RANDOM CHAT THREAD - Chat about anything or just hang out - ALL are welcome.

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Hey there Jeff, camera crew caught you getting ready for your Mass trip. Where is the m.d. hidden ? :laughing7:

Everything can live here... even Piranha.

That's why they are banned I think.

Serious python problem... they allow hunts on them now.

Anyway... Blah blah.

With all that said.

I love Florida. :)

And with that said... I am off.

Good night folks... hold down the fort guys.

I see we have some new people with us.

Join in folks if ya like :)

Aw man... snakes... arggg... spiders...and every kind of both and then some...

Did you know...

We have a species of Black window that is only found primarily in central Florida...

It has stripped legs.

No crap.

I ended up in the ER for a Brown Recluse spider bite, fast tracked me in as they thought it was the flesh eating disease.

Good night folks, heavy yawn here as well.


I guess our buddy Tom is getting his beauty rest or the missus has him grounded for nipping at her coffee stash....lol.

Regards + HH



Back in my misspent youth my vacation spot of choice was Barbados picture this a bunch of young, single crazy Canucks that were making pretty decent money working and together for 2 weeks at a time in a tropical paradise so what possibly could go wrong....lol.

Well most years a couple of the guys would rent the cars which we called mini mokes. Kind of a dune buggy type of vehicle in any event the compound we were staying at was fairly large and after a day and night of partying some of the gang decided to stage a Barbados grand prix by racing around the compound.

Keep in mind after 11 pm it was after curfew noise wise so people could rest up for the next day well it was way past that time and off we go like a bunch of idiots racing up and down the streets with great gusto.

Obviously some of the neighbors got a bit upset and phoned the cops to take care of things so they show up and guess what?? it was just a small village cop shop so their method of transport was bicycles so here they are going up and down the streets trying to catch us it was a scene out of the keystone cops....lol.

Regards & HH



I guess our buddy Tom is getting his beauty rest or the missus has him grounded for nipping at her coffee stash....lol.

Regards + HH

He did say he "stole" one of her coffee beans, heck, if your gonna do the time for one bean, might as well take a handfull. :icon_scratch:


Neat info....also not sure if it's known or not but at one time hemp was a very common plant used to not only make paper but cloth also. Hemp is basically the stalks of marijuana plants also there was a time when it was legally sold in the U.S. and the post office even issued tax stamps to cover circa 1920's or 1930's I seem to recall.

Regards + HH


The WORST clothes I remember as a youth were STARCHED jeans and STARCHED shirts. Those still give me nightmares. What a dumb, stupid, idiotic idea. :BangHead:


Neat info....also not sure if it's known or not but at one time hemp was a very common plant used to not only make paper but cloth also. Hemp is basically the stalks of marijuana plants also there was a time when it was legally sold in the U.S. and the post office even issued tax stamps to cover circa 1920's or 1930's I seem to recall.

Regards + HH

You "recall " lol smiley.jpg

Funny Bill. That one guy looked like he was in Prison work clothes ? He seemed agitated., and at a priest, no less. :laughing7:
That show is on nightly here. They play either 3 or 4, 30 minute segments. Some are so funny. I do miss Candid Camera from the "old" days.


The just for laughs festival has been going on in Montreal for 25 years or so I believe a lot of local talent as well as comedians from the US, Europe, etc....lots of different entertainers so of it is a bit edgy so I have to find stuff that doesnt push the envelope to much...lol.

Actually its been around since 1983 heres the link.


Regards + HH


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I had wondered if it had any Canadian connection. The ones they show here did not look like alot of U.K. influence, but you mentioned Canada and I can see that. I recall a week or so ago where they had a girl in a mini skirt approach what appears as a husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend and the girl asks directions and then she pulls out her cell phone to look it up. She lifts up her mini skirt and pull out her cell phone from her bikini panties. Of course the guys stare and the women are furious with their partner as well as with the girl. :occasion14:

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