
  1. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED 1938 Nickel with Swastika on Jefferson’s Collar.

    Hi, I came to this site cause it seems like you guys really know what you are talking about! I was going through some old coins and I found this 1938 nickel. I don’t know much about coins and I know this symbol might have been carved into it later or it could actually represent Native...
  2. 🔎 UNIDENTIFIED What is this?

    Hi, I found this piece of metal. It is magnetic and it tests extremely positive for nickel with the nickel testing solution. I thought it might be an iron nickel meteorite and I sent some pics for meteorite identification but it got rejected as meteorite, and so now I’m wondering what it could...
  3. Weird nickel

    I was just looking at some other posts and saw a beat up nickel. It reminded me that I have this weird nickel that has a blob of what I'm pretty sure is more nickel with two or three letters impressed into it.(under magnification) The material is not solder, nor do I believe it was done after...
  4. How much is this full step 1963 nickel worth?

    Please Help!
  5. Natural toning?

    Hi, can someone help me? Is this toning? You can only see the colors ifor you tilt it towards light. The pennie is a nice red color. If this is natural toning (I found them with my detector) could you sell them? If you can sell these what price should I ask?
  6. Natural toning?

    Hi, can anyone tell me if these coins are worth anything? I found them with my detector. For the nickel and quarter, the only way to see the colors is by tilting it so light shines on it. This is natural toning right? Will people buy these and if they will how much will they sell for? What about...
  7. Jefferson nickel ear has a strange hole raised rim 1963

    any ideas or comments plz
  8. First old coin after 10 years

    So I've been metal detecting for about 10 years. I've found plenty of jewelry, but only one wheat cent and no silver coins. The way I've always rationalized it to myself is that in in California we don't have dozens of colonial coppers and $5 gold pieces per square foot like the East Coast guys...
  9. Strange 1964 Nickel

    Ok this one is not mine, but was sent to me to help figure it out. So I'm asking for help since I don't have the an answer for him. It's a Jefferson Nickel that is ultra thin, weighs 1.9 grams and if you look it's thinner on one side than the other. Is it play money, a counterfeit, or an error?
  10. Do the U.S. coins (pics) have any worth/ value? Please help?

    Do these U.S. coins (pics in post) have any worth/ value? Please help?
  11. ✅ SOLVED What is a "first strike" penny?

    So this will come across as a stupid and dumb question, but i'm still learning the ropes and terms for coin hunting. Sorry! I see from time to time listings on ebay that claim the said coin is "first strike". What does this term mean????
  12. Metal detecting with my pinpointer at the park

    Today I detected the park with only my pinpointer. Pennies: 1972, 1979, 2016, 2016 Quarter: 1995 Nickel: 1964 (oldest so far) Dime: 2013 Chuck e cheese token: 2003 Junk ring
  13. What does anyone have to say about this 1941 P Nickel.

    The coin on the right is the one I found today. The 1is almost touching the 4 in the date, the star is larger, and the lettering in Liberty is not the same. I'm wondering if this may be an original stamp issue. I know the coin has been through a counting machine, or vending machine of some sort...
  14. All Finds of 2016! Ace 250

    I just upgraded from my Ace 250 to the Garrett Ace 400, so excited to go use it! That being said I bought my Ace 250 early 2016 and it was my first nice metal detector. 2016 has been my first year of serious metal detecting. Below are photos of all my finds, some of them are things I stumbled...
  15. Some Goodies and Another Mystery Item. 1683 Mass Property

    Hi friends, hope you all are well. John found some goodies the other day, including the tiniest buckle in the world, ha ha. Also a 1902 "V" nickel, a larger brass buckle, a couple of buttons, and a gorgeous pineapple decorative piece with what looks like clip on the back, as if it was worn by...
  16. 1941 S Pre War Jefferson Nickel Found!

    I bought something from a local hardware store near my house, and in my spare change was this!!
  17. 2016 P nickel bevelled rim

    Found a 2016 P nickel that does not have a full clean rim on it. Looks like some type of mistake stamping. It has a 45% angel on top and bottom of the rim.
  18. First Box With No Silver Gives Up A Gem

    Today I went through another box of nickels and was disappointed to see no silvers for the first time. However, in one of the very last rolls I was able to find a really nice 1965. Take a look... The last picture is next to a normal, average condition 1965. It's not silver, but it sure...
  19. Silver, Proof, and a Gem?

    Hey everyone, I've been doing lots of nickel hunting and I thought I would show you a few things and get a second opinion on a coin I found today. So since my last post, I've found two more war nickels- one (1943-p) very high mintage and the other (1944-d) much lower mintage. I also found my...
  20. 2002 DD D nickel

    so I have found this 2002 DD D nickel and I want to know if I should get it appraised?
  21. Buffalo Nickel 1936 "F"

    I have a 1936 Buffalo Nickel that appears to have a stamped "F" below the 3 and 6 of the date. Any comments would be very helpful. Thank you
  22. 1990 No "FS" Nickel Error - Yes or No?

    I set aside all 1990 nickels as I go through a box and then examine each one with a loupe for the 1990 no/missing "FS" error which I've read about on numerous sites. I've gone through around 180 1990 nickels and while all of them show rather clearly the typical FS engraver's initials below...
  23. Timmunes Nickel Logs

    Timmune's Nickel Logs Hey All, This thread will be dedicated to posting all my nickel logs for those interested. Cheers! :coins: $100 Loomis Box #1- Nickels (1x) - 1936 Bufallo (2x) - Dateless Buffaloes (1x) - 1940 (2x) - 1941 (2x) - 1946 (2x) - 1947 (3x) - 1948 (1x) - 1949 (24x) -...
  24. 1986 P Jefferson nickel and 1992 D Jefferson nickel

    Hey guys! I found these two coins the other day, I'm new to this coin hunting thing. Are these coins double died or is it just something happened because of extreme pressure? and if they are double died how much will they value? Thank you!
  25. Need some thoughts on this nickel

    Got this lil guy in a roll the other day. Think this was a man made error?? I'm thinking it is but I wanted to get a second opinion... Thanks in advance! Blaire
  26. The U.S. Mint is at it again....screwing with the nickel !!

    Is America ready for a brown nickel? - Fortune Tech
  27. Finally broke into the 1800s 1875 shield nickel

    Finally broke into the 1800's ' 1875 shield nickel Been detecting since May of this year , started out with a fisher f2 . Recently upgraded to an At-Pro( purchased both from Bart@big boys hobbies) Finally broke into the 1800's yesterday with an 1875 shield nicke. :headbang:
  28. Can your region matter with CRH

    Which regions would have more of what coin? Also, is W Pennsylvania a good spot for CRH?
  29. What do war nickels ring up as one the Fisher F-2?

    I just got the Fisher F-2, and I was wondering what war nickels ring up as on it (VDI and item ID. I do not have any war nickels, but I do have pages of BU 90% silver coins :happy3: . Thanks.
  30. My first Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!

    Went through my second box of nickles last night and too my surprise, 5 or 6 rolls in I found a buffalo on the end of the roll :hello2:. The data is very warn. The best I can tell, it is a 1919-D. I have read about some people using "nick-a-date". However, some have said that it leaves an acid...
  31. Nickel roll finds 19 1938 BU nickels

    I bought one nickel roll from the bank and got 7 ms-65 1938 nickels 12 ms-63 1938 nickels 2 1940 nickels 1 1941 nickels 2 1947 nickels 1 1959 nickel 1 1960 nickel 2 1962 nickels 2 1963 nickels 6 1964 nickels 1 1969 nickel and 1 1977 nickel not bad for one roll :thumbsup:
  32. Is this a proof?

    I know this is not a coin roll find or a metal detector find but I do not know exactly if it is a proof or not. I once bought a 1940 MS-63 nickel but it looked like it had proof features like a cameo I was wondering if it was a proof. It is probably not but it might be. Do you think it is a...
  33. proof nickel found in bank roll

    I was new to searching nickel rolls and exchanged three junk nickel rolls from my change bin.I went to the bank and got three rolls. one roll had a 1946 nickel on the end.I exchanged the junk nickels the next day for two more rolls. the first roll I opened had a 1976s proof nickel. I could tell...
  34. Key date found, need help grading

    I pulled this 38d out of some MWRs today, it's in really good shape, it has lots of mint luster and a lot of detail in jeffersons hair, some of the steps are worn off though. This is way better than the other key dates I've found. Can anyone give me an idea of what it would grade as if I were to...
  35. Pre-1960 Jefferson Nickels

    I've been saving all the pre-1960 Jefferson Nickels I've come across for quite some time now. This weekend I finally went through all the ones I have, and I realized I've got way too many of them. But before I send some of them back into the wild, I wanted to see if any of you fellow collectors...
  36. Proof Profits?

    Picked these up at an auction last weekend for a total of $18 1963 and 1961 pr70 LMC graded by PCI - $1 each 1963 and 1964 pr69cam LMC graded by PCGS - $3 each 1984 and 1986 s pr69 Jefferson nickels graded by PCGS -$4.50 each How much do you think these are worth? Also, the two proofs look...
  37. Old Token and Some Coins

    I'm very new to metal detecting and just did my first beach yesterday. It was a small swimming pond that had been dug to build an interstate. I didn't think it was too old but found a dateless buffalo nickel and a 5 peso mexican coin from 1980 which was weird because I live in a northeastern...
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