What happens to the road kill?

Never have I eaten anything killed on the road, but had a school teacher (biology) that would. He told us students that he would hang animals like duck by the neck, on twine. When the body fell from the head, it was ready to process. Ugh.
I have collected undamaged road kill coon, red fox, and mink in the winter, and received good money for the hides.

The deer I saw hit the other morning was a young one. I have almost hit a few myself in the past but so far I havent. Somebody told me to speed up if you are going to hit one instead of trying to stop. By going fast the theory was they would go up and over your truck instead of in the windshield with their antlers. Some have actually died from the antlers going through the glass in this area. I just try to miss them altogether.


Besides the salvageable meat, which here in Vt. doesn't spoil that fast in the cool weather, road kill is also a source of marketable furs. Prices have risen dramatically, and you can make some decent coin with the muskrat, beaver, otter, etc. Just another source of excitement in the North Country

our county has a dump site at one of the wildlife/land conservation properties. I stumbled across it while scouting a hiking trail for the cub scouts. good thing I did or the young scouts would be scarred for life...well at least the ones without hunting families.

our county has a dump site at one of the wildlife/land conservation properties. I stumbled across it while scouting a hiking trail for the cub scouts. good thing I did or the young scouts would be scarred for life...well at least the ones without hunting families.

as far as I know, they drop them down stripping pits around here.
Of course they may just drop them off in the woods too.

more then once I'v seen them hauling dead deer back the old mining Roads here

I used to live out in farm country, and roadkill, especially raccoons you never seen any, because everybody would pick them up and take them to the fur guy in Gregory, them coons fetch between 15-40 bucks depending on size and condition, so yeah I have seen folks drive off the road to squash em, seeing as out there the raccoons outnumbered people 1000 to 1.
Plus that making a few hundred tax free bucks daily is a nice thing.


I used to live out in farm country, and roadkill, especially raccoons you never seen any, because everybody would pick them up and take them to the fur guy in Gregory, them coons fetch between 15-40 bucks depending on size and condition, so yeah I have seen folks drive off the road to squash em, seeing as out there the raccoons outnumbered people 1000 to 1.
Plus that making a few hundred tax free bucks daily is a nice thing.


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Living in a city, road kill is mostly dogs or humans. Not something you would want to throw in the trunk of your car.

Nothing better than free food off the road...when you call me an old buzzard you don't know how true that is. :tongue3: :laughing7: :tongue3:

I used to live out in farm country, and roadkill, especially raccoons you never seen any, because everybody would pick them up and take them to the fur guy in Gregory, them coons fetch between 15-40 bucks depending on size and condition, so yeah I have seen folks drive off the road to squash em, seeing as out there the raccoons outnumbered people 1000 to 1.
Plus that making a few hundred tax free bucks daily is a nice thing.


I had a friend in another state and his job put him on the road most days. He collected road kill and would just gut them,no fleshing, and freeze them in a plastic bag. Once a year the fur trader would run an add that he was buying. My last year there he made almost $1000 and that was 27 years ago. If memory serves he got $25 for racoons in 1980's.
Treasure is where you find it Que' No!?

Where my sis lives in PA, the wardens patrol the road and have a pit to dump the roadkill in.

She checks it periodically and has collected quite a few nice racks :icon_thumright:

She also found a fox once: had it mounted with a goose hanging from its mouth.

I had a rabbit hit in front of my house as a kid, the lady was distraught, so I went out and shot it and cleaned it and cooked it. I hit another rabbit, scalped it, so I cleaned it right on the side of the road (I keep nippers and gallon bags in my trunk). And just a few weeks ago, my dad and I were out bird hunting. He ran home while I stayed out, and he found a dead partridge in the road that we had come down earlier. So he grabbed it up since we had space on our license still. It cooked up pretty darn tasty, and I didn't have to worry about bird shot in it!

Get at least one a year. Can't tell the difference between the ones killed by my bow or a bumper!

In my city a few years back, a man was prosecuted for going out of his way to hit a muskrat on the road. An off-duty police officer turned the man in, he had his day in court.

In Wisconsin, we used to have guys that bid for these pick up contracts from DNR, but they got too expensive for our government. I think it was like $6 for a deer. I sort of got used to their butts being painted orange so no one could miss them.

We now save "all" that money and have free vulture/crow feeding biology demonstrations on the roadside for the residents to appreciate.

It's also a social engineering program preparing citizens for when there is no health care any more.

If the price of meat in the stores keep going up and nothing on sale to speak of I might have to get my gun out and start hunting some. Its so pricey just to get a steak that isnt tough. There is one type that still inst too bad on the price and maybe some of you should try it on your next cookout it called ChucK-eye and it is a really nice piece of meat. Its one cut below the Ribeye.

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