Botched Execution of death row inmate

That's almost how I've always got out of jury duty, not because I don't want to, its because I can't, because for me only one up above can judge a man. Mike

Mike I TOTALLY understand what you mean (everyone will) but to say "only one up above can judge a man" is put to the test when their caught raping and burying people alive. Personally speaking I'll be the judge ASAP if I catch someone doing this... and it won't be up for a vote either.

My thought is this.If it was mandatory death for child molesters, rapists and murders.Then when putting to death treat them the way they treated their victims.Put this on tv and in the papers so everyone will know what to expect if they commit these crimes.I would suppect that these types of crimes would start to decline.This just my opion sorry if I offened anyone.

And.... I've always said that if armed robbery carried the death penalty... armed robberies would go down!!!! Most of us would KILL in an instant if someone pointed a gun at them or a family member if they could. The idea of someone pointing a gun at me or someone and threatening their life for something material is about as low as rape. Just throw'em over the ridge....

Mike I TOTALLY understand what you mean (everyone will) but to say "only one up above can judge a man" is put to the test when their caught raping and burying people alive. Personally speaking I'll be the judge ASAP if I catch someone doing this... and it won't be up for a vote either.

Actually, I remember reading about a time in the middle east when - if your family member was killed - the nearest male relative was bound by law to kill the man. If he was innocent, or it was an accident, he could run to a city of refuge and wait to be judged. If he was found guilty, he was thrown outside the city to the avenging relative. If it was an accident, he could remain in the city but if he ventured out the relative could kill him.

It was the law, it was not debatable, and you couldn't sue the person who exacted revenge if it wasn't quick enough or painless enough. In fact, in most cases it was expected to be at least the equal in ruthlessness of the murder committed by the guilty party.

And.... I've always said that if armed robbery carried the death penalty... armed robberies would go down!!!! Most of us would KILL in an instant if someone pointed a gun at them or a family member if they could. The idea of someone pointing a gun at me or someone and threatening their life for something material is about as low as rape. Just throw'em over the ridge....

When You are threatening someones innocent life, You deserve to die. I don't give a shii if you are 13 years old or 70.

Don't get me wrong about what I said above, that only applies to people in court where they expect the jury to decide some bodies fate based off of he done it and that's final.
Different story if the person is caught in the crime no matter what it is, when there is no denying that person did the crime.
I just don't want any part in circumstantial evidence cases, known somebody that spent 26 years in prison for raping somebody, that the prosecutors convinced the jury to judge him, only after all those years of life lost did that new technology of DNA testing completely exonerate him..that's what I have issues with, makes me wonder how many people years before DNA testing, were executed for something they did not do, if I was on a jury and sent somebody to their death, only to find out they were innocent, I'd kill myself for the guilt I'd surely feel.

Now if I see somebody doing something really evil like murder or rape, of say my wife or family member...I guess I'll then have to ask the one above for, forgiveness because in that circumstance I'm judge jury and hangman all rolled into one.


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... if I was on a jury and sent somebody to their death, only to find out they were innocent, I'd kill myself for the guilt I'd surely feel.

Now if I see somebody doing something really evil like murder or rape, of say my wife or family member...I guess I'll then have to ask the one above for, forgiveness because in that circumstance I'm judge jury and hangman all rolled into one.


You are not there to judge the individual, you are there to judge the evidence. All you can do is determine if the evidence is sufficient to prove if the individual did what they are charged with.

Would it make you feel better if you didn't participate, then the one charged got off and an innocent person or several innocent persons died as a result of the other person not paying attention to the evidence?

I hate to disagree with you....But I think its the opposite...I think if people see what will happen when you do wrong, it will make them think a little more.

Im all for Public Executions
In some aspect I do agree with you here,the general population of good law fearing citizens are not the ones who need to see the public executions though.i just think of the sickos who would get off on stuff like that and that's what I have a problem with I guess.

Coily, when there were public hangings, things were not as dangerous for the general public. That is part of how they tamed the west.

I always liked this quote: "For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good, and you will have praise from it; for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad."

Coily, when there were public hangings, things were not as dangerous for the general public. That is part of how they tamed the west.

I always liked this quote: "For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad. Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good, and you will have praise from it; for it is God’s minister to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad."
Yeahhh I know,I'm such a girl! Great quote by the way.

Her name was Stephanie Nieman, she was 19 years old.
Abducted, tortured, beaten, raped, brutally and savagely murdered for hours!
May the angels and Love comfort and keep her now and always.

That man, more or less got what he deserved, but I am not his judge.
I can not fathom and justify conscience thoughts of evil and harm against another, even that man.
We are all human beings, some just get better guidance than others.
Are we our brothers' keeper or not? (some ppl just got some screwed up lives and thoughts)

I see nothing wrong about the way he died.. His victim suffered more than he did.. If people are so worried about a quick and humane death, they should bring back the Guillotine.. It's quick, cheap, and insures that death will take place.. It worked just fine for France and Germany, why not in America..


Unfortunately he did NOT get what he deserved, he effectively merely went ot sleep with the tranq, which was working quite effectively . The bodily movements are not unusaual. one of 'the' reasons for the restraining straps.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

P.s I couldhave happily sat there, and with clinical detachnent, watched everything.

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Ending someones life before it is natural is Cruel .

maybe not unusual being we have Wars, Murders & Courts

but either way, Killing is Killing.
I seem to remember hearing somewhere
Judging & Killing people is wrong :dontknow::icon_scratch:

maybe I didn't get that revised memo
that said there are loopholes :(

I forget the chapter and verse in that very same book, but it does state that man is given the power to judge under man's law. IF you actually pay attention to what is written in one of the Founding Documents of this Country, you will find it rather closely mimics what is said in that book.

That being said, I never judged, I simply expedited the day of reckoning.

The girl didn't deserve what that man and his friends put her through. He was cruel,sadistic,without morals or remorse. Yes they botched it, yes he actually said to them "hey, something's wrong" and had a heart attack but the people carried out the execution. As for cruel and unusual, well that takes a big back seat to what happened to that poor girl. God is the ultimate judge and this man has been judged already by God the moment he crossed over but here's something for any who think we don't have the right but only God does..God said we are to obey man's laws as we obey His laws and considering this no account street trash broke not only man's laws he broke the Father's laws and what happened is just. As far as his family boohoo your child raping and murdering brother got what he deserved and no amount of vigils and t-shirts with his picture on it and women screaming they he was done wrong will bring him back but I bet a few million from a law suit would feel real good..trash

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You are not there to judge the individual, you are there to judge the evidence. All you can do is determine if the evidence is sufficient to prove if the individual did what they are charged with.

Would it make you feel better if you didn't participate, then the one charged got off and an innocent person or several innocent persons died as a result of the other person not paying attention to the evidence?

Its happened more times then any of us would like to know....!!!! And if the person accused admits to the crime that's good enough for me.

I see nothing wrong about the way he died.. His victim suffered more than he did.. If people are so worried about a quick and humane death, they should bring back the Guillotine.. It's quick, cheap, and insures that death will take place.. It worked just fine for France and Germany, why not in America..

View attachment 988032

I agree Wily Dunk... Guillotine, bullet in head or thrown off cliff it all results in a sure fire death carried out. Its cheaper and faster then any drug combination. May I suggest a SUPER SHARP BLADE and then slowly lower it?

The girl didn't deserve what that man and his friends put her through. He was cruel,sadistic,without morals or remorse. Yes they botched it, yes he actually said to them "hey, something's wrong" and had a heart attack but the people carried out the execution. As for cruel and unusual, well that takes a big back seat to what happened to that poor girl. God is the ultimate judge and this man has been judged already by God the moment he crossed over but here's something for any who think we don't have the right but only God does..God said we are to obey man's laws as we obey His laws and considering this no account street trash broke not only man's laws he broke the Father's laws and what happened is just. As far as his family boohoo your child raping and murdering brother got what he deserved and no amount of vigils and t-shirts with his picture on it and women screaming they he was done wrong will bring him back but I bet a few million from a law suit would feel real good..trash

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I say the family of the victim is the only one who has a right to any benefit. If they sue and win, the judge should instantly assign the winnings to the victim of this animal. That would stop such silliness. He was going to die, he still didn't suffer as much as his victim.


I agree Wily Dunk... Guillotine, bullet in head or thrown off cliff it all results in a sure fire death carried out. Its cheaper and faster then any drug combination. May I suggest a SUPER SHARP BLADE and then slowly lower it?

... and most importantly, a guillotine doesn't harm the environment. You make one and it lasts for decades, maybe centuries. It doesn't even need to be sharpened much.

No chemicals to buy, it's a one time purchase so it saves money as well. Probably for the cost of a single execution, you could set your state up for a century ... or two. You could even reuse the peach basket to save more!

Of course, they could also make one like the kind that cuts the end off your cigar ... kind of a cinching motion.

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