Youre out in the woods and run into a...

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

We have what some people call punk kids here. If your not as carefull as you can be and take every precaution necessary they'll attack without warning. You can loose everything in a matter of Minuit's. On a quiet night in the park you can here them barking at each other. They go: Whats up dog? Not much bro! And so on. It's spooky if your not used to it. I think they have actually migrated to every state now so watch out and be carefull. You don't want to get surrounded by a pack of these things, they are usually the strongest in numbers, very unpleasant to look at and the crap they talk is unbearable.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

yeah sparky, we have those here in Tampa, Fla they are timid alone, but in a pack they can be aggressive! as in a post I read earlier, if you single one out and say that a policeman was looking for someone that matched their description they leave pretty quickly! ;)

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Trapping skeeter of coarse, its illegal to trap bears. Its been a cold winter this years so the fur prices are going up good and steady. I once used a mosquito's needle sharp nose to fend off a black bear. I started humming like a skeeter and within seconds he was in another zip code. I'm thinking of selling them as bear pokers/walking sticks. There scary, those big skeeters are. I thought the military was doing manuvers one day but it was a dozen skeeters thinning out the deer population. I even once saw one take on a volkswagon bug, but the car was just a little too big and the skeeter quickly wandered off into the woods.Last week one held up a local bank. Sucked it dry from what I heard. It was only the blood bank so no major money loss. Hope you guys and gals never run into one of those out there. Good luck and happy hunting, Jason

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

yeah back in the day when I was wild in Arizona,I'd step on rattlers and cut the heads off...Ive seen 5 lions out there also,and I crawled into one cave near tombstone which turned out to be a caved in shaft,anyhow as I was squeezing in a lion was across from me and started to hiss,I couldnt dig myself out of ther crack fast enough...
And last year up here in alaska I was stalking a grizzly when apparently she winded me and ended up circling me.Anyhow good thing I turned around as she was standing up looking right at me,when I turned to face her and shoot,she hit the ground and came running at me...Like I say,up here in alaska you not on top of the food chain anymore.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

LOL we get punk kids here too, but they're an urban species.? Not many run around forests and parks, unless you go to Toronto parks.? The "punkus annoyus" or if you prefer, jackass, is a species native to the shopping mall and other such places.? I think they basically migrate to wherever they can scope out the chicks, which are their main prey ;D.? I'm 24 myself but don't relate to punks.? I'm a different life form.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Ah, heck, here in the land o' lakes (correction...9999 swamps and 1 lake) ;D, the mosquitos are the state bird... ;D

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

I don't know for sure but I've heard that the state bird in Mexico is the house fly.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

:D LMFAO! The only thing your superior at is bullnullting, Yellowhammer Mike! You probably really live in down town Pittsburgh or Philly and daydream of being Grizzly Adams all day long. Let me know if you ever come over to the Hudson Valley and i'll show you how to be a real woodsman as you got alot to learn there, son! :D

And no, i dont have a prob with you. You throw some hooks and i throw em back. I like good flamewar now and again. Keeps things from getting mundane around here 8)

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Now Now everybody play nice-LOL.Here's a story that's a little wierd.It's around 1976 and i'm walking around in the woods(like always) of southern Maryland where I was raised.So i'm walking along minding my own business and all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see what appears to be(why my mind registered this is beyond me) a flying carpet dropping out of the trees.Well it attacked me on the top of my head.Turns out it was a falcon or hawk or some other bird of prey.This thing hit my head like a ton of bricks,almost knocking me down.It left several small holes in my head from its piercing talons,enough to make me bleed like a stuck pig! I could understand if that happened now,since I shaved my head.But back then I had a head full of hair.Who knows maybe this bird had bad eyesight and mistook my head for a furry woodland creature ;D .Anyway,this actually happened,anybody else ever been attacked by a bird? ??? diggummup.....

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Yep Diggumup, got no lions and tigers and bears in Chicagoloand unless you count farm league sports teams.... But we've got birds. Got corralled by a tom turkey on a side road one day. He had it in for our car and tried taking the tires off while we were in it. Dumb birds them turkeys. He never knew how close it was to Thanksgiving and never saw another one.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Better watch out for bigfoot lol........Look at what I took a pic of a few years ago


  • pic1_edited.jpg
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Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

tell ta what, those trees and high grass just scare the crap out of me, lol. seriously I don't see anything in that pic but grass and trees.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Here ?


  • index.jpg
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Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Maybe it's my monitor but about 1/2 way down and to the right of the ? mark.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

I can see several faces in there? :) including a Large one that takes up the whole Right side :) but being he says Big Foot, I figure the one that looks like someone in a fur coat with his hood up

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