My TN friends, I need your help

Hey Guys
Went to the mesuem yesterday, not treasure but lots of weapons and crafts from s. america and all over the world. My hosts had a large dinner last night and made Piai (?) cooked enough for 25! Rice, jungle animals (wild hog, alligator, some kind of large rabbit and shrimp with rice and many vegs. It was out of this world along with their special wine and pisco bitters, taste like wiskey sours but better. Lots of friends and laughter. Very warming to the soul. Paco loves american music so Blondie, Abba and such was playing all night. Going to the Indian market today for shopping. Wonderful folks here, very friendly but not much english spoken. I am picking up bits and pieces and doing alot of nodding.
Thanks for all the well wishes, will be home soon


Lynn- I'm so glad you've got a nice abode and don't have to worry about recuperation accomodations. Paco and family sound great, you are lucky to have that all in order. But, as a trained and experienced Trauma RN.......May I suggest NO more alcohol till after surgery, and since surgery is Tuesday, STOP eating Monday at noon. I won't go into what happens with intubation and anesthesia and its complications, but if they didn't council you, take my word for it. Not to upset you, but...word to the wise. OK?
And, I wonder how far you are from Potosi? The eight I wear is minted there, my own find from the Atocha in the eighties. I kinda feel I have a connection to the place, you know? Hey enjoy the trip as you can and keep us informed, OK? All will be well, I'm sure.

You are right, no alcohal and some of my meds are off limits until afterwards.
Unfortuntly Potosi is in Bolivia and not safe, already checked. We are heading to San Francisco to the catacombs, indian market (again) and to the inner city of Lima to see the changing of the guards today.

Interesting fact about my host, Capt. Yabar, he was invited to Tampa to verify the coins from Odyesse's Black Swan were from Peru. He is a collector of coins and very knowledgable on many things especially the history of Peru. He has many 16th and 17th paintings throughout his home and also an urn from the 16th cernury laying in his garden, when retreived from the shipwreck it still had wine in it and the plug still attached.
Will be able to get on-line with my computer while in the hospital and will share some cool photos.
Later guys


Hi Lynn- It's Tuesday, just thinking about you and sending good Karma your way. I know it'll be awhile, but remember we're waiting for you to say all's well, whenever you feel up to it. You do fine, y'hear?.

Well guys, thats over. Everything went perfect. Had a rough night and morning but better now. The doctors were the best. Should be out in a day or two. Should be back in Florida on March 26 instead of April 13, no need to stay that long.

My host collects coins, 16th and 17th century paintings and ship bells. Also pottery. You can see below. No pics were allowed in the Catacombs but it was very interesting along with the church.



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That's wonderful news. Hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your time- that place looks Very Interesting Indeed.

Glad to hear all is well. Be sure you stop by the Inca Market in San Miguel for some nice handmade items. Get your host to negotiate for you as you will pay 25% or more otherwise since you are a gringa. Don't go to the Inca Market in Miraflores as it is overpriced goods strictly for tourists. If you buy any alpaca items, be sure to get the softest. Baby alpaca is best and if you feel few scarves for example, you will be able to tell the difference in the good and best quality ones. There are a few huacas in Lima itself worth seeing if you are up to it. The walking may be too much if you are not staying there as long as orginally planned. Remember to try and stop by La Marea off Av. Canada when you are feeling better. It definitely has one of, if not best ceviches in town. Get some rest!


So glad all is well. Keep up the positive attitude, and all will be great from here on out. Funny, I've never met you, but just from your posts over the past couple years, I know you're a doer and a survivor, and you will overcome this setback and thrive.
Go for it!

Saw both doctors today, the pathology report came back A+, no cancer was found in any tissue or any of the lymph nodes. Dr. Garces discussed future medication (preventive) treatment due to the fact that the mass was the most invasive breast cancer there is and a part of my biopsy showed certain grade and does want me to see a chemo therapist tomorrow for his consult on preventive therapy (although he did not think chemo therapist would recommend it. Also CT scans of thorax, chest and abdomen to make sure no cancer is anywhere else, otherwise if there is any it would not be known if it began before or after surgery. Guess that's about it.

Miss you all and really need to catch up on my reading of the post. Too busy now


lynn not much I can say other than I am sad to hear of your problems --and that I am glad to hear things are look up after some treatments --- I hope to bump into you as we haul up my find one day.


I' so glad to hear everything went well....Thank God!!!

I will be starting my first of 10 hyberiac chamber sessions in a day or two. I have some skin which "needs some help" repairing. My host, being in the Navy has arranged my 1 hour sessions/$20 per day. Not a big problem, everything else is going fine. I guess I will be staying until April 13 after all.....Yea, I like it here.


Hi Lynn,
Enjoy your stay! What the Hell, the water's still cold here in Florida. It will warm up for you when you return!

It's been a thrill to keep up with your progress. Lynn. I can't recommend hyperbaric therapy enough. I am amazed at the doctors who dismiss it. My sister is a hyperbaric nurse and she is stunned to this day as to the results the've seen on diabetic wounds and elder folks with poor circulation. Many would-be amputations have been healed.

Looking forward to hearing more from you.


Another long day. Yesterday was a fun day between appointments. CherylLynn got a haircut, I had permenant eye-liner done, we both had pedicure's, manicures and facials done. A little shopping on the side. This morning we walked up the street and I had my hair cut then headed to the doctors appointments. Dr. Garces explained that I have an extremely good meds available for my case. He also said that chemo was not a "had to have" treatment only that it would lower the chance of cancer in the future even more that the meds. He also said that it would effect my heart and may not be able to dive again and that it was my decision and everyone's decision was personal and if it was dire need for it I would know it by now.
Did the hyperbaric chamber / oxygen treatment today (with a cute Peruvian diver/assistant who monitered me) for 1 hour, will have another one at 7:30 tomorrow, Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs. (I was also invited out on a dive trip as a spectator by the divers on Tuesday).
Been a very long day again but having a lot of fun and taking advantage of our surroundings. The family went camping for the weekend so we are here with "mother-in-law and Toby the puppy. Have some photos attached.
Will let you know what's next...Chow


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Being an American Expatriate does have some advantages (above and beyond the Cute diver/assistant thing).

I am missing home, my son and my pets today. The family has gone camping and no appointments today.
Can get movies, games and computer (pirated) programs for $3-6 solas, $1-$2 each so we go shopping later today.
Will be checking with my doctor tomorrow about coming home soon. Thank you all for being there for me.



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