Lately I’ve been struggling to get all the micro fine flour gold to separate out of the black sand my local beach has. After I pan down to the blacks I’ll tap the cons at the top of pan then gently rock pan side to side while slowly tilting the pan down to move the blacks down and away from color. I’ll snuffer out the color then re tap the cons at top again and redo the side to side and tilting and I always have gold remaining. Have not figured out why yet. Can anyone explain this? I sometimes spend 1/2 hr to 40 min continuing to search the blacks for specks which seem to keep appearing long after my initial exposure. I realize this micro fine gold does float so I do use Jet-Dry in my pan tub. When I start a pan of my concentrates I agitate them for at least 30sec and during the agitation I rotate the cons and picture in my head any gold settling to bottom of pan. I rinse out very little amounts then continue agitation and repeat until time to expose the color. Each of the pans I do will expose anywhere from 50 to 200+ colors at initial exposure. Maybe another 20-40 colors will appear after many taps, side to sides and tilting. Any thoughts or Ideas of why all the gold is not concentrated for the initial exposure will be greatly appreciated.
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