Youre out in the woods and run into a...

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Bears and Mountain Lions are here in Colorado and let me tell you. A kid not to far from my home was attacked and killed by a mountain lion acouple of years ago not too far from where I detect for gold. Last year closer to the house there were two different occasions where two different cyclist were attacked by a mountain lion and escaped with scratches. (Lucky). Once I was deer hunting up in the high country during archery season. Had a bear chase down six deer to me, but I wasn't about to shoot a deer with the bear on the other side of the brush from me and no hand gun. All I was trying to figure out which side of the bush was the bear going to show up on, so I could at least defend myself if needed. Now when I MD for gold or out hunting I carry a pistol, just in case.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Prime said:
Has anyone ever come across any dangerous wildlife while roaming around the countryside and forests?? Any bears or mountain lions??
i met my x in the woods

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Around here (rural Iowa) deep in the woods, we actually have to watch out for people who have meth labs in old abandoned houses or sheds or campers.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

a nude sun bather in a clearing,and a man no worse..AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for real what a downerhad to drive home blind folded

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Ive walked into a bear with its two cubs once. got to that car quickly.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Mountain lion on several ocassions as well as rattlers in the OC outback.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

BEST BEAR DEFENSE!!!! Make sure no one in your group can run faster then you....
Deepsix ;)

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

PAmike said:

there are timber rattlers in my area, I have seen a few but nothing threatening. I hope to catch a couple this sumer, I can get at least $300 each if they are kept live. I don't think there are any massasagua rattlers in my area but they are in the state. I have had a few encounters with copperheads, I was very nearly bitten by one about 16 years ago. I am a snake lover and would welcome seeing any snake.

Hi Mike: I have to ask. Who is paying $300.00 each for live Timber Rattlers???? We can get you as many as they need. I make a few bucks once in awhile catching Corals for the Serpentarium and some Scarlet Kings for a few Pet shops but $300 each. That's worth going a few States North, catching some nice ones, then bringing them up to you.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

I've had my share of bear encounters.Worse thing you can do is run.Bears behave like dogs and will chase you.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

That's the first time in a long time I heard "go in strapped" I used to live in a semi-rough part of Charlotte, N.C. and if I went out to ride my mountain bike in the park I always carried a 9mm or a 45 cal pistol stuck in a clip-on waist band holster in my shorts. I was friendly to everyone and never had to pull one out on anyone. But there is a peace of mind there when you "go in strapped" If something arises, you are prepared. But, and this is a biggy__ If you are not prepared to use it for what it's intended for, don't carry it. I had resigned myself to the fact before I ever carried one that if I were put in the situation where I had to use it, I would. Thank the Lord I never did.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Wild Boar! There are wild pigs here but I can't find any info about them attacking

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Still some wildlife in this part of California. Have seen some bobcats, bears, mountain lion TRACKS (not the lions themselves), coyote, feral pigs, deer, elk (3 species in the state), foxes, etc. But the biggest problem I have is with people and their unleashed DOGS. Many of these people take their dogs for "protection" or for "companionship" but there have been many times when their dogs ran up to me barking and looking fierce. I have had to ask their owners to call them off. The people did so, but in the mean time my heart was racing 100 miles per hour and my blood pressure was through the roof. I think PEOPLE and their UNLEASHED DOGS can be a bigger threat (both real and perceived) than any wild beast in most/much of America. Black bears can be dangerous, Grizzlies are relatively rare in the lower 48 (with some exceptions) and mountain lions tend to attack small-framed people (women and children), but people are my number one concern.

I was hunting one time when some idiot from a huge southern California metropolitan area pointed his rifle at me. When I later confronted the a__h___ he said he was looking at me through his scope. I said he was pointing the business end of his rifle at me while doing so and that I could have shot at him first and been justified in doing so. I carry a sidearm when detecting in some remote rural areas. When in a populated area I tend to MD with a buddy. When I am MDing alone in a populated area, I try to look up frequently and keep my digging tool handy. It's a sad state of affairs when a person has to think that way, but there are many instances where people minding their own business have been mugged and murdered for 2 dollars or less.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

No dangerours animals yet just a doe & a fawn that we scared.The little confused fawn ran towards us and the doe the other way.I am sure they got back together later ;D .The fawn look like Bambi it must of been quite young.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

O.K. Walking down a trail in the National forest about ten miles from Mexico in Southern Arizona, had a black bear cub go "woofing" across the trail in front of me and straight up a tree.
I turned around on the trail and started whistling and walking away. I also had an 8" Bowie knife in one hand and a .22 with snake shot for the first two rounds in the other. I figured if I had to shoot it, it would be better to blind its eyes and the nose with the smell of its own blood while I then tried to run. The knife was in case I couldn't run.
The bigger problem down there is rabies.
I grew up out there with a "10 foot rule".
If you saw an "animal in the wild" that was with in 10 feet of you and it didn't run when you yelled at it and stamped your foot, you shot it.
It was either rabid or sick, because it was not scared of you, knowing it was there.
When I was growing up in Florence, Arizona, we lived right at the edge of town and a bobcat crazy with the heat of summer came into the yard and started stalking my mother. The dog looked at her, looked at the bobcat and dived into the cat. She ran past them and as she opened the backdoor to get inside the dog was right there.<G> She called the "Town Marshall" and he came out to shoot it with a .22 pistol. The cat started stalking him and it made him nervous enough that he missed with the .22, so he dropped it and pulled out his .38 and shot it dead. They took it down to the lab to check for rabies, but it was "clean".
When my dad came home, he noticed that the dog was favoring his nose on one side. He looked close at it, got some pliers and removed one of the bobcats claws from being buried in the dogs nose.
We also had some "Feral dogs" out there and it went back to the "10 foot rule", if you were more than 3 miles out of town and couldn't see a collar on it. Of course, if he was coming at you as if you were food, you shot him right then.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

No bears or mountain lions but those dang snakes scare the hell out of me.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

DirtDiggerDaveinMD said:
Bigfoot? Say it isn't so! Maybe he is curious about MDing. Anyone have any ideas on a detector for an 8ft tall hominid? Kellyco perhaps? Maybe he is pissed and wants royalties for the coil named after him.
a ten foot stick of conduit and extra wire should do it for monkey man......

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