Would this put 1/3 of all Americans on disability ?


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A.M.A. Recognizes Obesity as a Disease :

Mamta Popat/Arizona Daily Star, via Associated Press

Sugary diets and weight problems remain a central health issue.


Published: June 18, 2013

The American Medical Association has officially recognized obesity as a disease, a move that could induce physicians to pay more attention to the condition and spur more insurers to pay for treatments.

Ted Grudzinski/AMA

Dr. Patrice Harris said the diabetes definition would help in the fight against heart disease.

In making the decision, delegates at the associationā€™s annual meeting in Chicago overrode a recommendation against doing so by a committee that had studied the matter.

ā€œRecognizing obesity as a disease will help change the way the medical community tackles this complex issue that affects approximately one in three Americans,ā€ Dr. Patrice Harris, a member of the associationā€™s board, said in a statement. She suggested the new definition would help in the fight against Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, which are linked to obesity.

To some extent, the question of whether obesity is a disease or not is a semantic one, since there is not even a universally agreed upon definition of what constitutes a disease. And the A.M.A.ā€™s decision has no legal authority.

Still, some doctors and obesity advocates said that having the nationā€™s largest physician group make the declaration would focus more attention on obesity. And it could help improve reimbursement for obesity drugs, surgery and counseling.

ā€œI think you will probably see from this physicians taking obesity more seriously, counseling their patients about it,ā€ said Morgan Downey, an advocate for obese people and publisher of the online Downey Obesity Report. ā€œCompanies marketing the products will be able to take this to physicians and point to it and say, ā€˜Look, the mother ship has now recognized obesity as a disease.ā€™ ā€

Two new obesity drugs ā€” Qsymia from Vivus, and Belviq from Arena Pharmaceuticals and Eisai ā€” have entered the market in the last year.

Qsymia has not sold well for a variety of reasons, including poor reimbursement and distribution restrictions imposed because of concerns that the drug can cause birth defects. Those restrictions are now being relaxed. Belviq went on sale only about a week ago, so it is too early to tell how it is doing.

Whether obesity should be called a disease has long been debated. The Obesity Society officially issued its support for classifying obesity as a disease in 2008, with Mr. Downey as one of the authors of the paper.

The Internal Revenue Service has said that obesity treatments can qualify for tax deductions. In 2004, Medicare removed language from its coverage manual saying obesity was not a disease.

Still, Medicare Part D, the prescription drug benefit, includes weight loss drugs among those it will not pay for, along with drugs for hair growth and erectile dysfunction.

The vote of the A.M.A. House of Delegates went against the conclusions of the associationā€™s Council on Science and Public Health, which had studied the issue over the last year. The council said that obesity should not be considered a disease mainly because the measure usually used to define obesity, the body mass index, is simplistic and flawed.

Some people with a B.M.I. above the level that usually defines obesity are perfectly healthy while others below it can have dangerous levels of body fat and metabolic problems associated with obesity.

ā€œGiven the existing limitations of B.M.I. to diagnose obesity in clinical practice, it is unclear that recognizing obesity as a disease, as opposed to a ā€˜conditionā€™ or ā€˜disorder,ā€™ will result in improved health outcomes,ā€ the council wrote.

The council summarized the arguments for and against calling obesity a disease.

One reason in favor, it said, was that it would reduce the stigma of obesity that stems from the widespread perception that it is simply the result of eating too much or exercising too little. Some doctors say that people do not have full control over their weight.

Supporters of the disease classification also say it fits some medical criteria of a disease, such as impairing body function.

Those arguing against it say that there are no specific symptoms associated with it and that it is more a risk factor for other conditions than a disease in its own right.

They also say that ā€œmedicalizingā€ obesity by declaring it a disease would define one-third of Americans as being ill and could lead to more reliance on costly drugs and surgery rather than lifestyle changes. Some people might be overtreated because their B.M.I. was above a line designating them as having a disease, even though they were healthy.

The delegates rejected the conclusion of the council and voted instead in favor of a resolution pushed by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the American College of Cardiology and some other organizations.

This resolution argued that obesity was a ā€œmultimetabolic and hormonal disease stateā€ that leads to unfavorable outcomes like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

ā€œThe suggestion that obesity is not a disease but rather a consequence of a chosen lifestyle exemplified by overeating and/or inactivity is equivalent to suggesting that lung cancer is not a disease because it was brought about by individual choice to smoke cigarettes,ā€ the resolution said.

Hot Damn! I can quit work and draw a check and get fatter 'n hell now!

I can run my sugar through the roof and then let the government pay for my meds ... cause I'd be on disability.

I could go out and buy anything I want on credit and not pay it back ... because you can't attach someone's disability check.

Maybe while I'm at it, I can apply for a crazy check too :icon_thumleft:

OMGoodness! Is there no end to the gooberment's stooooooopidity?? ???

Hot Damn! I can quit work and draw a check and get fatter 'n hell now!

I can run my sugar through the roof and then let the government pay for my meds ... cause I'd be on disability.

I could go out and buy anything I want on credit and not pay it back ... because you can't attach someone's disability check.

Maybe while I'm at it, I can apply for a crazy check too :icon_thumleft:

OMGoodness! Is there no end to the gooberment's stooooooopidity?? ???

More power to you.....live it up, wont be much of a life not to mention it won't be a very long life......I definitely think your a great candidate for the crazy check though!!!!

More power to you.....live it up, wont be much of a life not to mention it won't be a very long life......I definitely think your a great candidate for the crazy check though!!!!

It was a tongue in cheek snipe at the folks here who would say I'm mean because what I really think is if you don't work, you shouldn't eat unless you really can't work (cripple, mentally unable because of trauma, etc.).

The fact is, there are already folks I deal with on a daily basis who are going to do this.

Yeah, I'm crazy. Just ask Davest or Jersy Ben. I don't see what's his name as being better than GOD Almighty.

I can actually think. Liberals "feel" that is a mental illness because they can't.

It was a tongue in cheek snipe at the folks here who would say I'm mean because what I really think is if you don't work, you shouldn't eat unless you really can't work (cripple, mentally unable because of trauma, etc.).

The fact is, there are already folks I deal with on a daily basis who are going to do this.

Yeah, I'm crazy. Just ask Davest or Jersy Ben. I don't see what's his name as being better than GOD Almighty.

I can actually think. Liberals "feel" that is a mental illness because they can't.

I knew you were not being serious and I too unfortunately know people who will take advantage of this. The problem is that there are real situations that need this help and it's hard to differentiate between who is legit and who is taking advantage. We need to learn some compassion though.....remember that some people deal with obesity for reasons they can't control and if you walked in their shoes you would know that they would do anything not to have the "disease". Just my two cents.....for what it's worth:)

....remember that some people deal with obesity for reasons they can't control and if you walked in their shoes you would know that they would do anything not to have the "disease". Just my two cents.....for what it's worth:)

I do walk in their shoes. If I can live on an 1800 calorie diet, I lose weight. I work every day, but weigh around 280 lbs. Used to be an athlete in High School, and even got a look from the Chiefs back in the 70's. Was still even fat back then. How you metabolize food can make you fat, but that doesn't mean you can't work.

Seen lots of other fat folks who work as hard as I did or harder. Until age started catching up with me, I moved and repossessed furniture for a living. I've carried sleeper sofas up and down stairs by myself (ok, I cheated and used an appliance dolly). I've unloaded 18 wheeler mattress truck deliveries by myself when no one else was at work. I've moved pianos with a helper ... up stairs.

I've always worked, but age eventually catches us all, that's how I got into upper management. Now I just take care of the legal end of the company, but I still help out with deliveries when the boss isn't around.

I do walk in their shoes. If I can live on an 1800 calorie diet, I lose weight. I work every day, but weigh around 280 lbs. Used to be an athlete in High School, and even got a look from the Chiefs back in the 70's. Was still even fat back then. How you metabolize food can make you fat, but that doesn't mean you can't work.

Seen lots of other fat folks who work as hard as I did or harder. Until age started catching up with me, I moved and repossessed furniture for a living. I've carried sleeper sofas up and down stairs by myself (ok, I cheated and used an appliance dolly). I've unloaded 18 wheeler mattress truck deliveries by myself when no one else was at work. I've moved pianos with a helper ... up stairs.

I've always worked, but age eventually catches us all, that's how I got into upper management. Now I just take care of the legal end of the company, but I still help out with deliveries when the boss isn't around.

wow, a redneck exhippie mattress moving, profootball almost, lawyer .... We are not worthy, seriously, let me rephrase that, I am not even close to being on your caste.

My apologies for ever doubting anything you say. May the peace that knows no end touch our every conversation.

I knew you were not being serious and I too unfortunately know people who will take advantage of this. The problem is that there are real situations that need this help and it's hard to differentiate between who is legit and who is taking advantage. We need to learn some compassion though.....remember that some people deal with obesity for reasons they can't control and if you walked in their shoes you would know that they would do anything not to have the "disease". Just my two cents.....for what it's worth:)

Then explain to me when in their life do they realize they are to chubby? Trouble is people are scared to answer the Question. "Does this dress make me look FAT?" usually the answer is "No honey " Were the real answer should be "No your Fat makes you look Fat"
I'm sure Bloomburg will have a hay day with this 1oz. per day cups.
Wait till the Law suits start every thing that they tell us is making you chubby will be in the cross hairs.

wow, a redneck exhippie mattress moving, profootball almost, lawyer .... We are not worthy, seriously, let me rephrase that, I am not even close to being on your caste.

My apologies for ever doubting anything you say. May the peace that knows no end touch our every conversation.

Wow!!! You really know how to be a prick! Professional?

Well I guess the T.V series The Biggest Loser is all photo oped I'v seen some pretty big people lose some of that Disease with a little work But I guess that will never work.Oops that's a bad word.
I guess walking up to a person with this disease at Micky D's while they're pounding down a DD quarter pounder and say you look sick can I help you is out of the question.

come on now Chad, I wasn't being a prick. I apologize if I might have offended your sensitive side, but I did mean, May the peace that knows no end touch our every conversation.

Myself, I haven't done anything with my life and I'm impressed with your resume. Serious.

Gee, i've healed my own disease I guess. The loss of 110lbs in 14 months without any professional help and nothing but sheer will power. I amaze myself. I'm a disease healer!! woohoo! Now if I could just heal my glaucoma, i'd really be accomplishing something. Better yet, if I could heal my bro-in-laws cardiomyopathy, i'd be a genius. These are real diseases... get it.

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Gee, i've healed my own disease I guess. The loss of 110lbs in 14 months without any professional help and nothing but sheer will power. I amaze myself. I'm a disease healer!! woohoo! Now if I could just heal my glaucoma, i'd really be accomplishing something. Better yet, if I could heal my bro-in-laws cardiomyopathy, i'd be a genius. These are real diseases... get it.

The disease is in the brain. Dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens...get it? And cardiomyopathy is a condition caused by many different things...ie, not a disease by the narrow minded, non-descriptive criteria you have set up. Same thing with glaucoma, can be caused by many things....narrow angle or acute glaucoma vs open angle or non acute...you didn't specify. A disease is something from the genetic chromosomal level. I really need to start billing you for this.

The difference is, a "real" disease needs medical attention/treatment by a healthcare professional to be cured or maintained. Obesity, with the exception of those few people with a hormonal problem or those who gain because of a certain medication they are taking, can be "cured" without seeking medical attention. All it takes is determination. There is no cure for laying on your ass eating cheeseburgers and bags of chips other than to quit doing it. Now all the parasitic government leeching pigs, can get the lap band and can we can all pay for it.


wow, a redneck exhippie mattress moving, profootball almost, lawyer .... We are not worthy, seriously, let me rephrase that, I am not even close to being on your caste.

My apologies for ever doubting anything you say. May the peace that knows no end touch our every conversation.

Davest this post is uncalled for and violates our rules....

It was a tongue in cheek snipe at the folks here who would say I'm mean because what I really think is if you don't work, you shouldn't eat unless you really can't work (cripple, mentally unable because of trauma, etc.).

The fact is, there are already folks I deal with on a daily basis who are going to do this.

Yeah, I'm crazy. Just ask Davest or Jersy Ben. I don't see what's his name as being better than GOD Almighty.

I can actually think. Liberals "feel" that is a mental illness because they can't.

Chad, I dont think you are crazy. Passionate and stubborn... maybe.:icon_thumright::tongue3:

Haven't we always known obesity prevents us from being as productive as we can? Giving it a label as a disability is one more example of the left sucking the fat out and skimming the cream off the top before those that want to work can get to it by an honest hard days work.Losing weight is hard work but it can be done but its easier to just sit back,get fatter n' mud and collect a check because the guvment pats me on my fat little butt and says its ok.

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The difference is, a "real" disease needs medical attention/treatment by a healthcare professional to be cured or maintained. Obesity, with the exception of those few people with a hormonal problem or those who gain because of a certain medication they are taking, can be "cured" without seeking medical attention. All it takes is determination. There is no cure for laying on your ass eating cheeseburgers and bags of chips other than to quit doing it. Now all the parasitic government leeching pigs, can get the lap band and can we can all pay for it.

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So by your definition....Diabetes Type II...that is controlled with diet and exercise is not a disease. You just told millions of Americans suffering from Type II Diabetes that they do not have a disease.

However, if you continue to exercise and stay at the same weight and your sugar levels start to rise as you age (which is extremely common) and you need medication for it....then you now have a disease?

Your definition makes no sense. I would suggest somebody come up with a better definition of what a disease is if we are to continue this conversation.

So by your definition....Diabetes Type II...that is controlled with diet and exercise is not a disease. You just told millions of Americans suffering from Type II Diabetes that they do not have a disease.

However, if you continue to exercise and stay at the same weight and your sugar levels start to rise as you age (which is extremely common) and you need medication for it....then you now have a disease?

Your definition makes no sense. I would suggest somebody come up with a better definition of what a disease is if we are to continue this conversation.

Sorry crisp I take this as apples and whatever Diabetes is a disease being fat has always been being fat. I go back to that tv series The biggest loser if it's a problem with the brain all you need is incentive and someone next to you giving you praise.
If your medical industry could have figured it out years ago they would have. Just because there is $$$$ in it. nothing more.
I see it now with a different name to it a lot of chubby people will become the industries ginny pigs.
One good thing the air lines will have to make every 3rd seat twice as big to accommodate them. Under the disability act. (1 in 3 Americans are suppose to be to heavy)
Again if it's a brain disorder it must be a American thing unless your a Sumo wrestler :laughing7:

Obesity is a serious health concern in the US, and what burns me is all the fast food commercials that air every night, as I'm trying hard not to eat. Giant burgers right in your face all evening, they should go the way of tobacco advertisements.

The ads are just a trick to make people that are easily persuaded to over eat, jump in their cars, or waddle to their cars, and go satisfy that craving.

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