silver $5oz

For $5 an ounce why waste time searching, just buy it. Unless of course you all (CRH'ers) really do just search rolls for the "fun" of it. I highly doubt that though. Maybe a few of you but not most. I quit searching rolls a couple years ago. I got tired of it after 30 something skunk boxes in a row. Not worth the time or effort in my opinion.

With silver at $5 an ounce it would be a great time to CRH. There would be a lot less people hunting, and more people getting rid of their silver coins at the bank. That would equal a lot more finds. I would also be buying as much as my wife would let me or I could buy without her finding out about ;)

I likely wouldn't go out of my way to hunt very often. If I happened to be at (or VERY close to, like next door) a bank for other business, I'd likely ask for halves and big dollars.

Many think that they'd hunt like maniacs as there would be 40%ers everywhere, both of which are likely somewhat true. However, could most of them really sit on several thousand 40%ers that are worth face and not accruing any worth whatsoever for 20+ years hoping for another run-up that might not happen in their lifetime?

Hands down I would keep on hunting. That feeling of finding treasure among the common clad is awesome. I have not sold a single coin I have found. So I really don't care what the price is since I get them for face value anyway. I really do enjoy the hunt, not in it for any monetary gain, and like others have said in the past after gas, time, ect. it isn't worth it unless you do mega volume, which I don't.

Keep on searching...


There is nothing like seeing that white rim among dimes/quarters/halves/dollar clad.. Yes I would still hunt. And plan to buy what i can, when i can. And with the Detecting clad finds from the parks here. I just buy Mercs with it.. silver nom nom!

At $5.00 OZ silver I would certainly buy a lot more silver , but I would CRH too - I've always scored way more with customer wrapped rolls
than with boxes (I've had a few very good $1000. bags as well )

Silver at $5 oz with the current economic conditions would be a dream come true. I'd sell my home and virtually everything else I own and buy as much silver and PM stocks as I could. Silver prices are already suppressed artificially low now (because the Fed has the USD priced artificially high) and Idk how much lower they will go before the USD crisis begins but lower and lower prices just means a better and better bargain and more of a financial reward potential opportunity.

Silver at $5 oz with the current economic conditions would be a dream come true. I'd sell my home and virtually everything else I own and buy as much silver and PM stocks as I could. Silver prices are already suppressed artificially low now (because the Fed has the USD priced artificially high) and Idk how much lower they will go before the USD crisis begins but lower and lower prices just means a better and better bargain and more of a financial reward potential opportunity.
Be prepared, as we may continue to see a bargain in silver for a long, long time.

Be prepared, as we may continue to see a bargain in silver for a long, long time.

I just simply think that is virtual impossibility. The U.S. is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, with the largest trade deficits in the world and we are completely dependent on the productivity of the rest of the world and foreign central banks buying our treasuries and USDs. This con has being going on for way too long already. But that doesn't mean that it will continue indefinitely. The hyped financial panic of '08 is nothing compared to the real financial crisis that's coming. The economy has only gotten much worse since then with all this artificial stimulus and growing debt.

I know that Im one of the few voices of reason in an economic world gone mad. But ignoring reality and creating and living in an illusionary economy doesn't mean that reality doesn't really exist. Eventually we will be forced to return to some sort of economic reality which will mean some sort of return to sound money. And that time is getting nearer and nearer everyday. Ponzi schemes don't and cant last forever. This one has lasted so long because its the largest one in world history. Bernie Madoff is a novice compared to our Federal government and the Fed. But he's in federal prison while our politicians and the Fed are generally still viewed as patriotic concerned public servants doing whats best for the citizens of this country. When in reality nothing could be further from the truth.


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I just simply think that is virtual impossibility. The U.S. is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world, with the largest trade deficits in the world and we are completely dependent on the productivity of the rest of the world and foreign central banks buying our treasuries and USDs. This con has being going on for way too long already. But that doesn't mean that it will continue indefinitely. The hyped financial panic of '08 is nothing compared to the real financial crisis that's coming. The economy has only gotten much worse since then with all this artificial stimulus and growing debt.

I know that Im one of the few voices of reason in an economic world gone mad. But ignoring reality and creating and living in an illusionary economy doesn't mean that reality doesn't really exist. Eventually we will be forced to return to some sort of economic reality which will mean some sort of return to sound money. And that time is getting nearer and nearer everyday. Ponzi schemes don't and cant last forever. This one has lasted so long because its the largest one in world history. Bernie Madoff is a novice compared to our Federal government and the Fed. But he's in federal prison while our politicians and the Fed are generally still viewed as patriotic concerned public servants doing whats best for the citizens of this country. When in reality nothing could be further from the truth.

In other words... eventually the crap is going to hit the fan, it's inevitable!

I'm with you.
Listen to this analysis if you would please:


Don, I very much agree with most of what was stated in the video. And all these problems he mentioned are with current interest rates priced fixed at 0%. The Fed is keeping them at 0% because with all the U.S. debt, that's all this country can afford. But the Fed cant keep interest rates price fixed at 0% forever. And the national debt is just going to continue to grow and grow.

And I've heard figures close to 200 trillion in actual national debt when you include all the unfunded liabilities of SS, Medicare and Medicaid and all the government pensions. And when interest rates do finally rise it wont even be possible to pay the interest on the national debt regardless of how much they raise taxes. The money just simply doesn't exist to pay off all this growing debt. But the government has no intension of ever paying off our debt. Its the job of the Fed to inflate our debt away by devaluing and destroying the USD.

So whats going to happen? We are already overdue for another cyclical recession and when that happens the Fed cant lower interest rates any lower than the current 0% so they will have to reverse course and continue ever increasing amounts of QE to try and re-stimulate the economy. Our economy is completely dependent on and addicted to 0% rates and artificial monetary stimulus from the Fed. But its just a matter of time before our economy finally overdoses on all this artificial monetary stimulus from the Fed and finally collapses.

Like the guy said in the video - theres no way out of this situation without having to suffer some economic pain. But the government will continue to try and postpone that as long as possible while making the situation much worse - just like they did in '08. The government will NEVER do the right thing for the right reasons. That's why we are in this economic mess. The magnitude of the scale of the economic problems we face in this country is unprecedented in world history. We used to be the largest creditor nation in the world with the worlds largest trade surplus with a vibrant productive economy which allowed the USD to become the worlds reserve currency. But we've squandered our wealth and abused the privileges we've had for all these years and eventually we will simply have to suffer the consequences for decades and decades of irresponsible spending, gluttonous consumption and idiotic childish beliefs in government promises of something for nothing.

I could go on and on but as usual I've probably said too much already. For anyway in agreement with any of what I've stated I strongly recommend the website That website is the most comprehensive, influential, informative and valuable source of Austrian economics and free market capitalism in existence in the world. Its one of my few sources of truth, reason and sanity in an economic world gone mad.

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