CGC Miner

Full Member
Nov 18, 2010
High Rockies
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All Treasure Hunting
👀Check your shorts at the adit, you're gonna need a fresh pair!
Hehe, but seriously, exploring old mines is not something to take lightly. Do not enter☠️!
Do not go in without proper training, equipment or an escape plan!
Would you crawl into that small drift next to the rat hotel?


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I know your pain ! About 20 years ago or so I went to New Mexico around mid state and we had our 4x4 ATV to ride around .My tires looked like cartoon tire's with all the needles stuck into the tiers ALL OF THEM ! Good thing I brought along my 12v. air compressor !!

thanks for the video I don't think I would have climbed in that little hole

I know your pain ! About 20 years ago or so I went to New Mexico around mid state and we had our 4x4 ATV to ride around .My tires looked like cartoon tire's with all the needles stuck into the tiers ALL OF THEM ! Good thing I brought along my 12v. air compressor !!

I gather NM has a huge intravenous drug abuse problem.

That last tunnel was only about 3.5 feet tall and the bottom was covered in cholla.
Mt.Lions and bears are my biggest worry in Colorado.

The tunnel was cut to run a water pipe, it holds no mineral values that I am aware of, the bear can keep it.

Mine exploring is certainly an exciting pastime with lots of interesting things to see. And also lots of dangers, both obvious and hidden. Here in the southern Nevada cactus needles are a given hazard and oh my they hurt. They often start infections as well. I have not experienced any large animals underground, but I've had incidents with rattlesnakes on multiple occasions. Once face to face while hanging from a rope about 75 feet from the surface.

In spite of the perils, I love to see these amazing demonstrations of underground industrial engineering. And considering that many were built around the turn of the century, it's even more amazing!


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