More fraud on the Klamath

.....And the rest of the story- Dr. Houser settled the wrongful termination, and his report on scientific integrity was dismissed. However they did review how scientific data policy and procedure should be released to the press. Totally ignored the content and allegations of the report. It's all in the spin, fricken pathetic!

Does not surprise me. Typical liberal agenda.

Considering that a position like Sec. of the Interior is an appointed office, does it really surprise anyone that there's corruption there? We the American people really need to step back and take a long hard look at how these offices are filled. Instead of these positions being filled by appointment, they should be voted on by the people. That way if the person screws up or is found to be involved in fraud like is currently going on they can be gotten rid of by the people. That way the president can't be surrounding himself with people that are yes men to HIS agenda.

We could also use an office of scientific investigation that answers to the people instead of these government agencies. That way if the data does not agree with what the agency wants, too bad! You're stuck with the truth instead of results arrived at by a scientist in your employ.

It's been a slow process, but the "Sheeple" are starting to wake up at long last. We're always going to have those in our society that are willing to let others do their thinking for them, but the more of them that wake up and smell the corruption, the more that will be putting their foot down and saying "ENOUGH!". We all know that the government has corruption, but many haven't had to deal with it first hand like many miners have.

Scientific investigation office is a great idea. Just like the general accountability office. Run by congress (our branch) and held to proven scientific discovery methods. Non-partisan.

We all need to contact our congressman and senators and tell them we want a office of scientic investigation run by congress an not an appointment by a corrupt preident. What a GREAT IDEA Irishman. I will be contacting my reps tomarrow to suggest it.

Just call me your friendly neighborhood instigator. It only makes sense to me. People are getting fed up with "bought science" being used to make policy and support the agendas of these groups. If they don't come up with a way to get the TRUTH and use that to make policy, they're going to end up with another revolution on their hands and not against the British this time! By the People... For the people is something that has been forgotten in this country.

I feel that news media is becoming the root of all evil... manipulte the ill informed and uninformed public masses into a frothing fear frenzy and you have them in the palm of you media hand. :sadsmiley:

Our government, and the Corporations that control it, is corrupted to the point they don't even try to hide it anymore. F*** all those political and corporate pricks!!!! My biggest fear is that the citizens of our great country have become too apathetic to unify against the corrupt leaders and corporations that are destroying our country,and the way of life our family members in the armed services fought and died to protect. Our government has lost all accountability to represent the needs of American People. Politicians have created an upper class of there own and they see all the world as beneath them.
Who would of thought that most of the worst political terrorist in the world were elected to our own government.

Thank you Midnight Moon, but I'm only calling it as I see it. I know that miners are not the only ones that are fed up with this Bovine Scientology that is our government. Agencies that were supposed to help the people have now become jack booted Nazis flexing muscles that they were never intended to have in the first place. I believe it started with the IRS and once the people let them get away with their crap, the other agencies decided to follow right along and start fleecing the people for everything they could get away with.

Then when we add little things like the "Greenies" and their "Sue and Settle" tactics it has gotten even worse. I think the only reason that tactic has worked so well is that none of these government agencies actually want to do their jobs. Then again that's pretty much par for the course when it comes to government employees. Hang out, don't do squat and draw a paycheck. So instead of fighting the "Greenies", the government caves in to their demands in a back room deal. These deals have made many of these groups as rich as King Midas at the expense of the American people. I feel that the only fair way to handle this is to set up a scientific investigation office that answers to the public so the truth can be learned and used to make policies. "Bought" science isn't science at all. True science is impartial and can not be "adjusted" to fit the wishes of groups paying for these studies. What is truth for one is truth for all. Once the truth is found, every decision that was based on bought science should be re-examined and adjusted to reflect the truth. If any awards were given to a group based on bought science, those monies should have to be repaid to the American people WITH INTEREST!!!!

These are OUR lands, OUR money and OUR way of life people! The longer it takes us to show these thieves that we will no longer stand for their theft of our properties, our money and our rights, the longer and harder it's going to be for us to regain them without having to resort to violence. * see second part of my signature line below. JFK had it right!

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Midnightmoon you just passed on a greenie claim. That is sooooooooo much BS I can smell it from here. You saw it on tv or read it in the news paper or on the internet, and you know they can't put anything that isn't true on the internet right. Any way how ever you heard about it you figure it must be true right? Investigate before passing that kind of crap on here.

If you are an accountant and cover up where money has gone so the IRS can't find it, and get caught you go to jail.
If you in a position of responsibility and use that position to further your own personal gains, that is illegal and you go to jail.
I see no difference in this case.

A person paid by your tax dollars is using their position to further their own agenda (personal, religious, financial, environmental, romantic or whatever agenda is irrelevant if it is not the agenda of 'the People'). They are willing to supress information and to further attempt to obfuscate and cover up and prevent the detection and evidence of their efforts (attempting not to leave a trail), and are using their position of authority to force or coerce or entice others (inside or outside the employ of the government) to aid and abet them in their efforts to accomplish their goals.

This MUST be against the law and said person should immediately be removed from such a position of power and authority as a threat to the government and the People that employ them! And if they are not removed and the problem corrected, it is a clear sign that those in position to do so are co-conspirators or are actually the ones who are perpetrating the crime(s). Why aren't they in jail??

Take a minute and read this:
(Section 11) General Interference with Organisations and Production
and then tell me that some government employees you are aware of are not a saboteur working for ... ?? Certainly not US!

I would say our government is riddled with saboteurs bent on destroying the USA. :icon_scratch: And as I see it, it can't exist if those at the top don't support it.

Midnightmoon you just passed on a greenie claim. That is sooooooooo much BS I can smell it from here. You saw it on tv or read it in the news paper or on the internet, and you know they can't put anything that isn't true on the internet right. Any way how ever you heard about it you figure it must be true right? Investigate before passing that kind of crap on here.



I am not a believer in most things or even people.

That said, I drive through the San Andreas fault regularly and wondered about the nearby fracking, and effects it may have on the unstable terrain in my area. And I did my own research.

I am not an idiot who watches TV, reads a newspaper, or waits for the internet to tell me what to believe. And I am not a greenie.

My point was -- I want the freedoms that the frackers have, to move water with motorized equipment. That is all. Life is not fair but this is clearly ridiculous.

Btw, congrats men! I have been on here since 2008 and you two are the first to tell me not to pass my crap here.

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I wasn't aware that there was any fracking going on around the San Andreas fault area. I don't know if it's true or not, but knowing that area pretty well, it doesn't seem like a wise idea. It's unstable enough as it is. I guess when the portion of the west coast from San Francisco to Baja falls off into the ocean we'll see how unsafe it is. I just hope my siblings finish buying me out on that property in San Diego before that happens. ;)

I am not a believer in most things or even people.

That said, I drive through the San Andreas fault regularly and wondered about the nearby fracking, and effects it may have on the unstable terrain in my area. And I did my own research.

I am not an idiot who watches TV, reads a newspaper, or waits for the internet to tell me what to believe. And I am not a greenie.

My point was -- I want the freedoms that the frackers have, to move water with motorized equipment. That is all. Life is not fair but this is clearly ridiculous.

Btw, congrats men! I have been on here since 2008 and you two are the first to tell me not to pass my crap here.

I apologize for making an impulsive knee-jerk comment. so, instead of the "green" perspective, you are on the side of resource users, is that correct ? I would
like to hear more of your research. Again, after reading the green machine propaganda for years (I get EDF alerts, CBD action alerts, etc.), I know that 90 %
of their activities are based on BS, not facts. I certainly did not intend to attack you personally, but responded to "the sky is falling" mantra of the greenies.

Just call me your friendly neighborhood instigator. It only makes sense to me. People are getting fed up with "bought science" being used to make policy and support the agendas of these groups. If they don't come up with a way to get the TRUTH and use that to make policy, they're going to end up with another revolution on their hands and not against the British this time! By the People... For the people is something that has been forgotten in this country.

This could be our anthem...check it out although the ending is about a minute too long sorry:dontknow:

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