The Nazis map of inner earth..Plus there advanced technology..Your thoughts


Silver Member
Dec 20, 2010
Rhode Island
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I have tons of documentaries on the Third Reich and i also found an interest in Ancient Alien theory..
The Third Reich were probably the biggest treasure hunters of us all..Always looking for The Arch or ancient myth weapons..
There is no doubt the Nazis were in touch with E.T. intelligence just by the advanced technology of WW2.
They invented our modern world.

Now this map of "Inner Earth" shows up..

Just wondering about other peoples thought on this matter..


We've all heard tales of Nazis exploring the southern extremities of the globe and even setting up bases in
. Some have also heard of
Operation Highjump
and Admiral Byrd's altercation with entranched German forces that overpowered them with
amazing flying craft
. A
has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta!


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This doesn't belong in the general section. Isn't there a crackpot theory section for this stuff?

This doesn't belong in the general section. Isn't there a crackpot theory section for this stuff?

If there was i would have posted it there:laughing9:

But if you have done the research as i have..You may think differently...

So quick to judge..

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Blaze, Blaze, Blaze- A long time ago in a high school not too far away, I had a student who swore Atlantis was real and continually used to lecture the class on when and where it would be found. His IQ was literally nearly genius level and he had scholarship offers to over two dozen universities. He chose the University of Texas, the senior counselor prepared the paperwork, UT sent the offer to him and graduation came. He never signed the papers and returned them. Six months after graduation I spied him sitting at a bus stop waiting for the bus that would take him to his job at Jack In The Box. You remind me a great deal of him. In all things moderation...

LOL! The GD on this forum is tame compared to the GD on other websites/forums.

I find the subject kinda out-there, but hey, to each his own. GD is usually "anything goes" ruled by the discretion of the moderators...and I don't see this crossing any lines.

JohnnyBlaze, never stop dreaming or questioning the accepted norm. More power to you, buddy.

Oh, and don't confuse moderation with mediocrity. I do believe there was an Atlantis...and at this point in my comfortable life and career I definately don't have to worry about catching a bus to go work at a Jack in the Box. :icon_thumleft:

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Jet engines,rockets,anti-gravity technology..All invented by the Nazis in the WW2 era..
Right after the Nazi found a crashed ship in the Black Forest in 1936..

Oh and lets not forget Christopher Columbus ship log of 1492 reporting fire balls rising out of the ocean and shooting into the sky..
Plus Hitler spent billions of dollars traveling the Mid east looking for certain ancient weapon myths..Why?

The evidence is overwhelming but your government programed mind cant seem to break the codes..


johnnyblaze said:
Jet engines,rockets,anti-gravity technology..All invented by the Nazis in the WW2 era..
Right after the Nazi found a crashed ship in the Black Forest in 1936..

Oh and lets not forget Christopher Columbus ship log of 1492 reporting fire balls rising out of the ocean and shooting into the sky..
Plus Hitler spent billions of dollars traveling the Mid east looking for certain ancient weapon myths..Why?

The evidence is overwhelming but your government programed mind cant seem to break the codes..


Read this book, available at barnes and noble and amazon....i do believe as well, but i have come to a conclusion that im not going to post on this me if you want me to tell you what i honestly think.


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And yet Germany still lost the war and was totally destroyed by the end of WWII.

personally I'm Fine with this in General discussion,, since it is about Treasure hunting & the Nazi's and the Discussion is "general"
at this time.

IF it does ever need moving it will probably be to treasure Hunting section.

But for now....all i can say is Interesting !
as it's obvious the Nazi's had big imaginations :laughing7:

But this doesn't mean they didn't fall into something real while searching fantasy land

And yet Germany still lost the war and was totally destroyed by the end of WWII.

I do believe they were following orders from their Fuhrer to Find proof of the occult
or be shot for dereliction of duty. so personally I would be spending his money to prove there are
spooks on our side too, & when asked Yep we're getting closer !
I know where The Arch is & we need another million to call a flying saucer to pinpoint exactly where :laughing7:

But as I said, If you research everything sooner or later something may pop up you didn't expect.

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I remember reading or seeing something about the Nazi's having a hidden base in the Arctic where they built the traditional saucer - shaped UFO's.

Whether we believe that or not doesn't take away the fact that Nazi Germany did evolve technology the point that America imported their top scientists (war criminals) to help them build the first atomic bomb and who knows what else.

Did you know that Nazi scientists invented fluoride in an attempt to create a mind control substance? Just think, it's now in all our water, toothpaste, gum, and other products.

Can you say BAAAAAAAAA?


Treasure Hunter did they lose the war or did they start the war of 1000 years??


Did you know that Nazi scientists invented fluoride in an attempt to create a mind control substance? Just think, it's now in all our water, toothpaste, gum, and other products.

Fluoride was also added to the drinking water in the concentration camps because it helped to keep the prisoners docile.

They were smart and MOTIVATED. They beat us to the Jet engine, the sub, and were working on heavy water for the A bomb before we destroyed there plant. But we got the A bomb and they didn't. It's kind of like the situation we have today, but not with Germany.
I can go with the jets, subs and A bomb research because the evidence is real and tangible, but some of the other material associater with there advancement remains in the realm of theory until something tangible is produced. Frank


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The Nazis were into the occult big-time, especially Himmler.. Ever notice that in the first Indy Jones movie the Nazi antagonist looked like Himmler:tongue3: He had special knights and all sorts of other whacky things going on in his castle at one point.

The Allies removed 30 boxcars of patents from THE GERMAN PATENT OFFICE at the end of the war.Many were given to US companies,including the one for synthetic oil,which became MOBILE 1.
Now the scientific division of the SS under Himler DID NOT have their patents in the German Patent Office-such as Kammlers "die glock" at the Skoda Works in Pilsen,Czechoslovakia.
US OPERATION PAPERCLIP brought many SS scientist to America,including von Braun,the father of our space program.
Another good research book on this subject:

Blaze, Blaze, Blaze- A long time ago in a high school not too far away, I had a student who swore Atlantis was real and continually used to lecture the class on when and where it would be found. His IQ was literally nearly genius level and he had scholarship offers to over two dozen universities. He chose the University of Texas, the senior counselor prepared the paperwork, UT sent the offer to him and graduation came. He never signed the papers and returned them. Six months after graduation I spied him sitting at a bus stop waiting for the bus that would take him to his job at Jack In The Box. You remind me a great deal of him. In all things moderation...

Hey Austin we both know why he ended up at Jack in the Box...

The education system in this country..So as a teacher you know how horrible it is..

Your enjoying your pension tho right...


If any of you have time and want to explore how far the German technology went, search Hannebu, the German flying saucers. They built four sizes as the war progressed. Some wer even fitted with artillery. The exterior was made of a material called victalen, which has not been duplicated since. No one that I have talked to knows for sure where the saucers are now, probably hidden away in plain sight. Supposedly some were destroyed by the British in Newswabenland(Antartica), after the war had ended. Good Luck. rockhound

So in a nutshell what do you think of this "Inner Earth"??

I mean,we explore space and the ocean...But you never hear about exploring inner Earth:icon_scratch:

Maybe its because "We" already know:-\..


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