Gold dredging in california


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2008
Black Hills of South Dakota
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Tesoro Lobo & Garrett Stinger
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What it means is simple.

I quit a job - with a mortgage broker - simply because their tactics were immoral.

My job was to convince them that we could get them into a home that they could afford - cheaper than what they were paying for rent. I thought it was great, to be able to see folks - in their own homes - paying money every month towards their futures - investing in a home. Since, at the time, I was buying and selling real estate, it fit perfectly into my "career", so to speak.

Within a couple of months (the first month I was "in training", as to how to fill out paperwork, set up the appraisals and title searches, etc.), I started finding folks who wanted their own homes. And, within a month after that, I realized EXACTLY what was going on. Half fill out forms, and say "don't worry, we will just fill that in later, its just a repeat of page 17" is a great line, and, when you read the first 5 or 6 paragraphs, it IS exactly the same. But, then it changes. Then they add fees, they charge ridiculous amounts for appraisals, (to make it look like a normal 80/20 loan) and many, many - other things.

I guarantee - very - very - very few people read every single piece of mortgage papers that they have signed. 5 will get you 10 you haven't even read all the parts of your car insurance. So, they sign the papers, thinking that - hey, since I can afford my monthly rent, I can afford these payments. Then they end up with something that is a normal payment for, oh - 2 or 3 years, and, in some little print somewhere, if you are 1 day late with a payment (and I mean if its due on the 1st and it gets there on the 2nd), they get to raise your interest and turn it into an ARM. Of course, if the 1st is on a Sunday, and they post it on Monday, you are screwed. As many people have been. Their favorite tactic is to hold your payment check until it is a day late. It's a tactic that is practiced a lot. (much like banks actually like you to bounce checks - that's an extra 30 or 40 bucks for them.) The day I quit that job - there was a BIG arguement with "the boss", along with a call to the authorities. At least HE is not in business anymore - but, last I knew, we were still supporting him - 3 meals a day, a bed, and, hopefully, all the loving he can stand, compliments of the state. Oh - and he had plenty of loans with Freddie Mac and the other government folks, too.

Of course, I could say that THAT also goes back to education of sorts. We don't teach practical living to the kids anymore. Like how to balance a checkbook. (they used to do that).

No - they aren't forced - they are straight up lied to. It's not until AFTER, that all these charges start kicking in - and, by then, by golly, its too late.

Talking about public service - I, personally believe that ALL Americans should give at least a year to the United States. (preferrably 2), because nobody makes it on their own. It is everyone's taxes that pay for grades 1-12, its everybody's payments that make the water safe to drink, its everyone's money that gives you the roads you drive on - etc., etc. We all pay the taxes that gets all those things done. NOBODY, doesn't pay taxes.

But - check it for yourself - the politicians are talking about SS and Medicare and education when they are talking about "entitlements" - not welfare and food stamps.

Here is the government's definition of "entitlement"

A government program that guarantees and provides benefits to a particular group

If you look them up individually, you will see that Social Security, Medicare (Old Age Benefits), Veterans Compensation and Medical Services and Education, are all entitlement programs.

But, to bring it back around to how we got into this discussion - bottom line is that - depending on your status in life, you can use the "public" land - as long as you are using it for what some group thinks you should be using it for. And, dredging isn't one of them. Nor is mining (especially small scale), metal detecting, using your atv, and, if they have their way - horses - unless we pick up horse poop.

The time is coming when only the rich kids can afford to use the public lands. In the Mojave Desert - where you cannot even bring a motorized wheelchair - the rich get to race cars. In a place in Texas, where you cannot hunt, or drive , a vice-president can.

In Arizona, there are 1,000's of acres of public land that is being sold off into lots - to rich folks. On the east coast, the beach - which, does NOT belong to individuals, by law - are being sold off for Condo's - to rich people, and if there is any land left, they are selling that too.

In the West, they are also selling off land, and, they are making wilderness areas, and National Parks where our government folks are letting the likes of Sierra Club and Nature's conservancy draw the maps of withdrawals, and make the rules on who can use it and who cannot. Over 4 MILLION acres have been withdrawn in the course of 7 years - and more is coming.

But - the rich people - they keep their money - they pay much less percentage of their income than the middle class (and the arguement that they make the jobs is BS, since, they have been keeping their money up until now, and we still have 9% unemployment), they keep on scamming people (I'm assuming that its the stupid people's fault that they lost more than 1/2 their retirements, even though they have no control over it, at the same time Wall Street tycoons were making billions, and that its the people's fault that ponzi schemes were perpetuated, and that Wall Street brokers all over the place have been triple and quadruple billing and playing with people's pension funds, and use their funds to allow rich to buy short or sell short or buy options)?

Meantime, back at the homestead - we - or at least people like me - who are not rich, are not allowed to pursue MY hobby, or, at the very best, they are crowding us into ever smaller areas that we have access to.


Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Respect Ms.OB for quitting broker. My brother Larry was making a fortune with Wells Fargo for over 20+ years and was #1 broker west of the rockies almost ALL that time. He absolutely refused to write any adjustable,arm, fact devoid apps, or elisit unqualified buyers for loans. They twisted his arm and gave him LL for a few years and he said fine--quit and retired because he would not and could not sleep with that sorta guilt. We need more folks with your morals in this godforsaken country and nuttn' but respect to anyone who puts others folks lives before the all mighty $$$$$$$$$$ :hello2: tons a au 2 u 2 -John :icon_sunny:


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
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,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
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All Treasure Hunting
Yes,I respect your Moxie Beth.
There are people that pay no tax's...income tax's anyway......a lot of em,and many of them are receiving S.S. having never paid into it


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2008
Black Hills of South Dakota
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Tesoro Lobo & Garrett Stinger
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All Treasure Hunting

I am on the same side as you, in regards to giving out welfare or SSI, etc., to folks who do not deserve it. There really should be a better system out there, when it comes to welfare, SSI, (folks who never worked can even collect SS at age 65, 67 - or whatever age group you are in).

Now - I'm not saying everyone who collects should not collect - because I know there are folks who are genuinely hurt, permanently disabled, etc.
But, we really have no good way to monitor the person who has a "significant other" living in the house, making good money, and they are still collecting public benefits. And, I too, see it. Heck, right now, it brings to mind a single mother I know - she works everyday but, she just never made enough to live fairly well (as in, to give that extra 10 dollars so her son could play T-ball).

A couple of years ago, she met, and moved in with a truck driver. (long haul). She still collects the same benefits, over $600 in food stamps, and of course, medicaid. She has been "turned in" twice. Apparently, the "system" is too overwhelmed to do anything about it - since they maintain separate mailboxes, ..................they have not done anything. There needs to be a better system in place for enforcement. I think proper enforcement would go a long way to make the system more efficient, and cost less. (imo).

We also need to stop locking up dead-beat dads. It was a great idea, I guess, but, how is he ever going to pay if he is in jail???? The government does some dumb things. (not to mention, I'm pretty sure the supreme court decided that "debtors prison" was unconstitutional and illegal.).

It sure seems like the government (and I mean all government, Federal, State, County, townships, and towns) always have the time and the money to bother with folks who are just minding their own business - dredging, mining, metal detecting, etc. They always have the money and time to sit in a room somewhere, after hiring multi-million dollar corporations to do studies that say we are ruining the town, township, county, state and federal lands and stealing the wealth of American citizens. So, basically, we pay to have someone limit our use of public land. Great!

The Department of the Interior - especially since Bruce Babbitt was there - has gone out of their way to stop our activities. Like the mining moratorium, and with huge "withdrawals" of land. When the Bureau of Mines disagreed with the DOI, Babbitt ended their activities, and, we have never really gotten them back. Even the mining moratorium isn't real - it says no public funds can be used to apply for a patent, but, truth be told, we offered to pay all expenses to continue our patent application, and it was turned down. So, the government lies - what a revelation.

Bottom line here, is that we cannot let the government take even more of our public land - we need to support all and I do mean - all, use of public lands, because there is not enough of us (in our hobby) to win the fight. We have to join together and support every single American that uses public land. (even if we don't agree with how they are using it)



Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
Detector(s) used
,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I agree with all that too.....just not the original "socialist",remark :thumbsup:


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2008
Black Hills of South Dakota
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo & Garrett Stinger
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

I confess - I am not the most "eloquent" speaker/writer. I often have trouble trying to explain what I mean. (I usually blame it on the stroke) :laughing7:

Actually, that's why, imo, conversation is good - and, we don't have to agree - but, folks should at least understand anothers point of view (something we all have trouble with, just being human).

Though, I think of myself far from "socialist", I am not far right nor far left. (I'm an equal opportunity unhappy voter). I don't agree with the right, when they say SS etc., is an "entitlement program" that should be gutted, and I don't agree with the left that we can "bail out" the situation we are in. :dontknow:

I'm not even sure either one of them have a good plan.

I spend most of my "extra" hours reading on how those in "power" are planning on taking away our rights next, and trying to get the word out.
Sheesh, I still write real letters, the ones with the stamps on them.

But, I really think this outlawing of dredging in California (and, I know, they are trying to get it all the way there), is just a symptom of how our
government is going. Its a case of "money rules" - those with the money, make the rules - and it is getting more true every day - because we cannot afford all the expensive lawyers that these big boys have on the books. And, I've included the latest graph that it is much worse than it was when WE were in school, and then looking for a job.



Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
:laughing7: The rich get richer >:( the poor get poorer :help: and the Reliescums rejoice :dontknow: :tongue3: the Damnedoldratz sit on their hands ??? and the teabaggers ain't got a clue :icon_pirat: now what is a american to do ??? 1776---John


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
Detector(s) used
,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
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All Treasure Hunting
mrs.oroblanco said:

I confess - I am not the most "eloquent" speaker/writer. I often have trouble trying to explain what I mean. (I usually blame it on the stroke) :laughing7:

Actually, that's why, imo, conversation is good - and, we don't have to agree - but, folks should at least understand anothers point of view (something we all have trouble with, just being human).

Though, I think of myself far from "socialist", I am not far right nor far left. (I'm an equal opportunity unhappy voter). I don't agree with the right, when they say SS etc., is an "entitlement program" that should be gutted, and I don't agree with the left that we can "bail out" the situation we are in. :dontknow:

I'm not even sure either one of them have a good plan.

I spend most of my "extra" hours reading on how those in "power" are planning on taking away our rights next, and trying to get the word out.
Sheesh, I still write real letters, the ones with the stamps on them.

But, I really think this outlawing of dredging in California (and, I know, they are trying to get it all the way there), is just a symptom of how our
government is going. Its a case of "money rules" - those with the money, make the rules - and it is getting more true every day - because we cannot afford all the expensive lawyers that these big boys have on the books. And, I've included the latest graph that it is much worse than it was when WE were in school, and then looking for a job.

Beth,nor am I one that is efficient at getting my true feelings interpreted as well.....via a keyboard,but I respect a small group of folks on this board you included,we are birds of a feather and we are few,that is what scares me when one of us seems to be "on the other side",I am scared for what our country is coming to.But we need to stick together.I dont know that anybody has the answer for the quagmire we are in? :-[ :thumbsup:


Gold Member
May 29, 2005
St. Louis, missouri
i also, haved typed a word or two that didnt express myself clearly enough and got some of my friends cranked up at me!more than once, to my regret! and i do agree with what has been said/posted here, but we must remeber that ,if you live in a glass house,be carefull not to throw stones!and who in this world dont live in a glass house!???? who hasnt "fudged" on something in hopes of getting by with it?? theres not very many who hasnt!


Silver Member
Jan 2, 2008
Black Hills of South Dakota
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Lobo & Garrett Stinger
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
;D ;D

I have always had a habit of looking a person in the eye when I talk or listen, and, in writing, you miss that, and facial expressions, and gestures.
Things that are said "tongue in cheek" get lost in writing (at least in mine).

We will stick together - we have to, in the long run. Being a citizen is like being in a big family - we all fight now and then, but, it shouldn't shake the foundation of what we stand for. (and we SURE as heck don't want any outsiders saying anything about any one of us) :headbang:

Especially in the world of treasure hunting - we are a small group - but, we are still "the people", and our government is supposed to for the people, not just for "some" of the people. IMO, when they make laws against certain people (like us), they are overstepping their bounds.

Beth :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
Detector(s) used
,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
mrs.oroblanco said:
;D ;D

I have always had a habit of looking a person in the eye when I talk or listen, and, in writing, you miss that, and facial expressions, and gestures.
Things that are said "tongue in cheek" get lost in writing (at least in mine).

We will stick together - we have to, in the long run. Being a citizen is like being in a big family - we all fight now and then, but, it shouldn't shake the foundation of what we stand for. (and we SURE as heck don't want any outsiders saying anything about any one of us) :headbang:

Especially in the world of treasure hunting - we are a small group - but, we are still "the people", and our government is supposed to for the people, not just for "some" of the people. IMO, when they make laws against certain people (like us), they are overstepping their bounds.

Beth :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

:thumbsup:Group hug!!!


Gold Member
May 29, 2005
St. Louis, missouri
it looks mighty interesting! but before id haul equipment there,id try to make/use a underwater veiwer (PVC pipe w/clear plastic lense) to get a lookie see at how the 'hole" is formed/shaped. it could be blowing stuff out as fast as it comes in, OR it maybe the honey hole youve been looking for!


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2007
Detector(s) used
,M.X.T.& Tesoro Tejon
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
have and the base usually doesnt pay as the gold either gets ground to powder or shot out.Just down from the fall though has paid handsomly :thumbsup:


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2007
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Whites TM 808, Whites GMT, Tesoro Lobo Super Traq, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Suction Dredges, Trommels, Gold Vacs, High Bankers, Fluid bed Gold Traps, Rock Crushers, Sluices, Dry Washers, Miller Tables, Rp4
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Don't forget the cracks and crevices, I mean the ones on the sides of the falls, the reason being is that gold that was swept over the falls could very well have lodged into them during times of flooding.

Of course I would recommend to do the dredging first, if it's not too difficult to get your equipment in there.

Is that a quartz vein?
my waterfall.JPG

Hoser John

Gold Member
Mar 22, 2003
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Falls are like women--all completely different. Never got good gold out of bowl due to extreme blowout but never say never as downstream,side channel or funnels they do rock sometimes. Seek and ye shall find,tons a au 2 u 2 and have a safe,sane and sober New Year and good riddance to 2011-John :icon_pirat:


Bronze Member
Nov 8, 2010
Camptonville, CA
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GMT&GM3 Whites MXT Pro, Shadow X5, Fisher 1280, OMG and the TDI
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mrs.oroblanco said:

I confess - I am not the most "eloquent" speaker/writer. I often have trouble trying to explain what I mean. (I usually blame it on the stroke) :laughing7:

Actually, that's why, imo, conversation is good - and, we don't have to agree - but, folks should at least understand anothers point of view (something we all have trouble with, just being human).

Though, I think of myself far from "socialist", I am not far right nor far left. (I'm an equal opportunity unhappy voter). I don't agree with the right, when they say SS etc., is an "entitlement program" that should be gutted, and I don't agree with the left that we can "bail out" the situation we are in. :dontknow:

I'm not even sure either one of them have a good plan.

I spend most of my "extra" hours reading on how those in "power" are planning on taking away our rights next, and trying to get the word out.
Sheesh, I still write real letters, the ones with the stamps on them.

But, I really think this outlawing of dredging in California (and, I know, they are trying to get it all the way there), is just a symptom of how our
government is going. Its a case of "money rules" - those with the money, make the rules - and it is getting more true every day - because we cannot afford all the expensive lawyers that these big boys have on the books. And, I've included the latest graph that it is much worse than it was when WE were in school, and then looking for a job.


I notice on the graph the date starts at 1979, right at the peak of the enviornmental moment and has been going strong ever since, Just saying


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2007
Detector(s) used
Whites TM 808, Whites GMT, Tesoro Lobo Super Traq, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Suction Dredges, Trommels, Gold Vacs, High Bankers, Fluid bed Gold Traps, Rock Crushers, Sluices, Dry Washers, Miller Tables, Rp4
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
downdeep said:
No that spot inparticular is not. Although you can see them around the area exposed here and there. That waterfall would take some serious effort to get gear down to , Which is why it has not been messed with even with a pan that I know of. Ive never really payed it much attention, guess thats needs to change that this year and check it out at least. the face of the waterfall slopes out so the hole at the bottom doesn't take a direct pounding. There is some good gravel down below it. Lot of potential. Now the hard part of getting to it.

Think this would get the job done?



Gold Member
Mar 10, 2007
Detector(s) used
Whites TM 808, Whites GMT, Tesoro Lobo Super Traq, Fisher Gold Bug 2, Suction Dredges, Trommels, Gold Vacs, High Bankers, Fluid bed Gold Traps, Rock Crushers, Sluices, Dry Washers, Miller Tables, Rp4
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
downdeep said:
Im sure it would do but I would just pack my mini 4" down there or maybe the 6". Cables between trees and zipline pulleys make moving gear easier in that narrow of a canyon. I get cable for dirt cheap .25 cents a foot for 3/8's from coordinated wire rope in sandiego. They supply the rigging supplies to the Navy and as long as i go in uniform he hooks me up, can't beat that. I had a 2.5" dredge and vowed to never --deleted-- foot around with such a thing ever again. It could have its place if it were just going to clean small cracks and crevices but thats what hammers chisels and the blaster hose is for. Im a go big or go home type guy, Id hate to try and get through the gravel bar down below it with just a 2" . It would be very worth while to take the bigger gear in and that way you could hit the holes down below which there are some nice ones.

Sounds like a plan. :icon_thumleft:


Bronze Member
Nov 8, 2010
Camptonville, CA
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GMT&GM3 Whites MXT Pro, Shadow X5, Fisher 1280, OMG and the TDI
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just because bedrock is smoooth don't mean gold is not there
i have seen in some places, were bedrock is smooth and i have walked over it myself and learned others have taken the time to dig and find a bore hole or a small crack holding gold.
a long time ago i drop a five in the river and found smooth bedrock, but i kept going and found a small groove, everything from grains to pennyweight nuggets came out of it.
but a lot of other times i have found smoooth bedrock and a lot of energy and time spent finding nothing
nothing less then a five inch, just can't move anything with a four cuz it's really a three
just my 2 cents worth


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Feb 27, 2008
Never Know I May Live Next To You!
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Minelab Equinox 800
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downdeep said:
Thanks man.I have had alot of fun the last 12 years. Hope to finish my last 8. But we will see. I hate the way they do business these days. they don't even look at your record for this Perform to serve force shaping program. So all the good guys get the boot while the obese wife beating drunk gets to stay in. And my record is spotless. Oh well. Obamas navy I guess.

First of all I want to say CONGRATULATIONS on your gold find! Nice good looking gold!!!! Hats off to you!!!

Second, Thanks for your service!!! I know EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL!!!!! I been in ALL 3 branches of the Army for a total of 22 years. It certainly isn't like it was when I first went in, I am old school old Army, I don't like the changes that has been made the last 10-13 years. It certainly isn't the military I joined. Everyone in it for themselves and no one looks at your performance, your records, no nothing, then you watch all the dirtbags, lazy a$$es move up in rank because they either kiss butt, or they are drinking buddies with the higher chain. I can't be that way.

I have been trying to get my retirement points straightened out for over a year and a half just so I can get my 20 year letter just to put in my retirement packet. But, who knows what is going to happen, Brokeback Odumbo is ruining this country and trying to take the veterans benefits.

Well enough of that!!!!!!!!

As far as that waterfall goes? I would certainly try and get a vehicle down there, or come along and straps and dive down and pull those big rocks out and see what lies under them. Being that waterfall must have been there for quite sometime, means that with the bigger rocks and boulders in the bottom, some gold got trapped there and never found it's way out!!

If it isn't too deep you can use a hookah set up to strap the rocks and boulders and start pulling those bad boys out!!!! That way you got all the big stuff out of the way to use a dredge. But word of caution; Be carefull if something should come loose on the waterfall and come crashing down that is for sure!!!!!

Good luck and post some more pics, WE LIKE LOOKING AT COLOR!!!!!!!!

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