underwater salvage


Bronze Member
Feb 27, 2004
lake mary florida
Detector(s) used
Chasing Dory ROV,Swellpro Splash 2 pro waterproof drone,Swellpro Spry+ wa,Wesmar SHD700SS Side Scan Sonar,U/W Mac 1 Turbo Aquasound by American Electronics,Fisher 1280x,Aquasound UW md,Aqua pulse AQ1B
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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I can only assume that the mods set this up to keep guys like me from asking questions about salvage techniques and equipment in a SHIPWRECK forum :D

It would clean things up a bit to only discuss the wrecks themselves over there, and discuss all the machinery and technique over here. However it's sat here for quite a while with no posts...while we continue to discuss off topic things in the shipwreck forum. An unruly lot of scaberrous dogs we are! Thar'll be a keel haulin' waitin' us if we don't change our ways. :D


Thanks for noticing the new forum, NOW maybe you guys can act like proper pirates! ;D

Actually I had two reasons for creating the forum. 1. was to annoy you guys. lol 2., was to help search engines find the Shipwreck Forum.

I thought MAYBE you could post equipment info here, but if you prefer the old forum, that's ok too... BUT - if you do post some marine/salvage equipment-related posts here, it might help our search engine rankings :).

If there is some other sub-category structure you would prefer, let me know!

What about a forum just for posting known shipwreck coordinates?

Just trying to improve things around here!

Thanks for your feedback!




I don't do salvage any more off the Fl. coast, but it was fun an I still remember how. It is always a learning process.

As for sub-categories, how about Thong appraisal?


Now you're talkin' Sandman...I like the thong appraisel idea. Some folks just don't understand all the facets of beach hunting...


Weekend after next JAS, I'll be doing some beach hunting (for treasures of several sorts...silver, gold, bronze tanned, etc. ;) ) anytime I'm not in the water with you and/or SeaHunter. I plan to visit the Fisher Museum one afternoon, but other than that I'm treasure hunting!!! I'll probably hang out until Friday the 13th (yikes).


Haha - well, that is part of the job - thong approval - I'll put that under "How To Shwing Your Detector". ;D he he

Tom, as one of the moderators I will state that I will not delete this post. The only bad thing about this photo is that it was not taken on the bow of my boat, and hmmmmmm doesn't look like the bow of yours either!

I think we are both going to have to work on that!


Hey Marc, I think you've accomplished your goal. Our search engine ranking just went WAY up. Thong Thong Thong :D

Actually Tom, that boat ran aground shortly after that picture was taken, so in a way it is a shipwreck. The captain cited distractive scenery as the cause of the accident.


JAS, we can do some "intern scouting" while I'm out your way :D

How about a Speedo sub-catagory? But that would destabilize trhe search engine.

hey tom,

meet my new dive crew.

John, one of the other Moderators deleted your last with the picture of your crew. However, I was able to view it in the trash folder on the Moderator Forum. :o Just give me a holler the next time you have that crew aboard, and I will be your deck hand.


Heres some pics of the salvage operation at finns marina in sebastian from 2 weeks ago,once again frank burrows came with me and chris from tnet came down from cocoa beach to give us a hand and to get some experience in some blackwater diving on the sailboat wreck.we are just about done with this one.have a few small pieces of fiberglass to trim of with the uw saw,plus found some metal sticking up from the remains of the helm.will have to be cut with a uw cut off saw that i will borrow from another salvage firm.we raised the entire upper deck off the boat with helm intact.it was too big to get on the deck boat so we cut it in pieces big enough to handle to put on the deck boat.the helm will be a yard ornament in my back yard:)


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Hey fisheye...

I do all my underwater salvage with inflatable Carter liftbags, but I try to get to the wrecks before all the seaweed, mud and barnacles build up on them!! :D You must have had your hands full with these jobs. Hope the price of diving and salvage went up when you brought the hydraulic chain saws into the water! Good luck and safe diving to you and those you dive with.


Hey John, sorry I missed you in Sebastian this week. We stumbled onto...let's just say a very interesting site...which ended up consuming a lot of my time. Now I'm busy cleaning artifacts. :D

Next time we'll definitely get together...it was a little rough out on the 1715 lease anyways, sop we headed to Jupiter inlet and had a great day down there.


Hey Fisheye...

Here's the one I "caught" today... a 48' Viking that sank at the dock at the Wentworth by the Sea Marina, in Newcastle, NH. When asked why it sank, I informed them, "There was too much water in it."

Anyway, the wind was still blowing around 50mph, so I went back to the shop to mobilize the air bags, straps, pumps and gear. I'll post some more pics after we raise it.



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