I would assume they used the amount of water being tested as their volume of water to gauge how much silver per X.....
Unless they actually hit the deposit of silver with the drill bit they wouldn't find it. IF they dropped down some kind of sonar type device or maybe a metal detector they could if it is within it's range.. Not sure if they did any of that in each and every hole...
We've all seen the pic of Dan and Dunfield down in his big hole but at full depth it is only 5'-6' wide as you can see in that pic. They could be just off alittle and miss it...

Not saying anything of this is what is happening but it easily could...
If I put a silver spoon in a bucket of water or if I put a silver spoon in a 44 gallon drum of water or I put the spoon in a petrol tanker of water the amount of silver per measure of water will be different as the silver spoon dissolves. Right? So you need to know what volume of water is being checked in order to know what amount of silver has dissolved in the water to give a measure.

In season 5 they drilled the whole area with the pattern drilling and put the metal detectors down every hole. They did this to see if there was metal down there so they would know where to dig their big holes. Everything that showed any metal they dug a big hole and found nothing related to treasure. No evidence off any silver was found when the whole area was metal detected to 200feet deep. So where is the dump truck of silver hiding? They did not miss anywhere.

Here are two images of the pattern drilling (These are early images more holes where dug after that)


The big pink areas are also known earlier searches shafts.


Every one of those small round holes had the metal detector dropped down it to 200feet.


In addition to this the water in these holes is connected to the ocean and flows in when a hole is dug (as has been shown everytime they dig a hole and the water flow in is massive.). The water could of come from miles away. It could of been there only since last season or been there since the dinosaurs. How can their "expert" know what time frame the silver has been dissolving in the water he checked?

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Gidday amigos

You can expect an average dump truck weight to be about 26,193 pounds (11,881 kg). When looking at the specs for different dump trucks, the weight will be typically listed as GVWR. To be precise, seawater contains about 2-100 ppt of silver. There is even a bit of gold in seawater, about 0.1 to 2 mg / ton. River water generally contains approximately 0.3-1 ppb of silver.

I can only assume how he allegedly determined that figure about 26,193 pounds? I guess he has calculated by the volume of the samples taken X by estimated volume of water in the shafts?

Nice little click bait for season nine.


Did none of the people in the room ask "How could all the holes we drilled not show a single pice of silver if there is a dump truck worth of silver buried there?"

Or, if the treasure is still sealed in the Chappell vault (near a metal detection zone, and which the drill pushed aside), how could this much silver leach out - even if the original Chappell drill episode opened a small hole?

gazzahk, I'm no scientist and don't claim to know how they are doing it but you just gave us the volume of each said test.. 1 Bucket, 1- 44 gallon drum, 1 petrol tanker full. They take how much silver or what ever they are testing at the time per how much water was actually in the test and then they can figure out how much MIGHT be there based on how much water, or dirt or whatever they happen to be testing at the time is there.
Granted if ocean water is free flowing thru there that of course throws off the numbers.. higher/lower either way...
They do it all the time on Gold Rush. Test a known amount of dirt, run it thru your trommel, gold shaker etc, and see how much gold you find they then calculate how much they would get per yard of dirt and they know about how many yards per hour they can run and see if it is worth while to mine that area. Even then it is an estimate and no guarantee of course.

Or, if the treasure is still sealed in the Chappell vault (near a metal detection zone, and which the drill pushed aside), how could this much silver leach out - even if the original Chappell drill episode opened a small hole?
Here is the mysterious Chapels vault before it was buried :laughing7:


The Chappell vault was yet another lie trying milk investors out of more money....

The Chappell vault was yet another lie trying milk investors out of more money....
The are so many inconsistencies with the story of the 'vault'. To start with Chapel was not even sure if he was drilling on top of the pit (The exact location of the pit was lost by them 1890s). However it is known where Chapel was drilling/digging by later searchers as the exact location of his sons shaft is well documented (1930s). His son knew where his father allegedly found the vault. The Laginas have therefore sunk large cans on the exact location that Chapels son shaft was. If the vault existed it would have been found then. The claim of the links of gold were never made by the original Chapel. He told no one of this claim. No one ever saw this claimed find. This story first started to appear 30+ years later when the son was trying to raise money for his own search. The story of the vault was his sons story not the father.

Chapel gave up even looking for anything straight after the claim of the vault was found. This must mean he thought his find was of no significance to treasure otherwise why would he give up straight after he thought he had found a treasure vault. He did not even drill any more holes to see if he could find further evidence of the 'vault'. The claimed vault was his last activity at the pit. This makes no sense.

With the Laginas the idea they are alluding to that the pit location is still possibly somewhere they have not dug would mean that they are admitting the 'vault' does not exist or the alleged vault was not over the actual pit (as they have dug where the vault was allegedly found).

The narrative of the lost location of the original pit is a bit of a fallacy. It is only the exact location of the pit that is not known the general location of where people think the pit was is well documented. It is easy to find the evidence of the earlier searches shafts.

So SSW I would have to agree with you the story of the vault is a lie told by Chapels son.

The Chappell vault was yet another lie trying milk investors out of more money....
As with all Oak Island treasure tales, there exists NO actual evidence that a treasure was ever hidden, buried placed in a vault, in a "money pit" or a water filling shaft.
The only known shaft on on Oak Island is the one treasure hunting investors received.
"NUFF SAID! :wink:

So I want to know what ever became of that round gold ingot that was shown being found by Gary Drayton in the coming attractions of this past season?? How come that footage never turned up in this season. Did I dream that piece 7 months ago when I first saw it?

So I want to know what ever became of that round gold ingot that was shown being found by Gary Drayton in the coming attractions of this past season?? How come that footage never turned up in this season. Did I dream that piece 7 months ago when I first saw it?

Yet another planted item with no follow up in the script....

Either a lack of continuity, or the "found" round gold ingot couldn't be worked successfully into the current storyline.
'NUFF SAID! :thumbsup:

I watched five or so episodes here in Oz, and concluded these guys are just pulling my leg.
If they were sophisticated and experienced at all of this; they would have got the ground radar in on the first episode, not a bloody excavator!

ECS they tried to work it was not just an ordinary brass knob but a brass Knob off a chest.:tongue3:
And it is a well known FACT that any chest found on Oak Island must of been a Treasure Chest full of looted Templar gold....

So there is no attempt by the Laginas/producers/Gary to mislead it is a perfevtlly reasonable and logical conclusion to draw that the Brass Knob was directly realted to Gold


It is quite amazing the similarity between Gary and Pinocchio



Quite a co-incidence…. Maybe.. or maybe not. They do seem to have a lot in common....

Maybe the silver spores they found in the water comes from natural silver ores in the ground?
(i can not imagine there is more than a big room of silver treasure buried in the ground (according to Dr. Spooner).

I will not be watching this season as they have nothing left to discover. Everything has been dug up. Not a single indication of treasure has been found. It is sad they are still trying to milk the debunked legend.
Ive keep seeing posts on yahoo..."Brothers finally found treasure" like it was found last year :dontknow:

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