YOUR OPINION AND WHY - All welcome to join the debate - DID PIRATES BURY TREASURES ?

Calculations from Morgan in JUST in the indies... in short time...

Panama - $1,500,000...
Porto Bello - $800,000
Puerto del Principe - $700,000
Maracaibo and Gibraltar - $400,000
Other piracies - $250,000

Total for just this "run" - $3,650,000

It has been said that he only paid 200 pieces of eight for each man.

Account of when he left panama...

"marched away with one hundred and seventy-five beasts of burden loaded with treasures of gold and silver and jewels, besides great quantities of merchandise, and six hundred prisoners held for ransom."

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A simple personal symbol for a cache waypoint(s) could be added anywhere with no one else the wiser.
Not a map any would associate with wealth more than navigation, if not advertised and marked discretely, still allowing a record..
Personal property is all.The kind that you keep with you.
A map could work.


I believe they "buried" in small amounts until needed at a later time. whether in the ground or somewhere else. Just like they did in the 1930's, a little here and a little there. Until later when they hadn't retrieved it all and/or forgot where it was.

There is film documentary evidence of the pirate "One-Eyed-Willie" having buried a vast fortune, with an elaborate system of tunnels and protective boobie traps.


I believe the expression of where there's smoke there's fire kicks in here.

With all the tales of buried pirate treasure odds are good at least some of them are go out and find

Regards + HH


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Pirates are no different than the rest of mankind, if you have something valuable you want to protect from others, you cache it in the closest, easiest, pace to protect, if nowhere else is a available it's in the ground. That goes for the people the pirates did business with too. It has been going on since the dawn of mankind, and still is.

There is film documentary evidence of the pirate "One-Eyed-Willie" having buried a vast fortune, with an elaborate system of tunnels and protective boobie traps.


I think Chester Copperpot found that one already.

Its safe to say people have always intentionally hidden money. Its reasonable to assume pirates did the same and there are simply not enough places on a ship to stash your coin. Which means crew probably spent it as fast as they acquired their share in the first port they came to. The captain was probably wiser knowing to keep it safe from the crew he would have to bury it somewhere with only a trusted few to do the digging. And maybe the unlucky were forced at the end of a sword to dig and then would be told you wont be going back to the ship. RIP mate. Dead men sleep with their secrets. The changing shoreline probably did not escape a seasoned captain therefore a trip inland with some significant landmarks was required. Releventchair may be on to something with his carved powder horn. Hidden clues in plain sight. Google found treasures.

I have evidence that pirates did not bury treasure at all on the eastern coast line. They all made there way up rivers till they hit the Duck River here in TN. Then they all rowed to the bluff just above my cave. From there they carried it all about 300-400 yds. further inland and buried it all in this hard rocky soil on Treasure Bluff. Someday my buddy Huntsman53 and I will get around to digging it all up. Right now it's too hot and too many ticks and we're busy also. I can't tell you how I know this.... I guess I'm just that smart.... Can't help it. Once again pirates did not bury in soft, sandy ocean front beaches.... they desired hard rocky soil, way inland and a well hidden undocumented cave to hid in for awhile. AND.... they wrote maps on mud mounds within said cave. See avatar. I HAVE IT ALL!!!!!

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Maybe there should be a distinction between the "general" argument that ALL pirates buried treasure and the fact that SOME pirates buried SOME treasure.

I don't fully subscribe to the concept that once a ship was full of ill-gotten loot, they made for the nearest beach and started digging...
But I do believe that some of the crew buried some of their loot at some point. maybe they recovered it later, maybe not, but buried it was!

There is a story of a Capt Delaney, who was told by a dying crew mate that as a pirate he had buried loot on a small island. Delaney then resigned his commission, charted a sloop, made for the island and eventually found $130,000 in silver.

Also, I have a journal from a crew member of the JAMES AND MARY** which logs the following (abbreviated) story...

When Phipps found the Concepción in 1687 and brought back tons of Gold & Silver to England for the King, the James and Mary stopped to take on water off an uninhibited Cay. (It was planned by Phipps not to put in at any dock en route home (for security) but desolate cays for water were deemed OK.)
It was noted that a certain Samuel Smith would make frequent (unnecessary?) trips ashore.

On reaching England the loot offered up by the J&M only amounted to 12,000 pounds.
The kind dispatched a Judge to interrogate Smith who confessed to burying over 1000 pieces of Silver on the remote Cay in question.

** two ships were outfitted for the salvage operation and to carry the treasure home.

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The assistant curator of education at MEL FISHERS MARITIE MUSEUM in Key West, Cori Convertito, holds the same opinion-"Pirates too their loot to notorious pirate hang outs in Port Royal and Torguga .Pirates did not bury their money. They blew it as soon they could on women and booze".

And they know this how ?

Were they there ?

Did they read "MORE" ...OR SECRET stuff that has eluded all the worlds eyes and mine ? ...

Do they have a "time machine"... ?

Did they "beam in" to the daily life of EVERY pirate that existed ?

? ? ?

Because this THEORY lacks simplistic basic human common sense...

To say always OR never in a sentence that involves someone or something that YOU YOURSELF have not witnessed first hand...

Is a "lackluster"... LAME... way to LUMP everyone into one category of...

"Stupid ... did not care... drunk... idiots without brains... ambitions... dreams... common sense... A plan... an idea".


Acording to this guy... they drank and spent money on women...

LOL they never spent money on women... what a goof... HE SPENDS MONEY ON WOMEN...

Good pirates never had to... and the rest would have just taken the women.

So... beings that RUM was so cheap you could get a bottle for a penny...

they MUST have spent a MAX in a day MAYBE 10 cents... OK lets say 25 cents !...

That would take you a year to drink 100 dollars worth and NOT die.


And women cost them nothing but food and rum... and a few pieces of eight for a weekend jaunt...

This "they spent there money on women and booze"...

Is a simplistic... same ole same ole "right off"...

And in my opinion... to "throw off others"... MUST BE... heh

Because anyone with a basic REAL WORLD ... HANDS ON education would know otherwise...

OH ! and further more...

Listening to a curator ?

That's like asking a bookworm NOT AN earthworm what it is like down at the farm...

MOST only read and REPEAT what the guy wrote before him... which in this case... IS NOT MUCH. ... heh

OH... and concerning "why" someone would paint this picture of pirates as...

"Stupid ... did not care... drunk... idiots without brains... ambitions... dreams... common sense... A plan... an idea".


Want to admit you have been "gotten" by anyone "more" than this ?

ESPECIALLY the English were EXCELLENT at painting the pictures THEY wanted the world to see...

ESPECIALLY when you just lost a fortune to them.

In my opinion... the reason we have LITTLE TO NO real records of piracy is...

They "deleted it".

Out back in a fire... along with the rest of the things that were considered an "embarrassment".


I don't think very many pirates buried there loot, most were intelligent men - I believe they invested in hedge funds, IRA's and some Captains had 401K's available for the crew.

And they know this how ?
Were they there ?
Did they read "MORE" ...OR SECRET stuff that has eluded all the worlds eyes and mine ? ...
Because this THEORY lacks simplistic basic human common sense...
To say always OR never in a sentence that involves someone or something that YOU YOURSELF have not witnessed first hand...
Because anyone with a basic REAL WORLD ... HANDS ON education would know otherwise...
OH ! and further more...
Listening to a curator ?...
MOST only read and REPEAT what the guy wrote before him... which in this case... IS NOT MUCH. ...
...and you are not repeating what you have read or heard, which by your own comments, consider as lore and legend?
Sometimes one gets caught up in the power of myth, lore, and legend, all reason is cast aside.
4 Charged With Looting Indian Sites - tribunedigital-orlandosentinel

That story is old... from 92... a bunch of idiots that broke the law...

Which is NOT recommended... IF you do not have permission to dig somewhere... DONT dig.

Besides that was a group of guys looking for The Calusa treasure...

What does that have to do with pirates ? and if they buried loot or not ?

Why post here ?

That story is old... from 92... a bunch of idiots that broke the law...

Which is NOT recommended... IF you do not have permission to dig somewhere... DONT dig.

Besides that was a group of guys looking for The Calusa treasure...

What does that have to do with pirates ? and if they buried loot or not ?

Why post here ?
L Frank Hudson wrote several books on buried pirate treasure in Florida, and was convinced he knew where the buried treasure of Jose Gaspar, a fictional pirate created by a Tampa Tribune society writer for the purpose of creating a Tampa version of Marti Gras, was the reason behind this wanton destruction of real Florida archaeological treasures.
The origin of several tales of buried pirate treasure in Florida are from his books. Hudson also searched for pyramids and skunk apes in the Everglades.

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