Tooled Cobalt Poison Bottle!


Silver Member
Jul 27, 2014
New York City
🥇 Banner finds
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Minelab Excalibur II, Ace 250
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All Treasure Hunting
Got out late today just before sunset. Only managed to dig one bottle from the clay, but it was well worth it!

Here is the bottle in situ and immediately after extraction:

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The clay preserved it very well for over 100 years. That's the trade off for digging in clay, the bottles are usually well preserved but the digging is slow and arduous. There was alot of wood in the hole as well as well as the lower jaw bone of some sort of large animal, likely a cow or horse.

Here is the bottom of the bottle, it shows the initials "H. A." in a diamond. If anyone knows what this abbreviation means please feel free to share.

Upvote 45
Got out late today just before sunset. Only managed to dig one bottle from the clay, but it was well worth it!
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Here is the bottle in situ and immediately after extraction:
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The clay preserved it very well for over 100 years. That's the trade off for digging in clay, the bottles are usually well preserved but the digging is slow and arduous. There was alot of wood in the hole as well as well as the lower jaw bone of some sort of large animal, likely a cow or horse.

Here is the bottom of the bottle, it shows the initials "H. A." in a diamond. If anyone knows what this abbreviation means please feel free to share.
View attachment 2072575
sweet bottle man! I am getting back into privy digging after a twenty year hiatus and am liking it better than metal detecting, just dig and see what you get definitely takes patience and I forgot cold weather digging the old glass can crack in your hand from the body I keep a bucket of cold dirt nearby oops learned a lesson there lost a rare milk but got some nice carnival glass lamp pieces so ce la vie all about learning. Rock on!

That my friend is a banner bottle.....I have seen that exact lattice poison in the big boy bottle books !! Congrats @UnderMiner I vote banner on a text book example of a cobalt LATTICE poison !! Incredible!!

Beautiful bottle.

I think you’re showing the mark upside down and it actually reads ‘VR’ (without stops) rather than ‘HA’:


I don’t know whose mark it might be. The only ‘VR’ mark I’m familiar with is that used by the British military (both army and navy) on medics’ bottles including blue poison bottles during the Victorian period (for ‘Victoria Regina’). But the mark is usually accompanied by an anchor or broad arrow (although not necessarily on the base with the VR mark) and it would be a pretty unlikely find in America.


Much more likely that this is an American mark, but I don't recognise it.

Nice pretty find :) I would not even venture a guess how many bottles i have passe3d up in all my years of detecting. Why do you think that bottle was left there ? Was the site a dumping place ? Or did it possibly wash down from some place else ? Still nice find :)
Thanks for sharing

VR-connected (The letters “V” and “R” are combined with one vertical stroke forming both the right side of the V and the left side of the R). Possibly Vidreiera Los Reyes, glass container (“envase”) manufacturer in Mexico (1944- ?). Bottles and jars with this mark MIGHT date from the 1970s-1990s era?

here is a site I think might help Identify bottles


Beautiful bottle.

I think you’re showing the mark upside down and it actually reads ‘VR’ (without stops) rather than ‘HA’:

View attachment 2072617

I don’t know whose mark it might be. The only ‘VR’ mark I’m familiar with is that used by the British military (both army and navy) on medics’ bottles including blue poison bottles during the Victorian period (for ‘Victoria Regina’). But the mark is usually accompanied by an anchor or broad arrow (although not necessarily on the base with the VR mark) and it would be a pretty unlikely find in America.

View attachment 2072618

Much more likely that this is an American mark, but I don't recognise it.

Thank you for your input, but I'm fairly certain the abbreviation is "H. A." it has me baffled as well. Here is a clearer image of it.

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