Gold Teeth! What do you do with your's?


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
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Golden Thread
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
There's probably not a lot of gold teeth in the younger generation, but us old pups lived in a time when a lot of dental reconstruction was in gold.

So, I've my share.

I just mentioned it to Cousin Sharon that my will should state that my gold teeth are removed upon passing and given to my children.

Sharon said that if my kids don't, the funeral home will.

So...... I think that's a riotous discussion ahead on that subject :)

Hunted the grounds of a closed down facility in Czech a few years ago. Found lots of good coins; but I had found a large walk in incinerator. old type with teh ash access doors outside the structure.

MDed that thing, found lots of dental gold and silver. Pretty nasty stuff but way too much to just leave there. LOL Found some other odd bits as well, no idea what they where, so off to the scrap metal pile.

Oh man, my friend, I don't think I coulda gone there. Too much psychic energy around me to deal with the negatives!

Hunted the grounds of a closed down facility in Czech a few years ago. Found lots of good coins; but I had found a large walk in incinerator. old type with teh ash access doors outside the structure.

MDed that thing, found lots of dental gold and silver. Pretty nasty stuff but way too much to just leave there. LOL Found some other odd bits as well, no idea what they where, so off to the scrap metal pile.

what type of facility?

I had a tooth pulled years ago that had a gold cap on it. I told the dentist I wanted it and he gave me a funny look but obliged. I made sure it was cleaned up but it still had the "look" of a tooth and thought that I would have a hard time scraping it. Nope, they took it after testing and cashed me out.

Hunted the grounds of a closed down facility in Czech a few years ago. Found lots of good coins; but I had found a large walk in incinerator. old type with teh ash access doors outside the structure.

MDed that thing, found lots of dental gold and silver. Pretty nasty stuff but way too much to just leave there. LOL Found some other odd bits as well, no idea what they where, so off to the scrap metal pile.
It would be really fun to hunt some of the places you have seen and hunted. What experiences you have enjoyed

what type of facility?

Not sure, we where there to do a grounds assessment to use as a training centre. No items left inside, and no signs of any vandalism, I had even asked one of the local military escorts with us how something like this could have sat free so long and not been broke into, but also remain in standing order.

He said he was not sure what the place ever was, that even his commander does not know that but they are tasked with protecting. He said that at times handy man crew has to come in to repair leaking roof or what have you, but they have to search them real good before going in and even more so when leaving with everything documented.

We spent a few days MDing there, never bothered to look into the place, we hunted it and then it was turned into a training grounds.

It would be really fun to hunt some of the places you have seen and hunted. What experiences you have enjoyed

Well I have till the end of July, want to come over and we go hunt some places. Currently have my eye on a Weapons depot that just closed six months ago and is under German Police authority currently, and my eye on an AHA that closed last month that was ran by the US Army and that is all cleaned out and fences pulled down.

Need to hit the AHA really fast, it being open to anyone now. Knew an German man about 10 years ago, he was in his 80s back then. He told me exactly where he buried a crate of US issued 1911s. Said that back in the 80s they had a few thousand of these come in, they would inspect them and what was no good they would add to a pile that the Army would take away and what was still serviceable they crated up. He said that one of his workers had misplaced a crate of good pistols, 50 of them, (no idea how you do that) said the man was fired an hauled off by German police. German police found all these connections to the Red Army Faction that landed a him and a few others in jail.

He said that six months later he found the crate in a maintenance service pit that was never used. He said that he did not want to tell the US Army about it because they would have reported the find to local police and the Red Army member likely would have gotten out. He wanted him to rot in jail for working for the Americans but also being a member of that Faction. So he took it out one evening and buried it behind bunker 11.

Not sure if any of that is true, but still going to go have a look, what can it hurt.

Care to join me? If the story is true and it is there then chances of them being alright is not half bad. He said that they injected the barrels full of grease and the mag wells, but would remove the hand grips, then wrap them in wax paper and seal the creates up.

That would be killer, thanks for the invite. That would be a dream.........

Well, when you get home I look forward to shaking your hand - though I'm sure you'll crush mine :) I'll deal with that = I can stand a little rain!

I had a tooth pulled years ago that had a gold cap on it. I told the dentist I wanted it and he gave me a funny look but obliged. I made sure it was cleaned up but it still had the "look" of a tooth and thought that I would have a hard time scraping it. Nope, they took it after testing and cashed me out.

I've lost a few along the way, but always kept the ones which popped off during a chew. So, I've a wee collection of them.

From what I understand, dental gold is typically 50%. Crowns may vary.

Well, iffn you were talking grills, I just throw them in the safe deposit box.....
Found like my 4th or 5th, just the other day.
I'm pretty sure there's no gold in my mouth, lotsa fillings and caps, but no, I'm doubting any of mine are actually gold.
Probably more like, poor persons almagam......

I told you once I think, one of my friends, had 24kt stints made for her elderly Dad's heart.
Had to send the gold to Thailand, for them gold weaving ladies, to make them stints.

Actually, my mom tells people "My David is such a gold hound that he will probably yank my gold tooth out during the funeral with pliers...."
Then after people look at her horrified, she laughs and says it's in her will to have it removed and given to her son because she doesn't want it to go to waste.

How many times my sister and I have heard my mom start a conversation " When we croak....." and we roll our eyes "here we go again...." ::)
My parents say it's important that we understand the will so that the government doesn't get any of it.
We understand but your kids don't want to think about you guys dying anytime soon!

I've dug up two different gold teeth over the years and after grossing out everyone I could, it came time to scrap them as why would I hold onto someone's gold tooth?
Awkwardly went to scrapper with them and he said "don't worry, you'd be surprised how many gold teeth come into my shop!"
The only time I've ever found 15K gold. :occasion14:

I bought scrap for a short time....Yes, there are a lot of gold teeth/crowns still floating around!:laughing7: Most all were 16k. Which is about 67% pure or around there. They were brought to us all the time. Kind of strange the first couple of times I saw them. Someone would just drop a filling or tooth on the counter and ask "how much do you pay for this". :laughing7: There is Platinum too, but I never saw enough of it personally to know how much is out there and at what purity. It was still pretty common to see/buy/sell dental gold though. Any scrapper/dealer that moves any volume at all won't be shocked to see it if you take it to them.

I'm not positive that the funeral homes keep them and scrap them, but I have heard those rumors. And have also heard of older scrappers that bought them by the jar fulls in the past. But like anything Gold related the stories flow around, could have been BS for all I know, you hear all kinds of stories listening to people bringing stuff in about a "guy they know, saw, heard of , etc...."........But I think there is probably some truths too...

They are yours and if you want your kids to get the money from them it doesn't hurt to plan ahead and figure out what to do. But..unless you have a lot of them? It might not be worth the worry(meaning the ones still in your mouth). There is money there but not really all that much in one or two. Gold is gold though!!

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I made sure it was cleaned up but it still had the "look" of a tooth and thought that I would have a hard time scraping it. Nope, they took it after testing and cashed me out.

I have bought a few AU teeth in my time. You all may remember, a couple of years ago, I bought over 300 pounds of junk jewelry from an out of business CASH FOR GOLD company. This is what I found at the bottom of the bin. (you all know quite well gold is heaviest and always sinks to the bottom)

The last picture is about one half of what I bought. Also found my first nugget in that bin.

One of those teeth tested at 18K one was junk and the others were low K. The grill was low K also.


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I bought scrap for a short time....Yes, there are a lot of gold teeth/crowns still floating around!:laughing7: Most all were 16k. Which is about 67% pure or around there. They were brought to us all the time. Kind of strange the first couple of times I saw them. Someone would just drop a filling or tooth on the counter and ask "how much do you pay for this". :laughing7: There is Platinum too, but I never saw enough of it personally to know how much is out there and at what purity. It was still pretty common to see/buy/sell dental gold though. Any scrapper/dealer that moves any volume at all won't be shocked to see it if you take it to them.

I'm not positive that the funeral homes keep them and scrap them, but I have heard those rumors. And have also heard of older scrappers that bought them by the jar fulls in the past. But like anything Gold related the stories flow around, could have been BS for all I know, you hear all kinds of stories listening to people bringing stuff in about a "guy they know, saw, heard of , etc...."........But I think there is probably some truths too...

They are yours and if you want your kids to get the money from them it doesn't hurt to plan ahead and figure out what to do. But..unless you have a lot of them? It might not be worth the worry(meaning the ones still in your mouth). There is money there but not really all that much in one or two. Gold is gold though!!

At the local monthly flea market, I saw an 18" beaded necklace. The guy didn't know what to make of the small gold tag next to the lobster claw clasp that said "Made with Dental Gold", so he said he would take $25 for it.

I bought the necklace and put it away, so I don't know what karat it really is. If it comes out 16kt, I would be a happy guy!


I recently surrendered my grandmother's teeth to dentistry at a very favorable price. I think they know better how to recycle them.

Welcome to T-Net, Marge John!


My gold buyer wasn't thrilled when I brought some in I found in the woods

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