Treasure Clue, can you help?

I'm down here in Texas looking for a token. No luck yet, but still searching. Tex

Good luck, Tex!

DKOS, the solution is posted at tweleve forum. If you have trouble finding it, let me know and I'll track it down for you. You go by the # of leaf veins on the left side and right side, left being with the leaf tip up. When you get the two numbers, you use the first for row and the 2nd for column. The box is the alphabet, minus q. I had been living in fear of the 5 x 5 box, but once I figured it out, it really was easy and it really was right before our eyes! The box was like this:

1 2 3 4 5
1 A B C D E
2 F G H I J



Anyone near Arkansas? Sounds like there is (or was) a token at the Lake Dardanelle State Park. The map is on page 22. Someone went and searched but got nothing. This was decoded off of page 38 the leaves in the book. Start at the three acorns and go down.

Hi I'm new to the group. ?I would like to help out. ?I live about 15 miles from the Ohio and W.V. boarder near Parkersburg, W.V. and Marietta, Ohio.
If I can help let me know. ?This Book is driving me crazy.
At first when I started reading the book and got to page 18, Were it says Zac might as well have thrown a tigerwood stick for him to fetch.
All I could think of was one must be near a golf course that Tiger Woods had played, but there is so many of them.
Like I said If I can help please let me know.

Ern is in the house!

And exhausted, I might add.

Bamacherf, I drove by lake dardanelle an hour ago on my way back from IOWA !! Where did you get this info?

Everybody else, thanks for including your locations. If I had this info a few days ago, we may have had the token in our hands. Or, at the very least, we would have been the second ones there. Doesn't win a prize, but can make you feel darn good about yourself. I think because of the drive I came in fourth place.

Met some great people; I'll go into it all tomorrow. Oh, JEFF OF PA, thanks for posting the profile info for the people here.

Oh, before I go to bed, All of us that had made the drive decided that it isn't worth it to go that far, and that splitting the find with someone closer is definitely the way to go. I think you guys understand my intent.

Thanks to all for their support,

Bamacherf - yep, that's the map for Lake Dardanelle. I think I'm going to pass on this one.

It was posted earlier on ATT under "Caterpillar Solution (token missing) " He said he did not find it though he found a tree that looked like one in the book.


I have not researched all of the solutions uncovered thus far, but, as far as everyone knows, have they all been solved using the 5X5 box to get the exact location or have different methods been employed. MS stated that if you found one you might another one or two but not all of them. I was wondering how many different methods have been found so far. I assume there are at least three maybe four.

I must say that I am really disappointed that the pictures alone have contained the major clues for the solutions. I would have thought MS would have been more creative and used more cypher schemes and such within the text itself. Maybe I gave him too much credit or he thought it would be too difficult.

Anyway, the hunt is still on!!


So far, the puzzles that I figured out on the drive back require the 5x5. Seems like they all might. Even the one for Pook. Which, by the way, there is a pic in the gallery that is a good clue as to the way to solve Pook. I put it there, and now I think I know what to do with it. I'd go into it more, but we never know who is watching :o

Bamacherf, I'm not sure what description you are talking about in your PM. But then, I'm delirious.


I have been reading your story.... sounds frustrating. I think going on a wild goose chase gives you an adrenaline rush that only lasts so long. Then reality set in. I am guessing that is what happened to the catarpillar hunter after spending all the travel time and then not finding anything. I sure hope that the caterpillar token is gone and that the solution and map have not just fallen into the lap of a lurker.

Which brings me to my post. I "solved" a puzzle for the bee. The solution was all jumbled up and had to be more than anagramed. To the point where I felt that I was "forcing" a solution to be what I thought I saw. I solved at 11:30 at night, got the online map which I will try to post, headed out at 6:30am with my son playing hookey, got to the park 8:30am. There is one tree where the fairy is pointing. I expected to beat the 7 minute token finding record.

We got to the tree and there is no knothole. We looked in countless other trees. Spent maybe 2 hours and gave up. There was even the same flower in the fields as there was in the drawing. The tree did not look like the drawing, as the drawing seems to be a vine. But there were plenty of vines arounds.

When I got home, I logged onto ATT and saw that someone had posted the answer to my puzzle. (Thanks alot) There were some letters wrong, but it was more than 50% there! Then I felt I WAS on the right track and we were going to get back in the car and go this morning. My bubble was burst when I read about caterpillar... I don't know that it is worth going back out for a token that is missing or I am completely wrong or the clues arent as precise as we thought.

My son is crushed. I don't think it is worth going back on a hunch, taking off from school, taking vacation time to go on a wild goose chase.
So here is my map. I have erase out all pertinent info. I copied some of the vines and leaves and they almost line up with the roads and parking!

(Sorry I am being vague. I may still have a chance.) What do you all think? Should we get back to the hunt??? I feel like I want more of a AHA moment that says go back.
I really wish the tokens are found and posted so we obsessed hunters can get some rest.....


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cegodsey, I think I have part of the spider puzzle. Do we have an email chain? I'd hate to post it here and have a troll grab it.

I forgot to bring my book to work today, but I'm going to look at another puzzle over lunch hour, I might be on to something there as well.

jbot, I sent you the email since I don't know if cegodsey is on the road already or not.

CEGODSEY is still at the park. He just called me. Hasn't found token. He's 86 miles away from home, so should be back at his house before too long. Hang in. If he calls again, I'll ask him your questions.


finderskeepers - try looking for the tree on the page before. ?It may knot be in a hole (pun intended). ?It is possible that it could be hanging underneath something, but not buried. ?The tree for the caterpillar was not on the page directly before the puzzle, try finding a tree that looks like one that is in close proximity to the puzzle page. ?You can PM me with your solution. Maybe I can find something you missed. ?Oh, I promise I won't use the info to my advantage.

Markl - ?I think you can probably tell who you can trust on this site. ?PM those people with the info. ?Or just a couple of us. ?We can help distribute what you have. ?Just make sure you don't send it to somebody that has made just a few posts. ?A troll, as you have said.



FINDERSKEEPERS, GO GO GO . lET US KNOW WHAT HAPPENS . GET with another on the forum as cegodsey said that you know you can trust . Remember what he said . get with him . I agree with Omni we need to get a member on here witha token in hand . I've been trying to keep up with you guys on this . I can't believe this is all happening when i have surgery. I'm gonna keep up the faith that one of us on here gets a token . I agree with cegodsey , maybe now is the time to chat offf the forum and keep all ideas away from the posts. Good luck to everyone i'm rooting for you all on the side lines here, carol

I am willing to share with individuals who have been here all the way.

You may have a piece that dont seem like much, but it might be the piece that someone else is missing.

Heads together now.

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