
Jr. Member
Jan 31, 2014
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Garrett AT Pro
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All Treasure Hunting
I found what looks like it could have been an axe head or celt about a week ago near the Catawba River in North Carolina. I am pretty new to this and have no idea what I'm talking about lol. Any suggestions/advice?

sosa961 IMG_2515.jpgIMG_2514.jpg

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Welcome to the site sosa961.

Unfortunately what you have there is just a large chunk of Quartz. It doesn't look like it's been altered by man.

Wow it looks like quartz and maybe a hoe but I'm no expert on the quartz artifacts I bet NC or rock will be able to steer you strait nice;)

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Here's one more pic.. hard to tell but it does slant inward from both sides to make a sharp edge.. idk if that helpsimage.jpeg

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Here's one more pic.. hard to tell but it does slant inward from both sides to make a sharp edge.. idk if that helps<img src=""/>
Quartz is so hard to see work on through pictures makes it tuff to tell ;)

I agreed with the others that it was natural until you posted the new picture...that looks a little more possible.

Nah its a natural piece. That type of quartz with all of the cracks in it would just crumble under pressure. Keep looking

hey hey sosa welcome to the tnet
that last image you posted does show some sharpness on that side but i think you have a large chunk of some nice quartz
i don't think you have a tool, i think it is natural, never the less you can learn a lot here on the forum
thanks for coming aboard.....i will send you a friend request


alright, thanks for the feedback guys, I'll keep on lookin!

I remember one of my first post on t-net almost being my last because of a piece similar to what you have here. Lol! I never could get a decent pic of my quartz cluster adze. That is an adze that you have. Good eye! You'll find that pieces like this one are all over good sites. If you were to keep all of these, you would run out of space to keep nicer finds. Regardless, these pieces need to be acknowledged as artifacts!


After magnifying, can't you guys see the worked area? Here are two more pics. First pic shows where flaking either started or stopped.


What's circled in the last pic isn't worked.


Being that I live and hunt in NC, it jumps out at me.

I believe you only have a piece of quartz.

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