
The problem is that nobody gets it, I hear so many times about how it's reality tv and that's why they act the way they do and the lingo. The lingo has been around long before the show and so has the antics. Tim was the one that produced all the DVDs that we put out. We always took a camera and filmed what we found but he put it all together in a Monty Python style DVD, with crazy bits in between the finds. Personally I liked the DVDs better but they were way more crazy.

So, they have always been mentally challanged?

Oh, good ole Terry, yes they always have, Tim was a computer programmer. I prefer detecting with them any day, wouldn't have it any other way. And besides they can't be that mentally challenged, they are making a **** ton of money digging in the dirt. Sounds pretty dumb to me:0)

God bless their little hearts! :laughing7:

Then don't watch, pretty simple. I don't watch allot if crap. Then again I'm not a dick about it either. I understand how the show bugs ya terry, I get the same feeling when I read some of your threads and responses, but I'm sure glad there are professional detectorists out there like you to keep everybody straight.

I love the show and watch it with my daughter's everytime it's on. They do act a little goofy but all in good fun I'd rather have them watching that than some of the other garbage you see on mtv and so on. I'm glad your on here to stick up for them Montana.

I like the popups in the new season. Letting you know that they got permission and when they dug up the property that they returned it to the original condition. I do think their antics are even more ridiculous to the point of painful to watch, like when Ringy was eating sod and biting apples and spitting everywhere. But it's cool that they were able to recover a pewter musketball.

The show is OK, but it would be better if they took the focus off the diggers and focused on the finds. It's not their fault they act up so much. Reality tv is big business these days because it's so cheap to produce, and the thinking is people watch it because of the personalities of the participants. There's even a school in NY where you can learn how to get cast in reality shows (they basically teach you how to amplify your personality). It's probably true for shows like Big Brother, and Honey Boo Boo, but a show about treasure hunting doesn't need antics and side bets and cute lingo. The drama of the hunt is compelling enough.
The drama of the hunt is enough for you because you are a detectorist...not everyone that watches the show detect...its just a show.

The problem is that nobody gets it, I hear so many times about how it's reality tv and that's why they act the way they do and the lingo. The lingo has been around long before the show and so has the antics. Tim was the one that produced all the DVDs that we put out. We always took a camera and filmed what we found but he put it all together in a Monty Python style DVD, with crazy bits in between the finds. Personally I liked the DVDs better but they were way more crazy.
And they never will get it, no matter how much you tell them...they don't like it and they don't want anyone else to like it...the show is getting more positive feedback than it ever has.

Please watch the language, substituting characters for letters still violates our rules. ..

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Some people are just rude jerks....can't do anything about it...The irony is that they are calling out the behavior of someone else as childish. Yet, they are being mean and insulting:dontknow:. I know threads are supposed to be discussion and opinion but, I really wish there was a " I hate diggers thread" so I didn't have to read some of the crap coming from some of you guys......buckets of bottle caps to those deserving members. I am so glad theses guys get these opportunities and you guys don't.

I'd have probably licked it LOL :laughing7:

So, they have always been mentally challanged?

You know Terry I always liked your posts, but this one just isn't right...
Name calling where has that ever got you in life?
My brother in-law and his wife are "mentally challenged" But you know what? they have jobs, a house, cars, retirement plans....
Grow up if you don't like the show good enough, but putting people down just so you can look good isn't good....

You know Terry I always liked your posts, but this one just isn't right...
Name calling where has that ever got you in life?
My brother in-law and his wife are "mentally challenged" But you know what? they have jobs, a house, cars, retirement plans....
Grow up if you don't like the show good enough, but putting people down just so you can look good isn't good....

Well said, & good for ur brother in law aswell by given hope & showing that with work & dedication all & anything is possible, hh

I can't believe I'm posting on ANOTHER diggers thread but I'd like to address the label that the "Haters" often get.

First, It's not about age on my part. I'm exactly 40 years old, which puts me right in the middle of the old farts and the young punks.

Second, I've been playing pranks on my partners and acting silly for most of the 30 years I've been detecting.

Third, I'd like to explain the "Elitism" that's been mentioned about the opposing side.....

Does a professional fisherman watch Jimmies first fishing video on you-tube when he trips on his line, gets snag after snag, and loses all his bait?

Does a tennis pro watch Billy Jo's first tennis match against someone who is ranked 12,561 in the world?

Does a heavy weight champion boxer watch a hidden video of two drunk fat slobs slugging it out in the parking lot of a local dive?

So, its not so much the silly antics but rather the lack of professionalism diggers display.

That's what annoys me about them. They don't really know what they're doing.

I'm not even worried about the show bringing more into this hobby because if you learned how to detect from watching diggers, then you'll never become much of a hunter!

I've watched the first two seasons on you-tube and found it very painful because these guys suck!

I'm not a snob and will watch amateurs hunt but give two guys who don't know what they're doing a T.V. show, that makes them representatives of me and my hobby which is what makes my stomach churn the most.

Diggers ain't all that!!!!

BTW, the New Orleans gold coin was 100% planted no doubt.

O.K. now this is the LAST time I post on another diggers thread! :laughing7:


You know Terry I always liked your posts, but this one just isn't right... Name calling where has that ever got you in life? My brother in-law and his wife are "mentally challenged" But you know what? they have jobs, a house, cars, retirement plans.... Grow up if you don't like the show good enough, but putting people down just so you can look good isn't good....

Honestly sorry if I offended you, and I'm not saying these men are mentally challenged to "look good." Maybe I should say they are prostituting themselves to get on TV? Acting like morons in order to get "Honey Boo-Boo" ratings for their show? I really can't stand it that these two represent "my" hobby to thousands of folks through their TV show.

What exactly is it that people find so enticing about Diggers? Is it the simple fact that it is the only show on the air about metal detecting? Do folks just enjoy watching other folks act like fools? In the few shows that I sampled they could not even cut a decent plug, and acted as if every piece of crap they dug out of the ground had some historical or great monetary value.

You’re right Snokid, the more I think about it these two men are not mentally challenged. They just “act” like they are mentally challenged for money. I suppose that makes them professional clowns. Clowns with metal detectors. I have never liked clowns, they give me the creeps.

If being a "professional detectorist" means I have to be judge mental and critical as some of you, then I'll take the later any day. At least we have fun doing this hobby. No more feeding into your boring mundane professional lives.

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