Stone map

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Jr. Member
Dec 21, 2015
SE Oklahoma
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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Need help with this map... to me it looks like 3 hills, a water source like a creek, then 1 hill. on my property I have 3 hills to the west, a large creek, then 1 hill on the east. Unsure if Native American or what... Thank you:hello2: 20160912_155432.jpg20160912_160255.jpg20160912_160555.jpg20160912_160916.jpg


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This is not show my what I've found tread it's stone maps or did you know that. Showing you a piece of gold and silver will do nothing for you. The stones maps are the subject. They were made for a reason. I only showed mine for the naysayers. If you still think they are just rocks move on. The stone come in all sizes. Not all are map some are a prat of a map. Together they will lead you either away from it or to it. Knowing the code is the most important part. TN has all type of treasure hunting. Each has its on following. Stone maps you guys have a hard time because the artifacts guys are always trying to discredit their find. Then you have the LDM type that don't believe they used small stones. I got news for both. It out there on every site. From California to Florida everywhere in between. If you know what to look for.

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It's my personal opinion that no one would leave a treasure map on a stone so small because it is almost certainly going to be lost to time. On the other hand I have gone through some of Bob's posts and have seen some rocks that have absolutely blown my mind. I even saved a screenshot of one particular Rock for my Personal Collection because it was so impressive. I can understand why Bob might feel attacked I have felt the same way whenever I talk about dowsing which is apparently a thorn in the side of science. But it works for me. So I accept the fact that bob can see things in rocks that I cannot. Can't we all just get along?

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I would hate to disagree with all the believers in the map, but it m pretty sure those grooves are fossils.

Like Scrappy said "petrified worms". Maybe not worms per se, but surely some little wormlike creature.

The impression of rings indicate body segments. These rings wouldn't be in the grooves had they been carved by hand, they run the wrong direction.View attachment 1359259View attachment 1359261

Ahh, a gentleman, a scholar and a detectorist! Lol.

I think the worms are trying to tell us something though J. But what?!?

This is not show my what I've found tread it's stone maps or did you know that. Showing you a piece of gold and silver will do nothing for you. The stones maps are the subject. They were made for a reason. I only showed mine for the naysayers. If you still think they are just rocks move on. The stone come in all sizes. Not all are map some are a prat of a map. Together they will lead you either away from it or to it. Knowing the code is the most important part. TN has all type of treasure hunting. Each has its on following. Stone maps you guys have a hard time because the artifacts guys are always trying to discredit their find. Then you have the LDM type that don't believe they used small stones. I got news for both. It out there on every site. From California to Florida everywhere in between. If you know what to look for.

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OK, openminder (made up word, claiming it) here.
Willing to believe stone maps exist.
Not convinced this is one yet, can't see close enough to see any tooling.
My question is this;
Lets assume for now that this is a map or part of a map. Just simply explain how it worked?
Are you saying I made 4 of these (or just this one) & tossed them around my property in the hope that??? Just explain the logic & methodology, from making them & where to place them & why.

One is placed near cattle Beef patty feed ny people well. Another place in the west near setting sun scatter 20 more little stones each with an arrow to represent the fallen Indians lay them down in stormy weather and follow the arrows.The donkey poops at noon

First of all the ones that I have found are exactly like the area it represents. There are more than one at my place. I can not speak for others. I have traveled around this country looking at different places. Once you learn what to look for you will be amazed just how much work is done around the world. I not saying one group is responsible for it all. What I am saying is they used the same roads back then. Some are still used today. The Spanish Trail for example. The early explorer were here a couple hundred years that plenty of time to leave many clues. I have seen where they completely shape the land to make a figures such as a Indians head. In order to learn something one must study the subject. There are new findings in the world a the time. Some thing go against what we have learned. Example Columbus did not discover America. The question why would someone leave a small stone on the ground? So that either they could find the spot upon their return or the next person. You would need to kow the signs and symbols in order to do so. They used nature and would hide it in plain sight. These people were very educated in all kinds of arts. Enough for now. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

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And we will never hear an answer to any of this. You wouldn't post a treasure map on a public forum IF one ever existed.

This is classic. The believers are going to believe NO MATTER WHAT. The skeptics are going to skepticate (I just made up that word) NO MATTER WHAT. Well I take that back. The skeptics can be reasoned with. The true believers however cannot be reasoned with and will never give into the opinions of the ignorant and unwashed haters and naysayers.

Looks like some kind of fossil in sedimentary rock. Lots of that kind of stuff here in Colorado. A good paleontologist could probably give you an ID. Maybe a foot print of a dinosaur? The whole area where I live is loaded with fossils. Some university bought some property specifically for its students to dig fossils in the next county. I think it is the University of Kansas. Couple miles away you can find all the fossilized clams you could ever want. Link below of the footprints found locally.

Clayton Lake, New Mexico

Maps are only good if you know where it came from. Let alone know where it's going. It's not like our maps of today. It has no mile markers and exit here. I'm a optimistic not a pessimistic. You should try it. You might just find a little happiness.

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One is placed near cattle Beef patty feed ny people well. Another place in the west near setting sun scatter 20 more little stones each with an arrow to represent the fallen Indians lay them down in stormy weather and follow the arrows.The donkey poops at noon
The donkey poops at Sunrise I think you're trying to throw me off the trail

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Easy to decipher this Native American map: "Meet me under the stars tonight. Walk past three hills and a creek. I will be waiting for you at the top of the fourth hill."

Just because it's a map doesn't mean it's a map to buried treasure...

The map say's, " The Best Part Of EATING A BEAVER IS AT THE BASE OF THE TAIL. " Who would have known ? I'm going to hunt up some Beavers and try this out.

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This has to be a hoax post and if not can the moderators please start a new site for "rocks" and move all these threads there,

This has to be a hoax post and if not can the moderators please start a new site for "rocks" and move all these threads there,

This is "todays Finds" forum so it violates no rules being here unless found long time ago....

This has to be a hoax post and if not can the moderators please start a new site for "rocks" and move all these threads there,
You are totally free not to click on it anymore

sent from my computer by frantically poking at the keyboard with a single finger

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