Dr. Sanjay Gupta: I Was Wrong About Medicinal Marijuana

I was sprayed four years before I ever entered the service...EPA Study finds Agent Orange Dioxins in Pinal Mountains: Hazardous? - Mesa Public Policy | Examiner.com

most of the "science " on marijuana use is from overseas...since the US won't give researchers in the US waivers or immunity from prosecution.

I remember of serious successes with LSD on alcoholics and habitual criminals mostly in Canada. One prisoner was quoted as "My entire life fell down all around me and I was happily standing in the rubble". LSD gave him the incite of the game he played, in his case "Cops and robbers". I know under a supportive setting LSD is the most powerful psychoactive substance ever discovered and can be life altering.
It seems the US Government would rather have an outright ban on a substance that a rational approach to other possibilities. Problem is WE are the government. Well some of us anyway.

I've read that Switzerland where LSD was discovered has continued to study the substance. Maybe they study other substances also.
So like you said we might have to depend on other countries to do the research. A very slow process.
We have always had a myopic form of government. Maybe if politicians didn't need reelection their thought processes might change.

New name....ok. I should change mine too as some have trashed my mail thinking I'm a hacker. But really, I've changed my ways.

Just to add a bit of balance to ideas about pot. There are many members of the Plant Kingdom that are way more powerful than THC. In fact a couple grow within a stones throw from my desk. Sacred Datura, Fly Agaric mushroom, Desert Morning Glory, Peyote further south are a few that are available for those that know plants.
Governments of all kinds don't like to deal with altered states of consciousness. In the 60's there was an unseasonal demand for certain types of Morning Glory seeds being used to alter consciousness and there reaction was to require a vomiting chemical to be applied by the packager of the seeds. Never mind that a person could suffocate on their vomit under some circumstances.
The gov went well beyond a warning label even though the people actually ingesting the seeds were very few and the risk of death from the vomiting chemical was far greater than anything the seeds might do.
These choices our Gov makes daily has cemented my attitude about their need to control us. What is it about Freedom and Liberty they don't understand?

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Well this is a subject that really interests me, I have smoked marijuana off and on since the late 70's when my oldest brother told me to hit the joint or walk home from the fishing trip we went on...Jerk..but I don't regret it lol.
Now as far as the medical marijuana movement goes, I agree and know it has helped people, especially folks going thru chemo and need to eat, we all know it will make you raid the fridge and then pass out an hour later from sugar overdose heh
With that, I have read so many articles on how its supposed to help with depression, and anxiety and PTSD, ( I suffer severely from all 3 ) but for me, I have yet to find any strain, and I have tried hundreds of them, that have done anything, but make my issues worse than what they were to begin with.
Then there is my wife who just so happens to be all but completely crippled from MS and fibromyalgia, and God knows what else, and the nerve pain she endures, I do not know how she keeps on, and unlike me, she had never used marijuana untill last year when we got our medical cards here in michigan, and well, after trying every strain that you could get for nerve pain, it never helped her, just seemed to make her more aware of pain localized, I will say it helped her sleep.

SO I guess my point is, everybody is wired differently, what works for you, may or may not work for me or the next guy.

Now as far as Hemp goes, do a lil research and you will find that it was DuPont, with its synthetic fibers, that killed the hemp in the USA, that and they lumped marijuana in with it with some crazy tax, that if you even tried to get such tax stamps you could not get them anyway. I know a ton about it, but figured id keep it short.

P.S. if you are or know a grower who happens to grow outdoors, for the love of all that is great in nature, Please please, stop dumping used oil, spilled gas from generators and all the trash that goes with it, into rivers and streams.

P.S.S. And if you are gonna set traps, well it may not be worth it.

ATV victim died in booby trap near pot plants - Times Union

Medical or not,He likes it!:laughing7: GodBless Chris


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Pot, like alcohol, removes the will to work and produce.

Both contribute to whinning about one's lot in life, and neither will inspire one to work to better it.

Better to avoid being chemically altered.

Neither has contributed to the betterment of society.

Don't complain unless you can PROVE ME WRONG!

Pot, like alcohol, removes the will to work and produce.

Both contribute to whinning about one's lot in life, and neither will inspire one to work to better it.

Better to avoid being chemically altered.

Neither has contributed to the betterment of society.

Don't complain unless you can PROVE ME WRONG!

Considering I have worked all my life, even when I was "indulging" I disagree. If pot killed some one's will to work, they never had much will or drive to work and better their lives to begin with.

In the 45 years since i first became acquainted with pot I have known a lot of very successful professionals who indulge........

Like alcohol it should never be given to kids, beyond that the government has no business in what I do in private as long as I am not hurting anyone else.

The gov can say it is okay for same sex to marry and force insurance companies to insure their partner, but it is wrong for an adult to smoke pot in privacy of their own home..... Go figure.:banghead:

FYI..,..Due to my job and the fact I drive company vehicle and subject to random drug tests I have not indulged in over 8 years, but upon retirement that could change.....;)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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Considering I have worked all my life, even when I was "indulging" I disagree. If pot killed some one's will to work, they never had much will or drive to work and better their lives to begin with.

In the 45 years since i first became acquainted with pot I have known a lot of very successful professionals who indulge........

Like alcohol it should never be given to kids, beyond that the government has no business in what I do in private as long as I am not hurting anyone else.

The gov can say it is okay for same sex to marry and force insurance companies to insure their partner, but it is wrong for an adult to smoke pot in privacy of their own home..... Go figure.:banghead:

FYI..,..Due to my job and the fact I drive company vehicle and subject to random drug tests I have not indulged in over 8 years, but upon retirement that could change.....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I'll second that on the retirement aspect. Or if it is legalized in my state. Pot causes far less problems across the board than alcohol IMHO.

Considering I have worked all my life, even when I was "indulging" I disagree. If pot killed some one's will to work, they never had much will or drive to work and better their lives to begin with.

In the 45 years since i first became acquainted with pot I have known a lot of very successful professionals who indulge........

Like alcohol it should never be given to kids, beyond that the government has no business in what I do in private as long as I am not hurting anyone else.

The gov can say it is okay for same sex to marry and force insurance companies to insure their partner, but it is wrong for an adult to smoke pot in privacy of their own home..... Go figure.:banghead:

FYI..,..Due to my job and the fact I drive company vehicle and subject to random drug tests I have not indulged in over 8 years, but upon retirement that could change.....;)

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I'm sure there are "exceptions" (look at all the wealthy boozers like Alex Smith of the 49ers), but in my experience I've seen persons who were good workers that became involved with cannabis who then became worthless in that they spent more time looking for post than working.

We do use workers to "move" items. Every time we saw the attitude change, we used it as the basis for requesting a drug test.

Deadbeats one and all. I've even seen one female employee "rent out" her child for a bag of weed.

Totally useless people.

I'm sure there are "exceptions" (look at all the wealthy boozers like Alex Smith of the 49ers), but in my experience I've seen persons who were good workers that became involved with cannabis who then became worthless in that they spent more time looking for post than working.

We do use workers to "move" items. Every time we saw the attitude change, we used it as the basis for requesting a drug test.

Deadbeats one and all. I've even seen one female employee "rent out" her child for a bag of weed.

Totally useless people.

I agree ad they were worthless to begin with.

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I must admit that in the younger years of my life, I kinda liked it. But then I had the common issues Chadeaux listed here. I didn't have the gumption to even look for work, much less hold a job.

And then more than 35 years ago I made the conscious and extreme choice to drop it completely and become a respectable citizen and working man. And I've held that discipline ever since. And one positive point on the mandated drug testing today - it eliminates any possibility that I might backslide. That's the only positive point I could think of about it - unless of course drug testing was mandated for welfare recipients :)

However, if I ever decide to retire, then I might want to get lazy a time or two.....

I must admit that in the younger years of my life, I kinda liked it. But then I had the common issues Chadeaux listed here. I didn't have the gumption to even look for work, much less hold a job.

And then more than 35 years ago I made the conscious and extreme choice to drop it completely and become a respectable citizen and working man. And I've held that discipline ever since. And one positive point on the mandated drug testing today - it eliminates any possibility that I might backslide. That's the only positive point I could think of about it - unless of course drug testing was mandated for welfare recipients :)

However, if I ever decide to retire, then I might want to get lazy a time or two.....

HA! Just don't "inhale", like Clinton; ya MIGHT turn into a "fitness nut" & vegetarian... LOL!

HA! Just don't "inhale", like Clinton; ya MIGHT turn into a "fitness nut" & vegetarian... LOL!

What's the point then.:D

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Your wife MIGHT "run" for PREZ...? LOL!

Good... She is strong conservative too.

That would make me "First Man".:D

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

There's too much Coke & too much Smoke - Looks what's going on inside you " you fool, you" - ououou that smell, can't you smell that smell? :laughing7:

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