"The Lue Map and the Nazi Connection -3"

Sergei 3

Full Member
Sep 19, 2020
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello participants. If you are still interested in the map of Lu, published by “Karl von Müller,” then, with your permission, I will continue. I mistakenly posted the continuation of my topic under another heading, but that’s not important.

I have already taken the first step in your understanding of the decryption. I have shown you the meaning of the symbol of the sun and the ladder and that they represent TIME. But the concept of TIME is more extensive than just the time of day; it is oriented to a specific day of the month and year (astronomical time). And having found out the time of day (10 hours) on the map, you need to find other time parameters of astronomical time.
The central place in the picture is occupied by a column; it seems to divide the map into two halves. On the left half (in addition to other symbols) there is a symbol of the sun - this half is responsible for TIME, while the right half is responsible for SPACE (specific coordinates of the place). On one of the versions of the drawing, and there were several of them, you see the number 7 in the right half at the top above the map (the number 7 in mythology rules over time and space).
Why, the right half is responsible for SPACE, that is, for coordinates, I can explain, but I would like to see your reaction in comments and ratings and I will answer you with pleasure. I have been asked the question more than once, (-If you deciphered the map, why are you writing about it, instead of just going and digging up this gold? And if for some reason you didn’t do this, then why are you writing about it and giving hints ?Yes, everything is very simple, in fact, I am far from an altruist and of course I want to get this gold, but I need real partners who will believe in the reality of the existence of the treasure and in the fact that I was able to decipher the map. And for this, I will lift the veil of secrecy of the map until it becomes clear to everyone that this is not a bluff and the card is not a fictitious bluff. And yes, I am not afraid that someone else will be able to decipher this card (if it were so simple, then the secret of the card, which many specialists worked on deciphering according to the decryption it would have been revealed long ago).

Well, dear readers and treasure hunters, it’s time to show you the real author of the “Legendary Map of Lu”.
Who created this drawing?
I present to you the hero of my story (see the first publication - artistic digression) and the author of a puzzle called "Lu's Map".
The man is a legend, about whom many books have been written and many films have been made.

Colleagues in the service called him “The Sly Fox” behind his back; they said that this nickname was given to him by Hitler himself.
In MI6, he was an agent under the code name "Janus" with a hint of "Two-faced Janus", Canaris was impressed by this. And this perfectly suited his nature. Wilhelm Franz, two faces, double life, double bottom of his essence.

And the “Lu card” also has duality, two faces, two sides, a double bottom.


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By the way, if anyone wants to share their thoughts on this topic, but not for public viewing, then you can always write to me in a personal message.
In a personal message, they often send me all sorts of diagrams of sites, outlines of reliefs that resemble some individual fragments of the drawing of the “Lu map” (views from above, for example). Then I will answer everyone at once. No, the “Lu map” does not have any coincidences with the outlines on the ground, this is a completely different approach to determining the location of a place. Everything is built on symbolism.

Dear participants and guests, perhaps I was not entirely correct in my posts somewhere and for this reason you have no desire to have a conversation and I did not deserve any ratings, in which case I ask for your forgiveness. And I am very sorry that there is no longer any discussion and outright critics, either you are simply tired of arguing or you agree with my statements.
In any case, I will continue at your invitation.
I have provided you just like that, the fruit of my intellectual labor, two significant components of the decoding: the meaning of the time and the author of the map.
(I hope that some of you took an interest in his biography - Admiral Canaris and found out for yourself what kind of person he was, what he was interested in, what he read about, what topics he liked to talk about, what games in childhood he loved to play, what habits from childhood he carried with him to all his life, how did his close friends and colleagues speak of him?)
And if this is not the case, then I advise you to take an interest and read it, since this is the key to understanding the decoding.

If you are interested, just rate it and I will continue to lift the veil of secrecy.

Thank you for your position, dear sdcfia, and thank you for your reaction. This is the answer why for more than 80 years no one has managed to decipher the map. Too tedious! That is, there is a desire to get 100 tons of gold, but it is too tiring to delve into the issue, think and analyze. It is better, of course, to read the solution to the problem. Well, okay, as I understand it, from most people, civilization takes away this ability to think and reflect critically, but why do everything get decided for them, everything is simple, here’s a simple scheme for everyone on how to earn money for basic needs, but you shouldn’t want more because it’s like this will require a person to think and will take a lot of trouble and time.


Well, okay, let's continue. In the figure, as for the lines related to the rays of the sun, not all of them are like that. The lines that I indicated with arrows with a question mark, these lines simply represent the symbol that I colored, it reminds us of an arrow from a bow, where the red color is the tip of the arrow. Did you know that in the days when the main weapon was the bow, arrowheads had different and special purposes, that is, there were specialized arrowheads? So if not, ask. This photograph shows a very distinctive and very rare arrowhead. I looked through many of their options in all sources and finally came across this one, one on one. If you are interested, try searching the internet yourself and if you come across it, we will quickly continue the topic with you.

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Well, dear reader, I see your fatigue and lack of reaction (No one, of course, even thought to find out anything and look for answers to my arguments).
I give you a final hint on this topic.
Further, only on your own.
The arrowhead, as I found out by studying the material and finding its exact copy, was used by the Mongoloid race in exceptional cases.
Here we come to the solution to why the map is called “-Lu”.
The Mongoloid race has a legend about the “Dragon Lu” (search and read for yourself) it describes what it was characterized by.
Look for its symbols in the images on stone and on parchment, and you will see something similar on the map. This symbol on the map means danger and warning, you should not do anything that will anger the dragon (see the characteristics, the dragon is angry), in the case of our legendary map, this symbol refers to the key, how to correctly open the door to the vault with Nazi gold and not die yourself and prevent a colossal tragedy (you will only understand once you finally figure out the place). And with this, I finished my story, which bored you so much.

Gidday Amigo

It late where I am in fact I am not far from you.

I hope Thailand is treating you well? Hows the music over there? It can be tough in self imposed exile, certainly returning home is not an option right now. I do not blame you either? No one wants to be sent to the meat grinder?

I can see your frustration amigo. But you have to understand many people have come and gone here all claiming they decoded this alleged Lue map. It is so ambiguous you can have one million different interpretations of it. Some are quite clever but alas the out come will always be the same. They all claimed they solved it.

I have no opinion nor interest as I need facts not assumptions. Financial backers of projects are even worse. I also understand why people do not both to reply as you are totally convinced of your discovery. there is nothing anyone here can say because you would not believe it anyway.

Many of us here have seen all this before and know where it lead a useless argument that will go around in circles. That is why very few if any are replying. Just post your theory. And its is only theory . it is only fact when you have money in the bank from the famous discovery until then it is theory.

You do not need to post details on how you solved the map or location but provide concrete proof other than vague reference to German general running espionage spy ring in united states. To get people interested perhaps you need to show more concrete proof of his connection. Post your theory and see what happens? May be some one will interested enough contact you by private mail.

Regards Crow

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Gidday Amigo

It late where I am in fact I am not far from you.

I hope Thailand is treating you well? Hows the music over there? It can be tough in self imposed exile, certainly returning home is not an option right now. I do not blame you either? No one wants to be sent to the meat grinder?

I can see your frustration amigo. But you have to understand many people have come and gone here all claiming they decoded this alleged Lue map. It is so ambiguous you can have one million different interpretations of it. Some are quite clever but alas the out come will always be the same. They all claimed they solved it.

I have no opinion nor interest as I need facts not assumptions. Financial backers of projects are even worse. I also understand why people do not both to reply as you are totally convinced of your discovery. there is nothing anyone here can say because you would not believe it anyway.

Many of us here have seen all this before and know where it lead a useless argument that will go around in circles. That is why very few if any are replying. Just post your theory. And its is only theory . it is only fact when you have money in the bank from the famous discovery until then it is theory.

You do not need to post details on how you solved the map or location but provide concrete proof other than vague reference to German general running espionage spy ring in united states. To get people interested perhaps you need to show more concrete proof of his connection. Post your theory and see what happens? May be some one will interested enough contact you by private mail.

Regards Crow
Well, dear Crow, thank you for your frankness. At first, to be honest, I didn’t want to answer, because I had already put an end to this conversation, but it would be disrespectful on my part to remain silent since you have been participating in the conversation since my first post. But I don’t see the point in continuing the conversation (you, as you may have noticed, are repeating the same thesis “Until you provide in person the gold already in my bank account, we won’t believe it”) and I have already answered this question several times, in one form or another . The point of my conversations was only one thing - to identify people who are capable of thinking outside the box and grasping (in my opinion, frank hints that run like a red line in all my posts) and try to establish contact with them for partnerships, because I set the main accents back in first thread of the topic. I’m conditionally “almost not rubbing your nose in all of you” at the location of the treasure, but it seems that I was mistaken in my assessments. And yes, I have re-read all the authors who naively believe that they were able to unravel the map, to be honest, there is a lot of outright nonsense that leads into such wilds that the place turns out to be plus or minus hundreds of miles away or has already been found. This is where I, with your permission, take my leave. Best regards, Sergei.

Interesting read Sergei 3. I enjoyed it. The Mongoloid arrow head is interesting among other things. Not many want to put in the work. They rather lay back and have it fall in their lap. Thanks for the information.

Interesting read Sergei 3. I enjoyed it. The Mongoloid arrow head is interesting among other things. Not many want to put in the work. They rather lay back and have it fall in their lap. Thanks for the information.
The way I would state it is that on a public forum, readers would likely expect that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If a solution to the enigma is publicly guaranteed, then a solution needs to be presented. In this case, the OP seems to be seeking a private investor. Anyone here is free to contact him via PM.

That is a beautiful pillar you posted there Sergei 3. I don't know anything about it. I like seeing the fracture and makeup of the natural grain of the stone. I bet that is all part of the meaning along with the carvings. There had to be a reason they picked that Stone to make that pillar out of. It is beautiful.


19.04.1579 Status quo.
Pyramid - (primarily a Tomb).
Edicule - Holy Sepulcher!


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I don't know where or what those photos are . But it is interesting and your info. on the lue Sergei 3.I don't know anything about the lue either, other than a lot of people trying to decode it. Those symbols on that one pillar of what appears to be a house with cross I have seen photos on here associated with treasure maps that people say are Spanish and Jesuit related symbols.

I don't know where or what those photos are . But it is interesting and your info. on the lue Sergei 3.I don't know anything about the lue either, other than a lot of people trying to decode it. Those symbols on that one pillar of what appears to be a house with cross I have seen photos on here associated with treasure maps that people say are Spanish and Jesuit related symbols.
For the majority of "gifted and inquisitive minds" who did not bother to read about Wilhelm Canaris. Have you heard anything about Christianity? And about the descent of the Holy Fire?

For the majority of "gifted and inquisitive minds" who did not bother to read about Wilhelm Canaris. Have you heard anything about Christianity? And about the descent of the Holy Fire?
No I don't know much about Christianity or the decent of The Holy fire or Wilhelm Canaris. But I looked them all up since your post. Only read the Wiki printed stuff . Thanks I now know where the area is at. So hard to tell anymore just what printed stuff is legit. I just read a little and see if there is something of interest to me.Thanks for the info. and photos Sergei 3.

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