
Molly those are great pics that you have posted...... and wow about the eggs, that is trully amazing indeed.... something I never knew about.
I was watching a program on sattelite tv this morning about the King cobra in India, that is one hell of a snake. It grows up to 6.7 metres long. They showed some film of one going across water, and I can tell you one thing, there is no way I could get away from that snake.


King Cobra.jpg

KINGCOBRA head.jpg

God bless

Molly said:
DigginThePast said:
This thread is creepy... :wink:

Aint too bad, check out the spider

Molly. :icon_sunny:

I can deal with the spiders. Even the lizard photo you posted is okay (great pics by the way, even if the subject matter is not for me). But, those snakes, they just make my skin crawl. :icon_pale:

OOOh, but you keep coming back DigginThePast :wink:

That's neat to know about rattlesnakes and eggs, I will win that arguement next time it comes around.
The cobra's the one that makes my skin crawl, I read Riki-tiki too young.


Coincrazed, great to have you join us :icon_thumleft: The big thing with any reptile is that they are very much misunderstood. Their characters are so different, like if you look at the different snakes, they are all snakes but some kill, others do not, some queeze the lights out off your head, others are so harmless, but hey we are talking about snakes. They have such different characters, which we do not know enough about, so it is easier to just stay away from them all, or fear them all :dontknow:
In Africa, there are some crazy creatures that make life just so interesting. Snakes and other insects just happen to be my favourites. You can read millions of books, and still learn so much more, life is so much fun.
Hopefully this topic will help you to expand your knowledge, and to encourage you to help others to expand theirs. This is how we make a better world for all of us.

God bless

steve71 said:
i cool pics. last week i went on a nature call behind the shop.while i was watering the grass a 53 inch diamondback was right there about 2ft away. i finished grabbed a pipe and off with his head. it had 7 eggs in her.i dont normally kill snakes but the kids play in that area.

Steve, I'm sure we all understand you were in no possition to risk children getting bit by those type of snakes. I don't like killing any critters but, sometimes we have no choice, it's survival.
You were lucky.. Becareful where you pee next time. :D

Molly. :)

TnMountains said:
steve71 said:
i cool pics. last week i went on a nature call behind the shop.while i was watering the grass a 53 inch diamondback was right there about 2ft away. i finished grabbed a pipe and off with his head. it had 7 eggs in her.i dont normally kill snakes but the kids play in that area.

I was thinking that our Timber Rattlers here gave birth their young alive and did not have eggs?????????
But then upon further research :

Life Cycle

While some types of snakes lay eggs, rattlesnakes give live birth. The rattlesnake, however, does have eggs, but the eggs are carried inside the females body. Once the eggs are fertilized they are carried for approximately 90 days. The eggs hatch inside the rattler's body and then she gives live birth to her young. A reproduction
system of this type is called ovoviviparous. The female rattler may contain from 4 to 25 eggs, from which an average of 9 or 10 hearty young are born live.

Interesting TN, lot's of ppl don't know some snakes are live bearers.
Thanks for the info. :icon_thumright:

Molly. :)

allen said:
i know i'll catch grief over saying this,
but theres only one good kind of snake,
and that is a very dead snake.

Nope, no grief hon. Freedom of speech on my thread..
The way i see it is because every animal as a reason for being here( like TN stated), I think has long as they don't bother me, I'll not bother them.
Nice to see you joining in the thread Allen. Welcome !


pgill said:
Molly those are great pics that you have posted...... and wow about the eggs, that is trully amazing indeed.... something I never knew about.
I was watching a program on sattelite tv this morning about the King cobra in India, that is one hell of a snake. It grows up to 6.7 metres long. They showed some film of one going across water, and I can tell you one thing, there is no way I could get away from that snake.

God bless

Thanks Peter, I would have more pics but waiting for a zoom in lense.
Best to be safe than sorry.
Great pics & info.


DigginThePast said:
Molly said:
DigginThePast said:
This thread is creepy... :wink:

Aint too bad, check out the spider

Molly. :icon_sunny:

I can deal with the spiders. Even the lizard photo you posted is okay (great pics by the way, even if the subject matter is not for me). But, those snakes, they just make my skin crawl. :icon_pale:

Hi Diggin' Still fascinating critters. Sorry your skin crawls, just hope it doesn't stop you coming on here.. Man UP. lol.


Thanks to regulars & new visitors for posting & reading this thread. :hello2:
Peter, might be a good thread to start 'Bugs'?
Excellent photos everyone, keep up the good work. ::)
Happy hunting & becareful friends...

Molly. :wink:

Hey Molly--we got a couple shots of a black snake today. He was crawling out of the grass to get away from the fire of a controlled burn. He stuck his head up and looked :o at us! I'm not a snake person but this is a cool post!! Really enjoying all the pics!
kind regards~~sandcreek


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coincrazed said:
pgill said:
Coincrazed, The big thing with any reptile is that they are very much misunderstood. Their characters are so different, like if you look at the different snakes, they are all snakes but some kill, others do not, some queeze the lights out off your head, others are so harmless, but hey we are talking about snakes. They have such different characters, which we do not know enough about, so it is easier to just stay away from them all, or fear them all :dontknow:

Hopefully this topic will help you to expand your knowledge, and to encourage you to help others to expand theirs. This is how we make a better world for all of us.

God bless
Yeah.Thanks for the info,my man.I'll start looking at this forum more often.I'm usually wasting my time on the coin roll hunting forum,just to be run around by many of those guys.Maybe this forum will be better.You guys don't idolize a forum member,like they do on the roll hunting forum.I haven't left it yet but I might if things keep going the way they do.Thanks my man,good luck! - coincrazed

Expanding Knowledge.. How Nice.......

Hey SC very cool pic of that snake! Was he cking out which way was safest camera thisa way fire thata way!
Good shot!

Mental Granny said:
Hey SC very cool pic of that snake! Was he cking out which way was safest camera thisa way fire thata way!
Good shot!
MG--yes he was checking out which one of us(the fire or us) was more of a threat to him. When he raised up out of the grass and looked at us, I sure was glad to be sitting in my truck :help:!! Then he decided the fire and smoke was more of a threat and crawled around us. He went and hid under that mineral box(in second pic.).
kind regards~~sandcreek

Always enjoy your pics! Even if I don't always comment I love to look at them and glad you live in a spot where you are able to go and get these wonderful shots!

I want to put in that nobody will catch any grief in this thread from me about their view on snakes. My son is a herpetologist and I taught both my kids that every creature has a place in this world and we don't needlessly destroy them, and some of them we may respect, but we don't have a blinding unreasonable fear of them. Nothing posted here is encouraging anyone to go out and hug a snake today, and I respect the fact that some folks are deathly afraid of them. Snakes don't bother me as long as I know where they are. One of the best hip shots I ever made was when I took the head off a water snake that I saw between my feet. Which was a bad deal, as he wasn't hurting anything, and it just startled me and I drew and fired without thinking. Whatever your feelings about snakes, I'll respect them, and I understand how you feel. Wasps, on the other hand, should be eradicated from the face of the earth. I hate them. I sit around and think up ways to catch them by surprise and destroy their nests more creatively each time. I'll take snakes anyday compared to hornets and wasps.

Re: Snakes.. "Ulu Watu"

I have learned this from a native medicine book. And since I have not been bitten by a Rattler and never
tried this does not mean it does not work.
IF You get bitten by a rattlesnake, you have as much as 15 minutes to Catch the very snake that bit you, break-it-in-half and rub the fat of that snake into the bite.
You see the rattlesnake carries its Own antivenome in it's own Fat! :hello2:

Never heard that one Sorroque. If I get bit by a rattler, I ain't gonna spend 15 minutes trying to catch it. Often times there's a grain of truth in old folk tales, and it might be cool to research this one and see what's behind it.

Hahahhahahaha ok guys who is going to volenteer this one for the sake of research ;D

God bless

I saw my first one of these on a visit to Texas last year, can't say that I liked it. Be careful out there!HH

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