THE Random Chat Thread - AKA "The RCT" - No shirt or shoes required - Open 24 / 7

Do you ever think that this will happen when we click on a thread requesting what the item is, and it's actually a picture that has correct lighting, size, different angles, description if dug, bought, and from what country?

Seriously doubt it actually-this is a glass half empty outlook on this subject this morning.

I get the newbie effort-fuelled by the early AM timing where the glass is half empty from their minds are wondering about the wonderings of the rock that they happened to see in the dawn's early light while cracking open the eye lid from being face planted from the night before.

It had to be meteorite because the impact in the mind hitting earth seemed so real.

The photo that some post up of a coin/object is taken at the keyboard in the dark room-illuminated by some 40 watt bulb hanging in the corner.
Dark grainy/brurry photos that's what we see-then they admit it's crap.

I scratch the :icon_scratch:and think is there any hope :laughing7:

Some of these requests are from folks that have been on the site for a decade, they seem to not get the repeated requests of what a clear photo is actually.

Yes-not everyone has the picture taking talents-but don't they look and give it some thought before hitting the post button-I seriously doubt it.
I'll admit my potential award winning outdoor and wildlife pictures that are maybe going to make me rich can be slightly blurred. More , I'd like to take credit for such being deliberate.
But dog gone it P.J. my rocks are rocks!
I have one from my most recent(?) visit to Canada maybe. Though it may be from my side of the border.
A stone kinda shaped like an eagle head that isn't an eagle head shaped from stone.
It was a cold morning though and a cracked piece of antler that had a hole drilled in it and it were all that caught my blurry eyes so they were pocketed from the gravel along a drive. (As opposed to "recovering" them from Queensland or state of Mi. ect..)
Now that antler tip ...Might not be a fake gator tooth for a Crocodile Dundee hat (never say that in Australia mate or anyone hearing you will be insulted. Neither Crocodile Dundee, or fake gator tooth. I'm not sure about the word hat ) that fell off and got run over. Which seems preferable to a hat being run over when occupied. Though it could have been a visiting Australian driving and having spotted the Dundee hat and fake teeth..

But why couldn't it be the relic of a battle between an Irish elk and a mastodon?
Perhaps they were fighting over the stone.
It looks kinda like an eagle head doesn't it? Ohh wait I don't have any pics.
Maybe it's a velociraptor then! Were they around when the mastodons and elks was fighting?
Wow. It's older than I thought!

Eyes must be firmly closed (tea towel over head.. if ur the type of person that cannot be trusted with rules) .. would suggest if ur nose is adequately bunged… no need for the extra layer of suffocation 😆…!!! xx (pics of attempt warmly welcomed) Xx
Oh no way!
You can't change the rules after the original instructions?
I didn't vote for you! So how are you King?(Queen ).
Oh but if I went 'round sayin' I was Emperor, just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away.


Do you ever think that this will happen when we click on a thread requesting what the item is, and it's actually a picture that has correct lighting, size, different angles, description if dug, bought, and from what country?

Seriously doubt it actually-this is a glass half empty outlook on this subject this morning.

I get the newbie effort-fuelled by the early AM timing where the glass is half empty from their minds are wondering about the wonderings of the rock that they happened to see in the dawn's early light while cracking open the eye lid from being face planted from the night before.

It had to be meteorite because the impact in the mind hitting earth seemed so real.

The photo that some post up of a coin/object is taken at the keyboard in the dark room-illuminated by some 40 watt bulb hanging in the corner.
Dark grainy/brurry photos that's what we see-then they admit it's crap.

I scratch the :icon_scratch:and think is there any hope :laughing7:

Some of these requests are from folks that have been on the site for a decade, they seem to not get the repeated requests of what a clear photo is actually.

Yes-not everyone has the picture taking talents-but don't they look and give it some thought before hitting the post button-I seriously doubt it.
I think he did that to try and show some side-lighting detail, but failed miserably.

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