And for those curious about my boiled peanuts.....

I made a big batch of 3-alarm, using the habeneros, chipotle and jalepeno peppers.


Then I took half of the batch and dehydrated them overnight in my dehydrator.
They were even hotter by then but still a bit soft.

Then I slow baked the "soft" batch until crunchy again.

They is so hot and good, I'll provide the beer to go with 'em!

Come an' get cha a fistful!

View attachment 903463

Better Hurry!



I would send everyone a sample, but I can't afford it.

I'll send a fine amount of my "peanut cooking" to all who will help with postage.
No beer included.

I'd guess that a buck or two will have you screaming in joy of the heat you taste!

I am cooking up another batch, so don't be shy.

Tell ya what.
First reply gets all cost paid.

A Winner!


PM to me your address and you will receive the hottest, best tastin; Georgia goobers that you will ever have the opportunity to sample!



As stated, No fees; I'll cover it, Brother!


Seems that we have a tie for first upon reading posts and PM's.

Here's the way to settle it.

PM's and posts from RC and Worldtalker are considered winners.

PM's of addresses to send the "booty" to are pending.

All others interested are invited to inquire as to postage costs....


My Best,


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Have not tried this one yet.
Have boiled then baked them. I eat to many sampling.​
View attachment 903466
Seen an article somewhere a guys family farm grows peanuts. He runs his truck off the pressed oil,(must be biodiesal sp.?) and feeds livestock the residual cakes from the pressing.


It is the "Fall Season."
Time of the "Thanksgiving" crap and all...
If you have Family and a meal to look forward to, that is, unlike me....

Always being the "black sheep,"
I look for the solitude of nature this time of year.

I'm the bad guy; my family hates me 'cause I love my Gramma....

Screw it.
Y'all know I'm living on the edge....
Don't push me...
I might just say the truth that you may not want to hear....

I hear that his daughter is cute...:dontknow:


We all live our lives day by day.

But now,

It's the weekend.
Time to unwind!

Your Favorite,

Uncle Scott

0000old woman.png

"That Scott needs a spankin'..."



Any hope of a "two-fer" of your choice??" :dontknow:



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One more song for my Friends...

(Notice Jim's idiosynchrysities(sp?)....)



Tomorrow is a new day!
And It's yours!

Spend it wisely!

To have just been a spotlight member of the lighting crew for the Broadway production....8-)

Until we meet again, my Friends,

My Best Wishes,


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I must say this to my Friends, because it will never be known to my family, who cares not....

I have a treasure buried....

A White Bird?

The search of a lifetime....

Hope y'all are doin' better than me,


Sorry, Y'all...
One more post.
I was winning on play-money poker and thought of this,
and reminding me of my military service,
and competing for the best stereo set-up in the barracks.

(Hint: I always saw to the win...)

A tune that was popular back then was this...

The memories that I remember....
And, What? Potato?
Perhaps I've said too much....


My Best,


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I have no rich Uncle; I am the rich Uncle....:dontknow:

While eating Ramen?

Feel it?
I do.
Every day.



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I early paroled myself. I decided to add a couple more names to the ignore list. That should probably take care of things for a while.

"Every day of my life, I'm forced to add another name to the list of people who tick(edited) me off." ---Calvin and Hobbes

I early paroled myself. I decided to add a couple more names to the ignore list. That should probably take care of things for a while.

It works for me!

good to have our Doc back in the house

Age and time.(Hi Crispin!)​

And as the gloom begins to fall I can see there is no one only all......JDDDL8-221009-143435.jpg

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Welcome back my friend.....isn't that little ignore button a life savor! Too bad it doesn't also.........can't say that:laughing7:

Don't know what weather you all are having, but we are getting 30-40 mph winds from the North right now, with High's only in the teens tomorrow.....time to throw another log on the fire, and hit the woods!

Think it's time for a meal, and since you have been living on ramin and boiled peanuts for a while.....I'll see if I can put together a Sunday brunch.....stay tuned tomorrow in the PM>......Gary

I didn't even have to hit play, to start laughing, on that one! LOL!

DJ; SANTA BABY by Madonna. THANKS! Part of LIVE AID, all those years ago; or was it VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS...? ANYWAY... SOMEONE got fed; MERRY THANKSGIVINGS to ALL! You too, Scott; remember your Cherokee family...

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Good morning! Sitting here getting ready to head outdoors and a short tour of the woods.....21 degrees/ a wind chill of 9. Makes me wonder what this attraction to the North Country really is.

Just finished a big pot of 2 bean chilli, with a batch of my homegrown Thai chilli peppers,( for you meat). Shold be real tasty after simmering all day! Being served with garlic bread, and a collection of cut vegetables and dip. I also think that while it should be served with a cold beer, in this weather I prefer a dram of rum or a good bourbon. Perhaps a touch of "Northern Comfort", a blend of good Canadian whiskey, and the product of the suger maple tree!

See you all later, hopefully I'll survive the wind........Gary

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