🏆 HONORABLE MENTION $3,500.00 Platnum Engagement Ring Returned


Bronze Member
Feb 24, 2010
New England
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 30-30 Minelab X Calibur 1000 MineLab Equinox 800 Garret Infinium Fisher CZ 21
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
Well it started out about a week ago, when I got a frantic e-mail from a gentleman saying that his wife had just lost there weding ring set on the beach. It was a very brief e-mail so I responded and asked all the questions and a day later I got a return message saying they were lost on Nantucket Island. It just so happens that I was making plans to visit the Island this weekend... They told me that they had rented a detector from a local shop for 2 days and only found a dime... I said no guarentees but if I made it over I would give it my best shot. I again e-mailed them and aske if I could get a better discription of what I was looking for, white,yellow,diamond,weddingband etc.... All I got back was a GPS location...... even better.... My wife being such a great sport said lets go and see what happens.... Honestly not 15 minutes after turning on my detector I had a Beutiful Platnum Diamond Engagement Ring in my scoop.... I had to do a little work on my end but it all worked out. Turns out they had about 40 people looking for the ring over the week on their hands and knees.... 5 minutes after locating the ring a woman aproached me and asked if I had found a ring that a couple had lost one last weekend. I told her I had it..... not sure who was more excited me or her..... lololol Anyway because all they sent me was their e-mail I didn't have a phone number but the woman's husband had it... I called her and asked for Emily and told her who I was and I didn't have to say anymore.... she NO Way.... She was still on the island but her boat was leaving in 45 minutes... I told her to hurry down to take a few pictures and discribe the ring and I would give it back to her... To a T it was hers ... Her husband was wearing the matrching ring.... A lot of hugs a couple of tears and a few stories as to how it was lost and off they went home to New York.... What a great day it was returning such a keepsake as that..... I never did find the wedding band... I gridded the heck outa trhat place but too many people squating on such a nice weekend... Thanks for looking.... What a great hobby.... Nantucket Platnum Ring (75).JPGNantucket Platnum Ring (83).JPGNantucket Platnum Ring (92).JPGNantucket Platnum Ring (93).JPGNantucket Platnum Ring (94).JPG

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awesome thing you did, should keep the good karma coming your way:icon_thumleft:

Great job. Glad you were able to get that one back for the couple. Too cool she was still there to get your returning photo. Congrats. When you see her face you know that tracking them down and making a return is the right thing to do.


A great way to showcase our hobby. Cudo's to you and your wife.........HH

Thank all of you who have responded to this thread... It was the rite thing to do for sure..... They were great people, and so kind.....

A big thumbs up! Well deserved!

This was the responce I got back after returning the ring... A good read...
Darshan Jesrani says: July 17, 2012 at 8:07 AM
It was my wife who lost her rings, described in the above post, and I just want to share my side of this experience with everyone on this site.
The story began on Sunday, June 24th. We were enjoying a nice day on the beach and my wife had taken her rings off and put them in a side pocket on her beach bag. When we decided to pack up and leave, in a moment of forgetfulness, she turned the bag upside down to shake the sand out of it, and out fell both rings onto the beach. Unfortunately we didn’t realize what had happened until a good 4-5 hours later. Shock and disbelief set in back at home, and we searched every crevice of the beach bag just hoping against hope that they were still in there, somehow.
Too embarrassed and hurt to share what had just happened with our family, or to ask them for advice, we turned to the electronic oracle that is Google. I started searching for similar experiences and stories of recovery. I learned of people recovering lost items using metal detectors. I searched for metal detector enthusiasts’ clubs on Nantucket island hoping to find some help. I searched for possible places to rent a unit myself. It was around then that I discovered this site. I wrote to Leighton and one other gentleman, hoping to keep as many lines of communication open as possible.
On Monday morning I must have called every tackle and equipment rental shop on the island, only to be told they didn’t rent metal detectors, or to refer me to one particular gift/surf/skate shop and novelty store downtown by the ferry wharf. We filled out a lost property report at the police station and then rented a very simple metal detector from the only available source we knew of. Eager and full of hope, we took it to the beach immediately, and attempted to revisit and mark off the area we thought we were sitting on. We had no luck. We tried it again the next morning, still no luck.
In the meantime, Leighton got in touch via email and said that he and his wife might be coming to the island in a couple of weeks, and to describe what had happened. We began communicating. My wife and I returned the metal detector to the shop, disappointed, but now hoping this new correspondence might lead to something.
We got a second wind and rented the metal detector once again, thinking we should adjust our technique and give it another shot. We met some locals on the beach, giving our names and numbers just in case of any leads or luck. Leighton then wrote back and said they might actually be coming on the next weekend, and to provide a description of the rings and the location where they were lost. On our next outing to the beach, I grabbed a GPS tag from my phone and emailed it to him, hoping it was accurate. Still having no luck with the metal detector on the second try, I began to hope more and more that Leighton might be able to help us.
A couple of more days passed and Saturday the 30th rolled around. It was tough to think about leaving the island without the rings, wondering if we did all we could do, but now mentally shifting our hope to Leighton, leaving the matter in his hands, or to chance. We returned the metal detector once again, on our way to the wharf to catch the ferry to leave, and then my wife got a call… I didn’t remember giving our telephone numbers to Leighton, but amazingly he had not only found her engagement ring but made contact with one of the kind folks with whom we’d spoken two days prior and to whom we’d given our number. The rest is described above in Leighton’s post.
I just want to state that I am overjoyed things turned out the way they did, and that we are beyond thankful for Leighton’s help. The correspondence and communication were perfect, and not only did he make the trip to the island but he had almost immediate success finding her engagement ring, which is definitely the more valuable of the two we lost. From my point of view this went as beautifully as it possibly could have, with more success than I could have imagined if there were a formal, commercial business that offered this kind of service. He didn’t HAVE to do anything; he didn’t even have to email me back, but he went above and beyond, made a trip to Nantucket island and then found my wife’s ring. He genuinely seems like he loves this kind of work – that’s the only reason I can think of that he might do such a great job. If the whole world worked like this we’d all be a lot better off! I wholeheartedly recommend getting in touch with Leighton if circumstances find you needing his help.
D. Jesrani

Whydah,not sure if you got my messages today,hope to get out hunting over the weekend with you.Give me a buzz 1 508 577 4235.

Way to go Whydah! What a fantastic thing to do.. truly a noble deed. Thanks so much for sharing this (YOUR) story ~ great pics too!

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