce a big quanity of good finds, but not always. All of us T-neters do eat and sleep treasure hunting, but we have to work a job, only the lucky retired folks can focus lots of time on Treasure Hunting. Metal detecting use to be known as a old guys hobby, but now kids and ladies enjoy doing it also.

Thanks for welcoming me to the forum. This is my starting place for this project. What's in it for you is the chance to be on a national television show sharing your passion for treasure hunting with the country. So if you're really interested - then submit to the email I provided and thanks!

Atlas I am not sure if I am TV friendly or not, lol. I mentioned bottle digging because that is one Treasure Hunting Topic left off of the Treasure Hunting shows on TV. Do you plan on filming in Maryland ? If you can get permission to hunt Fort Dupont or Fort Delware in Delaware, I will be in on that, they are State Parks, it would be hard. I live in the Northeast Tip of Maryland if you have anything near here, I just use a detector, shovel and a bottle digging rake, nothing hi-tech.

Hey Dave. Well I'd like to hear more of your thoughts on this. We'll film wherever the best locations/stories are. Very early in the process. So shoot me an email with your number and I'll call you this afternoon. Thanks!

So in other words it sounds like you want to take the current garbage type fake show and make something that is even more ridiculous, although I will admit you'll have to try hard to beat American digger, or whatever they call it now. You won't find people who represent this hobby well, you'll want idiots who make up tacky sayings, jump around like fools, proclaim to be experts, but then have to talk to someone else to find values... which will be greatly inflated. Your show will last one season because by then the next Honey boo boo will hit the screen and most of your audience will be taken away. Please prove me wrong.

So in other words it sounds like you want to take the current garbage type fake show and make something that is even more ridiculous, although I will admit you'll have to try hard to beat American digger, or whatever they call it now. You won't find people who represent this hobby well, you'll want idiots who make up tacky sayings, jump around like fools, proclaim to be experts, but then have to talk to someone else to find values... which will be greatly inflated. Your show will last one season because by then the next Honey boo boo will hit the screen and most of your audience will be taken away. Please prove me wrong.

With a degree in the field, most Everything on the airwaves Must touch a strings of sensationalism; or failure is within the near future.

Please be aware of Anyone you offer your "bio" or photos/prospectable areas. Be safe in your travels.

On the other side, I sure hope for better programming as well, but saddly to say, we are stuck in our American Ways :)

Heavy Pans

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hello atlasman
I myself have been worn out from the major movie industry, however I like your goals.
While I am not a candidate, I recommend mastiff4me ( not hard on the eyes), coilygirl ( brainiac honest hardworker, sweet as can be) and whydah ( he finds all the good stuff)

I didn't post on the top treasure hunting forum to fight with anyone. company I work for has been around for 3 decades and we've made a lot of great shows. I posted here looking for great people who love to treasure hunt. If I wanted to make it up - there are easier ways - I could cast actors here in LA. but that's not the show we want to make. you can poo poo or you can see a real opportunity. thanks!

An LA cast of actors metal detecting the North East... yeah I'd watch that one. :laughing7:

No one is here to fight with you, some of us are just not fans of what the tv people are turning our hobby into for profit, and once the money is gone, so are they... long gone. If it's not going to be made up I'd love to hear the angle of how you plan to sell the show. The problem is it's hard to find a balance of keeping it real and making it exciting, and the easy way is fantasy, so that's what happens. If you made a documentary type show, the story of actual finds of real people, I would definitely watch... but the few million people that count would likely not.

I didn't post on the top treasure hunting forum to fight with anyone. company I work for has been around for 3 decades and we've made a lot of great shows. I posted here looking for great people who love to treasure hunt. If I wanted to make it up - there are easier ways - I could cast actors here in LA. but that's not the show we want to make. you can poo poo or you can see a real opportunity. thanks!

Do you have any idea how many of you people come onto the forums with this exact same spiel? Combining that with that non-stop flow of your compatriots who send messages to everyone who has a youtube channel dealing with treasure hunting. non of them ever want the truth, they want actors. They want the "tod hoffmans" who claim to be an expert but are nothing but giant frauds. Who cares, it makes good TV right?

Personally, I don't care about being on TV but if I am, it's about getting paid. I'm going to do it for free so some producer can make a few $M selling the show to a network.

Lastly, you are doing yourself a HUGE disservice using a gmail account. anyone can create any gmail account that sounds like a tv company. List your company you recruit for, or better yet an official email within that company web.

and just what does she not look good with?

I would like to see a show where you actually see them investigate new spots, looking through old maps or old civil war diaries, talking to old farmers and then finally trying to get permission before they start digging. If we get another one with a guy climbing a tree I'm done

I would mix it up a bit and incorporate zombies in the film. Maybe have treasure hunters dig something alien in the woods that turns them into alien zombies that eat aluminium. They hunt the woods with their detectors looking for it. Oh yeah! We can have a zombie war. The zombies divide into two warring factions. Those that like screens and those that dont. The battle will determine which is the best technology.

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